This is what we are up against

Dont worry karen, there are many anti's and "expired" prospectors on tnet who have spent 0 time on the river and think that their own S&@# dont stink. YOU are more of the answer to these issues than most ALL of us! Keep dredging and not taking any bull. Keep that hand cannon close too.

all bs - no evidence. keep looking

1st ref: "...we simply do not know much about the effects of dredging (2nd paragraph)...." "...information on the effects of largely anecdotal..."

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denial is not just a river in Egypt...vested interest never accepts reality...
glad I am not a member of the me generation.

but whining at me wont stop what's happening in the legal arena...


Sierra Fund, Diane Funnystein, NID used a dredge on the combie with tax payer monies 2010, hummmmm

SWRCB in 2004 ? used a four inch dredge on the american to study how efective it would be cleaning up toxins, i wonder if the 98% clean up the four inch dredge reported, had anything to do with the sierra fud, funnystien and Nevada Irratation Distract to rent a dredge from Canada, not from here in California

the loss of revenue to California is more then 100 million, not mention the small towns that depend on the miners
see the thing is the tax payer did not have to pay a thing, the miners/dredger did it for free, and gladly removed toxins from the river that others introduced, fishing weights being the biggest prob, you know that lead the left keep screaming about, i am sure your detector has found lots of lead targets
all the maybes and probables and could-be is all that the left can come up with no facts why is that?

welcome to chime in if i missed something folks

Your quote Sc - "dredging kills fish, flora, and fauna"... Still waiting for evidence. keep looking.

Once again poorly understood science hocus pocus trumps actual scientific processes. There is no evidence.

yes...those with vested interest are always correct, every professor is misguided, and the government is out to get your gold an guns...

really have issues understanding the concept of heavy metal poisoning?

Excess cadmium from mining Prius batteries hardly applies to vacuum cleaning a Sierra stream.

i sent to someone a long time ago
hows this for yur heavy Metal hype

mercury is a toxic and is in our waterways, mercury is the cash cow for the special interest groups, we know who they are
San Francisco Bay has been a hot bed of issues for the same special interest groups
for decades, 1/2 century or more, mercury elemental or methyl has been a topic for San Francisco Bay
there have been ( mostly Asian)people that have fished San Francisco bay for decades and eat the fish every day, for decades, this should be a hot bed for mercury alarmist, soooo, Where are all the mercury infected fish eating people?

Decades ago the mercury alarmist made mercury a toxic for our households,” remove the thermostats, you can’t use the thermometers they say”, now we all feel better because they are protecting us,right?
was it not long ago a bill was introduced,that California and the same special interest groups ( environmentalist raved about the low energy bulb) wanted to force all households to switch over to that curly-Q lite blub which has a small drop of mercury, methyl-mercury which happens to be the worst of the two mercury’s
So if mercury is such an issue why did Brown sign ab120, SWRCB did a study with a four inch dredge to see how efficient it could be for the recovery of elemental mercury. The same special interest groups who have a thing for mercury cried out that’s not efficient enough only a 98% recovery, that 2% loss will harm the environment.
In 2010 sierra fund and NID did fund a mercury recovery project on the Combie Reservoir they have at best 85% to 95%,I know its more like 65% cuz they are using a cutterhead dredge.
so IMHO mercury has been in our waters for well even long before man walk the crusty planet, with the volcano’s spewing the mercury infused ash in the air
thanks for the post

wow, I can not belive how blind ignorant some of our citizens actually are........ever wonder why some reports are so old...because the people who fund them knew they would go nowhere 1997.......sheesh...and to see the word "unknown" so many times...."we don't know what any of this means but, it definately means what your doing is part of the problem".....Hey secret canyon....look up all the problems that rivers in the United States have...and you will see that the rivers and watersheds with the most problems never ever ever have even had a gold dredge in them.

Sc - I see you are pretty good at research, so where's the citations, where's the headlines that read "dredgers caught in the act of killing fish" Surely, in
60 years of small-scale river mining in Ca. you can find some facts/evidence. we're waiting.

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A stock Keene crashbox dredge by DFG own study removes 97 percent of the mercury it encounters. We don't add mercury, we remove what was lost by the old timers, what occurs naturally from cinnebar deposits, and some from untreated coal exhaust from China, and even some from those squiggly little bulbs you left leaners pushed down our throats that have enough methyl mercury in them for a class 1 chemical spill if broken. Heavy metals should be removed, we have the means to do it, and for FREE, safely and economically. I spent last weekend removing mercury and lead from a local watershed. Just think how many more pounds I could have removed if I were in the gut of the stream with a 4 inch dredge.

PS.... The government has their own scientific evidence regarding selenium vis methy mercury, there are MANY independent studies, but yet just like you they refuse to accept the evidence....

yes...those with vested interest are always correct, every professor is misguided, and the government is out to get your gold an guns...

really have issues understanding the concept of heavy metal poisoning?

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Draft Subsequent Environmental Impact Report (DSEIR)

"For the 2008 season, California resident permit holders reported removing on average approximately 1.6 ounces of mercury per dredger and non‐California resident permit holders reported removing on average 2.6 ounces of mercury per dredger."

"Impact HAZ‐2: Handling, Storage, Transport and/or Disposal of Toxic Materials Collected by Suction Dredges (Less Than Significant) "

"Suction dredging recovers mercury, lead and other toxic substances from dredged stream sediment"

2966 x 1.6oz = 4745.6 oz mercury removed in 2008
557 x 2.6oz = 1448.2 oz mercury removed in 2008

Total oz mercury removed by dredgers in 2008 = 6,193.8 oz Impact of Suction Dredging in California.pdf

According to the California Department of Fish & Game, 3,523 permits (2,966 resident and 557 non-resident) were
issued in 2008.

The State of California determined, “Suction dredging is an activity that requires a substantial investment.”
According to the State, each dredger spent approximately $6,250 each on expenses which included groceries, restaurants,
motels, camp fees and other living expenses. In addition, they reported spending about $3,000 each on gas, oil,
equipment maintenance and repairs to suction dredge equipment.

The 1994 Environmental Impact Report, along with additional information provided here, proves without a doubt that
suction dredge miners contribute significant wealth to the economy of California.
These conservative figures demonstrate the economic impact of suction dredging at $65,465,530 million in 2008. The
Additional Economic Impacts cited above obviously increase the total well above the $60 million assertion.
(The report was authored by Rachel Dunn of Gold Pan California, Pat Keene of Keene Engineering, and Scott Harn
of ICMJ’s Prospecting and Mining Journal, with the assistance of over 100 additional businesses and individuals who
provided supporting documentation.)

SC - Your profile says that you are a Relic Hunter.

In AZ you are not allowed to keep relics are you?

Don't you have to turn them in?

Thanks chlsbrns for taking the time to dig this out again. With the constant barrage of anti-mining propaganda, we tend to forget the good stuff.

P.s. - that's 6,000 ozs of mercury recovered in 2008. To be conservative, take that and multiply by only 20 years out of 60 years
dredgers have been active. that's 120,000 ozs taken out, calif. -for free - You are welcome!!

P.P.s. Consider also that, prior to 1994 regulations, 8", 10", and 12" inch dredges were in operation. That's a WHOLE BUNCH
more mercury removed!

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