This is what we are up against

yep,one of the largest Meth operations in the nation,but no,we are the bad guys we are the evil polluters...where are those meth bi products going?Pizz's me off,all you have to say is I am not white and I am here for the environment and every body bows at your feet

My family has bear hunted and logged up there since the 1950's,my first run in with the Indians was in the 70's when they were shooting at our dogs...we just about played cowboys and injuns......several more confrntations as well,but no need to get into them.....

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yep,one of the largest Meth operations in the nation,but no,we are the bad guys we are the evil polluters...where are those meth bi products going?Pizz's me off,all you have to say is I am not white and I am here for the environment and every body bows at your feet

My family has bear hunted and logged up there since the 1950's,my first run in with the Indians was in the 70's when they were shooting at our dogs...we just about played cowboys and injuns......several more confrntations as well,but no need to get into them.....


Didn't those ******* legislators also try to ram through a no hound hunting law for bear hunting? These people do not stop.

You(not kuger) think there happy were not dredging anymore. You think they're happy they can get married. Bs. There gonna take all that energy from their victory and direct it somewhere else. I heard it said best " nature hates a vacuum".

Sad thing about this whole political mess is, now that we will be in essentially the same situation as Cali, the long, drawn out court battles will begin so we can win back our Federal Mining Rights. But in the meantime, many of us will be out of the water and not able to dredge or high bank for gold. This really irritates me.....I was hoping that the House of Representatives would have a lot more wisdom than the ignorant and misinformed senators had when they passed SB838...guess I shouldn't have been to surprised though...Right Mr. John???? :hello:

Nothing is stopping anyone from dredging!!! Nothing! People! Stop being sheep!!! Like hoser says! F$&# Em all! Dredge and keep dredging. If you run into conflict pull a gun out and point it at someones face!! Lets see how "legislation" works.

Nothing is stopping anyone from dredging!!! Nothing! People! Stop being sheep!!! Like hoser says! F$&# Em all! Dredge and keep dredging. If you run into conflict pull a gun out and point it at someones face!! Lets see how "legislation" works.

If the environuts keep pushing those bogus and restrictive anti-mining laws and anti this and that laws,, it just may come down to that! And if and when it does, there will be a lot of sparks a flying all over the country.

Calmness - the proper boxes haven't been checked yet.

As frustrating as the current push by anti-human-religion urban environmentalist to kill off gold mining is - it's not yet time for armed insurrection or escalating to pointing guns at people. We have at least 3 boxes to check yet before it's time.

The proper box order is:
1. Soap Box
2. Ballot Box
3. Jury Box
4. Cartridge Box

As long as we haven't worked through and checked all the options in the first 3 boxes, it isn't time to check the 4th box. Agitation for and taking up arms to early will make you an outlaw and hurt your cause.

Now, it seems that the rule-of-law here in the United States is beginning to fray (what with Obama deciding unilaterally that he won't enforce the laws passed by Congress and the Supreme Court recently deciding that "the people" don't have standing to sue for enforcement of laws lawfully enacted that the executive branch now refuses to enforce.) That, along with allegations of voter fraud is killing the legitimacy of the 2nd and 3rd box.

Still, seems to me we haven't gotten a final verdict from box 3 in California or really even started box 3 in Oregon.

With Respect to Oregon and box 2, we haven't had an election yet since the Senate and Assembly decided to betray miners to cozy up to environmentalists. At least some miners have started a recall campaign against Alan Bates the Ashland instigator of the Oregon law... so box 2 still has some potential for success.

The hormones of youth makes the waiting for justice and reason to prevail especially challenging. Don't let your anger and frustration write checks that you later regret... Plus remember; the NSA is watching what you say on the internet. Let calmness and persistence prevail today until all the appropriate boxes are checked AND you have the support of the populace before bearding the tyrants in armed insurrection. Popular support is the difference between a murderer and a freedom fighter. Patience.

Two main clauses in the U.S. Constitution make state laws subordinate to federal law: Article I, Section 10 explicitly prohibits any state from making treaties, establishing its own currency, granting titles of nobility, or imposing its own duties on imports. Article VI, Section 2 affirms federal law as "the supreme law of the land," by which "the judges in every state shall be bound..., any thing in the Constitution or laws of any state to the contrary notwithstanding." Both of these clauses are involved in some arguments over Arizona's 2010 passage of SB1070, an attempt to further enforce, at the state level, federal immigration policies.

