The Treasures of Tayopa

"...why do you not believe Coronado found Cibola, having been guided there by de Niza himself?"

Oro, I can tell you that I have seen enough with my own eyes to rank the above statement as probable. My point here is not to debate theories, but to impress serious seekers that the truth in these matters is unavailable through normal means. Yes, Oro, even the official letters to the Viceroy and King are suspect when matters of great wealth are concerned. Apply Occam's razor and realize that the most likely action humans will take is to lie to protect their secrets.

Gentlemen: You apparently missed what I said. The Crown and it's representatives, used that story to initiate exploration of the far northen provinces at no effective cost to themselves. Simple court intrigue, and as it turned out, extremely effective. It caused unsponsered explorations up to the Canadian border, records of many are slowly coming to light..

Tropical Tramp

Springfield said:
but to impress serious seekers that the truth in these matters is unavailable through normal means.

Well you can say that again!!! :o :o :o

RealdeTayopa said:
Say, I've been meaning to ask you - are your discoveries in Sonora close to Nino Cochise's Sno-Ta-Hae Apache gold mine above the Nacozaria Este?

Morning Springfield, neither, Tayopa lies just inside of the Chihuahua border. Due south of Yecora. However, there was an Apache encampment / cave - the skull cave - in the Baranca of Tayopa which can easily fit the description very closely..

Tropical Tramp

Thanks TT

RealdeTayopa said:
Gentlemen: You apparently missed what I said. The Crown and it's representatives, used that story to initiate exploration of the far northen provinces at no effective cost to themselves. Simple court intrigue, and as it turned out, extremely effective. It caused unsponsered explorations up to the Canadian border, records of many are slowly coming to light..

Tropical Tramp

Ha ha - that's a good one. You're a real card, TT. Hee hee ...

Morning Springfield, Exactly who paid for these expeditions? Normally the Crown, and they were very expensive.. The Crown needed this information but was lacking in money due to Spains wars. So the Crown's advisers simply played upon the greed of would be fortune hunters. In effect they were not lying, merely witholding critical information, and only telling half truth on the others.

Can you think of a more effective way to get critical work done at no expense to yourself? All legal expeditions had to have Crown approval, one of the conditions was to report accurately their findings. This required trained men, generally Priests and cartographers. The results were considered satisfactory.

Remember, all published data suggests that ALL northen expeditions were in search of GOLD, jewels., or other riches. Naturally the Crown believed / hoped that mines and new subjects (slaves) would be found, but, not the 7 cities, which were already known.

Tropical Tramp

If I'm not mistaken, most of these early expeditions were financed privately by the project's leader, who also collected money from the other significant participants in exchange for shares of the recovered loot. The grunts traded their time for shares. The Indian support people were either coerced or preesed into service for peanuts. The Crown authorized these expeditions with terms varying from gig to gig. The King normally took his percentage off the top - the remainder was divvied up among the explorers based on their shares. The big man often was rewarded with a political appointment to boot if he was successful enough. The Crown wanted loot, you're right, and there were plenty of thugs ready to run it down for him.

That said ... remember, there were also plenty of free agents with no political allegiance to the King of Spain who were quite capable of financing, manning and executing expeditions into terra incognito. If they were well-organized, they could accomplish much. If they had good intel, who knows what they could have done - they wouldn't have published their diaries I'll bet. We can choose our own beliefs about the so-called Seven Cities, but none of us knows the truth of the matter. Don't watch the magician's hands, keep your eye behind him.

the blindbowman said:
RealdeTayopa said:
HI Bowman, fascinating, more please, I find it very interesting. Oro Blanco is extremely intelligent and does a wonderful job of research and logic, you will have your work cut out.

p.s. appol Beth.

