I've been doing a bit of reading about the niece that Mr. Dougherty supposedly married.
Marieta Veintimilla, niece of Pres. Ignatius Veintimilla, first lady of Ecuador. There's no record of her marrying in 1878, the only marriage I can find is in 1881 to Antonio de Lapierre de Cucalon. However it appears that the young, progressive Marieta did know Teodoro Wolf and there's evidence that she was not exactly chaste. For in 1879 she had an affair with a married man, Dr. Fidel Castillo. Her uncle the President appears to have been really irked by this and had Castillo imprisoned and threatened with castration. A fate Fidel only narrowly missed as his wife pled with her friend the President for his release. After either 24 or 29 days, depending on the source, Dr. Castillo disappeared and was never heard from again.