Read more: What Happens When a State Violates Federal Law? | eHow

wow...continually blaming others for ones own behavior....

dirt released into waterways from dredging kills flora an die when they breath dirt instead of oxygen...same with water plants...

if you had observed some method of retaining the dirt holding water from sluice/dredge operations entering the water ways, no new laws would have been required...hydraulic mining was outlawed since it killed everything that could not run away.

but no...blame the hippies...personal responsibility is fine for others eh?

The environmental agenda is in every level of government from municipalities to the White House and UN. The way I see it, these two things are vital to the survival of mining:

1) Miners must coop with other groups of infringed-upon citizens - loggers, gun owners, auto enthusiasts, and all lower tax/limited government groups such as Americans for Prosperity, Tea Party, 912, and even your political party (do keep in mind that Republican politicians DO NOT necessarily reflect the views of the local parties.)

2) FILL your local government seats! You cannot sway your state, the middle of the power structure to act in your interests when governments above and below are still regulating the heck out of land use. We, you, need to fill seat on city councils, planning committees, county commissioners, school boards, fire boards, water boards, state legislatures, etc, and take those back, then we can get somewhere.

Five years ago my husband and I woke up to a Marxist being elected president. We went to the first Oregon Tea Party gathering. We went to 912 meetings and heard over and over "Become a Precinct Committee Person. So we were elected PCPs. Then we became more active and were elected as delegates to the Oregon Republican Party Platform Convention and helped shape the party's core values for our state. Then my husband was elected Marion Co. Republican Party Chairman. Concurrently the ORP Legislative Chairman, and a staunch conservative constitutionalist, he meets with our legislature's Republican Caucus to pass on the message from the ORP.
I'm still a PCP, will be a Platform delegate this year, and ran for my local school board, have been on the budget committee for my small rural town.
Lots of good folks in Oregon have done the very same thing. Now the majority of Oregon's Republican county parties are filled with flag-waving constitutionalists & Tea Party types, working to restore government to its proper place and size.

Five years ago, we woke up and said "WTH?!"

It Does Not matter if you've never been politically active or even conscious, you must take a pro-active part in keeping America, as we know it, alive.

<Climbing down off soapbox.>

derogatory names for others is a sign of a mal-adjusted mind.
there is no evidence that the president is a Marxist...there is evidence that many people are racists.

Read obama's ideas and plans.

Marx•ism (ˈmɑrk sɪz əm) also Marx•i•an•ism (-si əˌnɪz əm)

the system of thought developed by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, esp. the doctrines that class struggle has been the main agency of historical change and that capitalism will inevitably be superseded by a socialist order and classless society

Every idea obama comes out with and pushes is socialist in nature...

A closer tag would be Marxist/Socialist.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

I'm done feeding trolls.

I so have one question, though: Is "Marxist" derogatory? According to who?

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wow...continually blaming others for ones own behavior....

dirt released into waterways from dredging kills flora an die when they breath dirt instead of oxygen...same with water plants...

if you had observed some method of retaining the dirt holding water from sluice/dredge operations entering the water ways, no new laws would have been required...hydraulic mining was outlawed since it killed everything that could not run away.

but no...blame the hippies...personal responsibility is fine for others eh?

Hydraulic mining was NOT outlawed. Affecting adjoining property made it un profitable.

Secret if you drive a car, live in a house, go to the grocery store, walk on a sidewalk, use electricity. Then please refrain from sounding stupid. And when you see a farmer, rancher, logger or miner thank them for your modern society.

Hydraulic mining was NOT outlawed. Affecting adjoining property made it un profitable.

Secret if you drive a car, live in a house, go to the grocery store, walk on a sidewalk, use electricity. Then please refrain from sounding stupid. And when you see a farmer, rancher, logger or miner thank them for your modern society.

Hydraulic mining was outlawed in 1884.

superior, globe, Bisbee, walker, Jerome, bumble bee, are just a few of the places I lived prior to paying deeply for an advanced education to formalize what I had learned OJT...I have many hundreds of hours in mines and around the workings...
I hold a masters in southwestern history.
I can honestly say I know more about mining in the southwest, the history of production and damages to the environment than most who claim to be experts, while attempting to have you ignore the environmental effects for their vested interests...
thank you so much for your response...I bet I do sound ignorant to those who can not understand what is communicated...

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Ever wonder what happens to all those fish during a high, dirty water flow? Do all their gills plug up?

Ever wonder what happens to all those fish during a high, dirty water flow? Do all their gills plug up?
Kalma river






Oh no, watch out,.. you'll kill everything in the river,....


Life grows where turbid water flows. Don't try to second guess mother nature. Next thing you know they will ban rainfall.

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