Tropical Tramp
i agree 100% , as far as Intelligence , we would make a great team . in 1987 i went threw 4 mouths of test by the goverment , only to have them tell me that my IQ was Unknown , i said what the f do you mean Unknown , they said sorry but our computers can only score from 1 to 100 . you scored 107 .. 7 full points over the scale . i ask so whats that mean . we dont know we never had any one do it before ....i tested 100 % mechanically inclind that set a 42 year record ...i wonderd why i could fix thousand peice clocks with no books or training ..i grew up with a father that taught ham radio to the blind and was a 29 bomber radio man in korea ,and invented things for the airforce sorry i can tell you what ,.... my oldest brother was a min man speacalist .. and worked on go and no go computers much for brains lol

not really . he can beleave what he wants thats his right and i am not here to preach to anyone . or convert anyone . i was just stateing what i am working on . i am a creative artistic with autistic tendacnes , board line savant , thats why i have been a recluse for going on 19 years ...

as for what is to come .. watch . i am a master of thinking . i was not jokeing about righting a addvanced logic code .it took me 7 years .....

in 1999 i was blind for 3 months and could not talk or walk . i healed my self . i have had no help from the out side world .. other than life or death check ups ...

i like the way he respects him self ... a set order shows self respect , he confronted the data not me ...

as for the locations i am trying hard to give something to the site with out haveing everyone going wild ...

this is the main idea about posting . my reseach in open web sites ...

i agree with some of you i do not want these sites to become lost again ... and my reseach is in full details . explaning maps and meanings with some very direct mapping... i dont leave much unexplaned ...

thats what sucks about the tonto nationial forst they are stalling , and trying to figer out what to do with this ...what happend was they figerd i was some mad man and the data would be some well know fake ,... but it was not a fake and they had ask me to give them my reseach to inspect the sites , now they cant take it back ...andf the sites are a matter on growing record . so they can say there is nothing there but i will post my reseach on the open web and if they say the sites have man made sign they must give out the permits ,,i feel sorry for what is going to happen but it would have happend if anyone found it , maybe not all 3 at one time but maybe ...

jim hatt ask me to tell him where they were and he would go look ...LOl i can beleave he was that forward ... he got nothing from me ...i offerd the 5 men in the A&e move on the LDM even shares to mine and no one took my offer

they will wish they had ...
wow, you're a genius who can spell?


KEVIN [=Kevin MarshThe Treasures of Tayopa[/b][/size]
Sonora, Mexico - Value $100 Million
Hi, all fellow treasure seekers, My name is kevin Marsh, I was with Adrian Westwood on two of his expeditions to Mexico, and infact took the photos shown in the script below. Adrian had at the time of his first trip been studying Tayopa for at least four years, by the time of my first trip he had been studying for about seven years. So whether the name is spelt correctly or not he does know a fair bit about it. Whilst in Mexico, we found a large number of ancient ruins, but alas no real treasure. I have not seen or heard from Adrian for a number of years now and would like to meet up with him again, so, anyone know how to get hold of him??
Thanks and good hunting,
Kevin Marsh (U.K.)

HI Kevin i isn't that I am slow on the up take my friend, I somehow missed your post, applo., for bing almost one year late.
It it is similar to when I was in the Pacific I received a box of Christmas chocolates in 1943 that were sent in 1942. A bit stale but still welcomed.
My em is

Let's talk. His Tayopa #1 near Guaynopa and is still to be found with it's treasures. Maye I can help you on your quest, perhap even meet at my Tayopa?

Tropical Tramp

Tropical Tramp wrote: His Tayopa #1 near Guaynopa and is still to be found with it's treasures.

Aah, Tayopa, Tayopa, possibly the oldest lost mine(s) and longest-sought in the Americas; a personal favorite for me - I guess I have to go ahead and start again, as this lost mine is one I just cannot give up on. I have seen one of the silver bells, a small one, found near Guaynopa by a friend of mine which had "TAYOPA" cast right into it. I know, this Tayopa #1 is only a silver mine, but I personally love silver second only to gold and even the low price of $13 per ounce can add up very quickly. There is also that 23 million pesos in silver left in the vault with the iron door, seen by several people but lost after a flood - what would that be in today's money?


Oroblanco said:
Tropical Tramp wrote: His Tayopa #1 near Guaynopa and is still to be found with it's treasures.

- what would that be in today's money?


alot...maybe more

=Oroblanco l There is also that 23 million pesos in silver left in the vault with the iron door, seen by several people but lost after a flood - what would that be in today's money? Oroblanco

We know where that is, and as soon as I am able to climb in and out of those deep barancas again, I will go open it up.

