the yea and nay list

I was not surprised to see that both of my senators voted for the bill, Vt. has become one of the most liberal states in this country. Our natural resources and rural countrysides have drawn people here from all around, and driven out the residents who can't afford the new taxes, or lack of employment opportunities.

The one thing that we do have is a rich history of indepentant thinker's, and a rich and strong pride in gun ownership. Even our liberal Gov. has stated that he will not sign any restrictive gun measures, and even though some tried, no bills advanced out of committee.

Bevo, you need to be commended, along with TH, for keeping this issue in the limelight! My Constitutional rights are very important to me and I'm tired of seeing the constant erosion of these rights, especially to make some feel good law that in the long run won't do what it's intent was. Let's keep moving forward, and I'm with you for the long haul!

So, ANY Amendment after BoR in the US Constitution is an EROSION...?

I don't believe I singled out the BoR at all, but see the whole picture of the context of the Constitution. Not quite sure what your fishing for. I think that I made a consise statement. You seem to looking for a response you won't get.

I don't believe I singled out the BoR at all, but see the whole picture of the context of the Constitution. Not quite sure what your fishing for. I think that I made a consise statement. You seem to looking for a response you won't get.

NOT fishing; wondered about your EROSION "statement" is all...

MOSTLY focused on AMERICA... any MORE questions...?

Rebel, are you serious, it was America that was attacked! It was Americans that were murdered!

You do know that Embassy property is sovereign land of that country by international law... It was American citizens attacked and murdered on US soil...

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Statements that make no sense should be ignored. Unless there seems to be just enough malice injected to effect those who
might not understand. Discord and doubt seem to be xxxx only purpose. To "peep and mutter". He knows dern well what he is saying.
It is a tactic thats been ingrained in his very being. A pity for sure. Dangerous only for the ignorant and gullible. The left tries to bring
down conservatives by belittlement and supposed critical thinking. When in fact only show the shallowness of their souls.

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Rebel, are you serious, it was America that was attacked! It was Americans that were murdered!

You do know that Embassy property is sovereign land of that country by international law... It was American citizens attacked and murdered on US soil...

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

I think most people realize that the whole issue was blown way out of proportion by the "media".

It turned into a pretty clear campaign to crucify Obama over the incident.

I was not surprised to see that both of my senators voted for the bill, Vt. has become one of the most liberal states in this country. Our natural resources and rural countrysides have drawn people here from all around, and driven out the residents who can't afford the new taxes, or lack of employment opportunities.

The one thing that we do have is a rich history of indepentant thinker's, and a rich and strong pride in gun ownership. Even our liberal Gov. has stated that he will not sign any restrictive gun measures, and even though some tried, no bills advanced out of committee.

Bevo, you need to be commended, along with TH, for keeping this issue in the limelight! My Constitutional rights are very important to me and I'm tired of seeing the constant erosion of these rights, especially to make some feel good law that in the long run won't do what it's intent was. Let's keep moving forward, and I'm with you for the long haul!

I was under the impression that Vermont has some of the most lax gun laws in the country and a population with a strong tradition of gun ownership? No?

Rebel, are you serious, it was America that was attacked! It was Americans that were murdered!

You do know that Embassy property is sovereign land of that country by international law... It was American citizens attacked and murdered on US soil...

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

HA! Read (SOMEWHERE on the "Net") that it was just a CIA "station"...

HA! Read (SOMEWHERE on the "Net") that it was just a CIA "station"...

It was the U.S. Consulate, it may not mean anything to you but three Americans were murdered ..... An attack on a US consulate is the same thing as an attack on US soil....

They DID fly in on AF-1...

Sorry Reb the people that were on that plane were hand picked for photo opps. There were parents that had a different view of how to protect their kids. such as armed guards. at their schools They were not on that flight.

I think most people realize that the whole issue was blown way out of proportion by the "media".

It turned into a pretty clear campaign to crucify Obama over the incident.

An attack on U.S. Consulate and the murder of 3 american citizens is blown out of proportion?

What proportion do you put in Boston, 3 American citizens died there too?

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An attack on U.S. Consulate and the murder of 3 american citizens is blown out of proportion?

What proportion do you put in Boston, 3 American citizens died there too?

