RealdeTayopa said:
HI Bowman, fascinating, more please, I find it very interesting. Oro Blanco is extremely intelligent and does a wonderful job of research and logic, you will have your work cut out.
p.s. appol Beth.
Tropical Tramp
i agree 100% , as far as Intelligence , we would make a great team . in 1987 i went threw 4 mouths of test by the goverment , only to have them tell me that my IQ was Unknown , i said what the f do you mean Unknown , they said sorry but our computers can only score from 1 to 100 . you scored 107 .. 7 full points over the scale . i ask so whats that mean . we dont know we never had any one do it before ....i tested 100 % mechanically inclind that set a 42 year record ...i wonderd why i could fix thousand peice clocks with no books or training ..i grew up with a father that taught ham radio to the blind and was a 29 bomber radio man in korea ,and invented things for the airforce sorry i can tell you what ,.... my oldest brother was a min man speacalist .. and worked on go and no go computers much for brains lol
not really . he can beleave what he wants thats his right and i am not here to preach to anyone . or convert anyone . i was just stateing what i am working on . i am a creative artistic with autistic tendacnes , board line savant , thats why i have been a recluse for going on 19 years ...
as for what is to come .. watch . i am a master of thinking . i was not jokeing about righting a addvanced logic code .it took me 7 years .....
in 1999 i was blind for 3 months and could not talk or walk . i healed my self . i have had no help from the out side world .. other than life or death check ups ...
i like the way he respects him self ... a set order shows self respect , he confronted the data not me ...
as for the locations i am trying hard to give something to the site with out haveing everyone going wild ...
this is the main idea about posting . my reseach in open web sites ...
i agree with some of you i do not want these sites to become lost again ... and my reseach is in full details . explaning maps and meanings with some very direct mapping... i dont leave much unexplaned ...
thats what sucks about the tonto nationial forst they are stalling , and trying to figer out what to do with this ...what happend was they figerd i was some mad man and the data would be some well know fake ,... but it was not a fake and they had ask me to give them my reseach to inspect the sites , now they cant take it back ...andf the sites are a matter on growing record . so they can say there is nothing there but i will post my reseach on the open web and if they say the sites have man made sign they must give out the permits ,,i feel sorry for what is going to happen but it would have happend if anyone found it , maybe not all 3 at one time but maybe ...
jim hatt ask me to tell him where they were and he would go look ...LOl i can beleave he was that forward ... he got nothing from me ...i offerd the 5 men in the A&e move on the LDM even shares to mine and no one took my offer
they will wish they had ...