Tropical Tramp

=Oroblanco l There is also that 23 million pesos in silver left in the vault with the iron door, seen by several people but lost after a flood - what would that be in today's money? Oroblanco

23 million Mexican pesos = 2.10665152 million U.S. dollars

What cost $2,000,000 in 1800 would cost $21,686,051.47 in 2005 according to the inflation calculator. Add some for historical value and we are probably looking at $50,000,000 or so

We know where that is, and as soon as I am able to climb in and out of those deep barancas again, I will go open it up.

Tropical Tramp

I can hike!!! I've climbed all over the Superstitions like a Mountain Goat. Bring it on!


Realde Tayopah:
The SECERT of the CORRECT spelling ::) has been keeping me up at nights!
As witness this late night, early morning "Post"! :-\
I have decided to Publicly REVEAL the CORRECT SPELLING! !
I would like to ask you:
If my revealing the correct spelling

Would in any way harm, hinder your Claims ? ???

I don't want to cause you any undue problems down there! :'(

I can hike!!! I've climbed all over the Superstitions like a Mountain Goat. Bring it on! ;D
Hi djui, nothing jelled yet, still ironing out the Escondida for the expense money, can you cook Gormet meals over a cow pie fire??

No promises yet my friend, we shall see.

Tropical Tramp

Speaking of "Cow Pies" and "The Superstition Mnts"!
One time, We were camped a few miles East of Miner's Needle ...
This was, Back in the days when I still "smoked" !
We had been back there longer than expected and
Mi & Mi Amigos, had ran out of cigarettes! :P
It just SO! Happened that in those days, we were smoking "Bull Durham" !
As you know, there's a story about how "Bull Durham " was once actually made of
:o "Dried Cow Pies" :o
We were really disperate! :-\
Guess What!
::) It doesn't taste (smoke) all that bad! :P

;D A true tale of the old west! ;)

RealdeTayopa said:
can you cook Gormet meals over a cow pie fire??

Tropical Tramp

Yes :) Well I was a cook for 6 years. I haven't spent a lot of time cooking on a camp fire, but heat is heat right...

Anyway, I'm down for the adventure. If not, that's cool, I have a lot to handle up here also.

what? I'm not hiking anywhere, I see nothing, what map? who? I'm just a music mixer :)

=cptbild linkThe SECERT of the CORRECT spelling ::) has been keeping me up at nights!
As witness this late night, early morning "Post"! :-\
I have decided to Publicly REVEAL the CORRECT SPELLING! !
But! first! I would like to ask you: If my revealing the correct spelling
Would in any way harm, hinder your Claims ?
I don't want to cause you any undue problems down there! :'(

No problem Bill, post away. I will see if i can find some of your buddies em's to me before I split with him, regarding his brother's map to "A T A Y O P A" !!. snicker, besides his T A Y O P A is near Guaynopa..

I am sorry that I didn't get to your camp, but with the snow, rain,and a light Ford pickup??? I did get to see Dan at Tumacocori.

May make another trip in few weeks, maybe then?

Tropical Tramp

haha! Never dive alone for sure...

what could you whip up with week old dry tortillas and stale beans?

MMMMMMM!!! Stop it Tropical Tramp, you're making me (as they say in Wyoming) HON-gree! ;D :D for Oro, I presume that he would be supplyng a big empty tummy.

Then you have never heard of my famous "campfire baked macaroni and cheese"? :P I did this once with a hunk of cheese that was getting pretty green and some elbows, at night of course. We didn't have any kind of lamp or lantern (DON'T ask, that was a sore point) so working by campfire light I had it cooked up and baking in the fire for an hour or so - it smelled just heavenly! I could not eat it all so put the top on the pot and set it aside, figuring to eat it for breakfast just by re-warming it. In the morning, I decided to add a bit of water so it would not dry out too much, and took the lid off - yeee-UCK - it was macaroni and cheese alright, complete with plenty of wood ash, bark, dirt, leaves and several nice fat MOTHS. At least I didn't notice it while eating it the night before, but did kind of wonder about some of those "crunchy bits" - figured that must just be some cheese! :D ;D ;) Just let me know and I can whip up a batch of that any night! :P ::) Just don't LOOK at it! Yum!


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