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

1. You are talking about apples and oranges, as usual.

2. Of course the attack itself was of significant consequence. The long lasting response to the incident is what is being blown out of proportion. You cannot possibly tell me that the incident was not used as fuel by Republicans to hurt Obama just prior the election. In fact there is no doubt in my mind that that is what happened.

3. To this day I still don't understand what the real "issue" is, because Republicans were so busy playing the blame game and bickering - it confused people and created uproar that didn't exist. The whole incident and response was manufactured/media created to negatively impact Obama administration. Period.

Sorry Reb the people that were on that plane were hand picked for photo opps. There were parents that had a different view of how to protect their kids. such as armed guards. at their schools They were not on that flight.


Statements that make no sense should be ignored. Unless there seems to be just enough malice injected to effect those who
might not understand. Discord and doubt seem to be xxxx only purpose. To "peep and mutter". He knows dern well what he is saying.
It is a tactic thats been ingrained in his very being. A pity for sure. Dangerous only for the ignorant and gullible. The left tries to bring
down conservatives by belittlement and supposed critical thinking. When in fact only show the shallowness of their souls.

You "talking" about ME...?

1. You are talking about apples and oranges, as usual.

2. Of course the attack itself was of significant consequence. The long lasting response to the incident is what is being blown out of proportion. You cannot possibly tell me that the incident was not used as fuel by Republicans to hurt Obama just prior the election. In fact there is no doubt in my mind that that is what happened.

3. To this day I still don't understand what the real "issue" is, because Republicans were so busy playing the blame game and bickering - it confused people and created uproar that didn't exist. The whole incident and response was manufactured/media created to negatively impact Obama administration. Period.

Oh the uproar over the coverup by the adminstration is what is being blown out of proportion, OK I understand now.....:banghead:

Same thing happened with poor Richard Nixon, the uproar over his part in the Watergate scandal was all blown out of proportion too ........

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IMO, we the people, the Republicans and the Democrats have let this country down. Too much lying, stealing, illegal acts, unwholesome living, lack of integrity, lack of concern, me me attitude, "free" income for not working and all of this is leading us down a road we will all be sorry for later. Freedom has a cost, "Free Lunches, Free Incomes" have a price and these two concepts are at odds with one another.

The freedoms that came with the beginning of The United States of America are to be cherished as they exist in very few other countries and that is why people have flocked to this country, to be Free! The problem is that "people" are flawed and due to these flaws freedom is attacked all the time. Those attacks want to enslave people.

If you want to live in this country then WORK to support yourself, be honest with all including yourself, care about others as some folks have just fallen on hard times and need a hand to get back up (I've been there), once you are back up on your feet be thankful for the help you were given so that you could become a positive solution to the woe's of the country. An honest days work deserves an honest days pay and that should be true for every man, woman and child on this planet unfortunately it isn't. Love, goodness, kindness and fairness are what brought about the desire for the freedoms this country Has Had and is losing. This country is under attack from within and from without! This country needs to have the return of Honesty come to those in the very highest places to the very lowest and along with that Integrity Must be instilled in all. Without Integrity WE Have Nothing! IMO....................63bkpkr

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Can you give a quick rundown on what that major action items were in this? I have tried to read through it and it is confusing.


I plan on contacting the nays to let them know we will campaign to see they lose the next election....

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Yes, if Obama does something stupid, attempts to cover up mistakes or bad decisions, the opposition will try to use it against him. It's not bashing, it's pointing out the inability of this idiot to run this country. Thing is, with the mentality of todays voters, he'd get elected again. He's as popular as Santa with his gift giving


Yes, we in Vt. are blessed with, I won't call them lax, but minimal gun laws. The residents do have, and protect their tradition of gun ownership. Of course we are subject to all the Federal gun laws that are on the books, and to the criminal code that exists for the disposition of criminal cases. We do not have a concealed carry restriction,and by the way, even with the increase in drug related crimes as any where else, very few instances of gun violence exists. But as more people move into the state for a favorable quality of life, I for one do see changes on the horizon, but not drastic ones

Vt. remains a good place to live, even with the high taxes and lower average salarys. There something to say being only 15-20 minutesfrom the solitude of the Green Mtns, and only 25 yards from the shore of the Lake.

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