Things that I hunt for at garage sales / thrift stores

How about Teen-age Mutant Ninja Turtle Figures (toys)? I picked up about 200 in a $5.00 box lot at an auction couple years ago. They have all the accoutrement's that came with them, separately bagged. I don't do Fee-bay........NGE

Turtle my son, I have accepted your invitation to join you on Treasurenet. I see that it is very informative.

Glad to see you in the forums :icon_pirat: I am going on a 150 mile road trip starting today, and I will be hitting thrift store on the way. * Crosses fingers for another Aurora *

olivia11dancer said:
Turtle my son, I have accepted your invitation to join you on Treasurenet. I see that it is very informative.


I just got back from my birthday hunting trip with the wife. I have got an entire car load of stuff. Way too much stuff to list.

Here are a few items of interest that I sold.

Hollywood regency faux bamboo mirror. Paid $10.00 This thing is going to be a pain to ship.

Culver's christmas double old fashioned tumblers

Crystal knife rests. This is the second time I found these, and they sell pretty quick. I paid $5.00

Hollywood Regency faux bamboo mini cocktail tray
Disco shirt - The made in California is what made me think I could sell it. I paid $4.00

Vintage firestone ashtray

Things have been a bit slow, but looks like things are picking up again. :read2:

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dang i learned alot from this thread. Welcome to the forum olivia. :hello:

* waves at Everett * Glad to hear, just remember to pass anything new you learn back to us!

We want to learn new stuff too :)

I found a couple more corning percolators, I am going to part them out and refer the buyers to my website to purchase full up percolators. First I need to redo my website though.

Its rough having a full time job and a full time obsession.

Turtle. Nice stuff! Where do you research the names and descriptions for some of your glass? Do you ever sell any books?
Have you ever put anything in auctions or craigslist?

As for researching it really depends on what kind of glass it is. Depression glass I use,, and depression glass / carnival glass books for pattern identification. Pyrex, I use

I also just look stuff up on ebay to see what everyone else is naming their stuff, but it can be inaccurate.

I have sold books in the past, and I plan on selling more books once garage sales pick up again, and I get my barcode scanner setup. :laughing7:

I don't really do auctions, personally I think things don't sell as high in auctions. If I do a completed listing, and see a bunch of green auctions, I can usually sell @ 20% higher than the auction.

I am still new to selling on ebay, but I sold over $3000.00 after ebay fees last month so I must be doing something right.

I also don't do craigslist unless its something large like furniture.

famous turtle treasures said:
As for researching it really depends on what kind of glass it is. Depression glass I use,, and depression glass / carnival glass books for pattern identification. Pyrex, I use

Thanks Famous!!

Thanks to your link, I found the name "King's Crown" and checked Ebay sales. As luck would have it, I picked up the exact same item below at a moving sale in town a couple weeks ago. Its been sitting in front of our picture window since then. Wife initially thought it was a repo., but its very heavy (leaded) and exactly like the one below. Not bad for a $1 buy. :)
$32 for shipping, wow.

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Wow nice, I always see the compote of this pattern when I am at thrift stores. I'll have to do some research on this pattern now. That's a nice find.

philinchio said:
famous turtle treasures said:
Vintage video game systems

Another great item to add to the list are graphing calculators. Depending on the model they can go from $20-60+. Certain vintage models can command a premium as well.

Thanks to you I picked-up the below three items at a estate sale today (along with lots of other salable goodies).
Waited 5 minutes for a guy to stop looking at them..praying he'd put them back down on the desk :) Score.
Funny thing is, I used the middle one (HP 12C) in college, and now I have two.. 2 sell (since I still have my original one).

Thanks again.

2-24-11 Update. Sold the HP12C for $19 and the TI83 for $37. So glad the guy put those back on the table at the sale.


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Amazes me the things I look for now, especially after reading all the helpful posts and doing some research. Hopefully, I've returned the favor along the way and helped someone else out in their quests? If not now, maybe someday.

So my tale (true) for today or rather yesterday since its 1a.m. here now.
At a thrift store the wife and I run into a fellow Garage Sale traveller and ask him if he went to the sale listed on CL. He says that he was going to, but that he had got a call from his friend, who said that it was a waste of a trip. Funny part is we saw his friend walking out empty handed as we arrived. Rewinding to our earlier day....

The wife and I rolled-out of bed early this morning, just so we can travel to the only sale I could find, some 30 miles away. :( As I was driving, I was very much wondering if we should have slept in. The garage sale Ad seemed a little unclear. "Mens cloths, more mens cloths, cars, ect..." Turns out to be a house clearing. They wanted everything sold over the weekend, so they could list the house for sale starting the next week. Must have been 30 cars there when we arrived (note to self, "drag your butt out of bed earlier"). All these cars/people for a small ranch garage sale..fully of cloths??, eeekkk.

At first all we saw were cloths, cloths, cloths..... Big shock! Not!!
Nothing worth taking a chance on for a resale. But as we worked our way around, we slowly got a large box filled of nice items (carefully guarding it from other GS'ers). First thing I had noticed was a box of various types of men's Cologne. Recalling that "Women's perfume" was a good find, I grabbed it (a good 50 people must have pasted by it before I stuffed them in our collecting box). I quickly got the "What the heck are you going to do with that" from the wife. Seems she says that alot. ::)

For a "Jackson" we ended up scoring many other nice items too, even some vintage calculators. Most items I will be Ebaying, but did get some nice scrap(cash) and a few keeps for the house. Turns out the "What the heck are you going to do with that" colognes are vintage, 30-40 years old, for most of them. A quick Ebay search found all having been sold for VERY nice $$, even opened ones.

Looking forward to turning Jackson into many Ben's.

Wonder when I'll run into that fellow GS'er again...

Below is the Cologne Photo.

Happy hunting, and keep an open eye.



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As long as they are the "real" perfumes you should do ok. It's the fake ones that are the problem :dontknow: Anyhow good luck with your sales. Over here in the UK we call them charity shops, but whatever they are called they are fun to walk around.

Unicorn said:
Posting glass ware over seas is abit difficult. About 12 months ago I shipped a small crystal perfume bottle to the US, but it never arrived. On reflection I think it had something to do with airport security, because at the time terriorists were using bottles to put explosives in. If you remember no more bottles were allowed for a period of time, but I think that ban has been lifted now. I must admit I was rather silly, but this parcel also had a collectable wrist watch in it, and of course a scanner would immediately pick that up. A very naive thing to do under the circumstances.


If you used the US mail system . it may of Been hung up in customs because Purfume is Illegal to ship thru the mail because its flammable . We have gotten away with it a few times but depending on what sheet your looking at purfume is illegal and sometimes legal . So you may want to look at that or call customs to see if they have your bottle in holding . You may be able to go pick it up or have someone pick it up for you .

On the subject of selling perfumes overseas. There have been ebay sellers that have been sued due to copyright infringements. Part of the infringement involves offering perfumes which were never meant to be sold in certain countries and is against copyrights. Ebay advises not to sell any perfume internationally.

another item to keep a lookout for: Vintage slot cars / tracks, and modern model slot car tracks.

UH OH.. I am reaching my goals way too fast. I just found this in my inbox :headbang:


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famous turtle treasures said:
UH OH.. I am reaching my goals way too fast. I just found this in my inbox :headbang:

Great job!!! Keep it up!

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