Why thank you CI, it is nice to know that wily old Birdy would be glad to know I'm doing things the right way round..., he better be!!! He is responsible for igniting my passion in this area!
I can understand the hard-headed approach by the crew with regards to ensuring the project is viable; no time for dreaming or sentiment in this line of work. But if there was mixed feelings then I would assume that the Trio felt it was worth delving into a little deeper because some elements do make sense. As the serious searches began just over a century ago and then the in-depth ones 80 odd years ago, there will be substantial information still out there. Prodgers', Sanders', Trennedicks, the chaps in the 1960s - there is a fair bit around- but as you rightly point out, the San Roman document needs to be viewed and verified. But in the absence of that, what about the rumours of the folk who allegedly found the treasure?
I have done a little 'digging' (where are you Crowmeister!) and it would seem that not much has happened since the 1930s. There has been small scale searching going on by the natives but that have been taking place for centuries. A properly organised and equipped outfit could cover much area in a systematic way.
Happy Easter.