The Tale of two Brothers lost map of Corrigadors treasure.

I'm wondering if the brothers in this story were originally from Loja province? Perhaps Macara or Cariamanga?

Just a wild arse guess, but wouldn't it be something. Hmmm...

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I'm wondering if the brothers in this story were originally from Loja province? Perhaps Macara or Cariamanga?

Just a wild arse guess, but wouldn't it be something. Hmmm...

Hello Culinary The town he gave he was from was the name I gave. However its not impossible that he gave another name.. After all the source is from one person.

Another thing most landmarks had names of devil something..


Oh heck. I read that twice and still spaced it out. Lol. Sometimes my idiocy is truly boundless. I was too focused on the trail south of Zaruma leading towards Cajamarca. My most humble apologies.

Culinary Caveman well my friend consider yourself keeping in Good company then..

I have miss spelled a Topic title and now posted a new thread in a wrong forum...

Don Jose I have a natural resistance to Hypnotism unless its a dame pole dancer and after that she will have my undivided attention however Do not ask me to think or remember anything:laughing7:

Old decrepit Crow:laughing7:

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Hello Culinary Caveman

That's why we have to live in different countries we would probably get into too much trouble if we in same country.:laughing7:

Cheers crow

CC, Me , I am a peaceful Saint. Crow is _____ well, he does have his uses, like "bring me another beer" or "where are the broads" stilllll , he is my friend.and I trust him through thick or thin.

El Santito Don Jose de La mancha

El Sanito Don Jose, peaceful likely accounts for your many years exploring this earth…… has too many battles for us already and it seems pointless and stupid for us to engage in any more battles without good reason………… I wish I understood that in my oftentimes foolish youth……..

Crow, I've been reading what I can about this area which isn't a whole lot. I can't find the Rio pisca Bamba to save me. I found a pisco Bama, bird plain, in Peru but it is way, way south of cajamarca so it can't be the same plain as mentioned in the ransom from Zaruma legend.

Any ideas?

Crow, I've been reading what I can about this area which isn't a whole lot. I can't find the Rio pisca Bamba to save me. I found a pisco Bama, bird plain, in Peru but it is way, way south of cajamarca so it can't be the same plain as mentioned in the ransom from Zaruma legend.

Any ideas?

I think the treasure on the Brothers map of gold washings and Inca artifacts found over years embezzled by the local corrigador was collected from a much later date and time? Not necessarily from the time of Atahualpa or his ransom. It appears many officials where rather put out when french for time got hold of Spanish Crown.

The trouble we have only one half of the story and not all the maps. The ones that stood out was diablo this diablo that.:dontknow:


Another land mark Tenedor de tono del diablo


Ladies & Gentlemen: I once found a sack of mostly uncirculated * 8 Reales, minted here in Alamos. I gave most away to collectors that had Ties in Alamos, or in the case of the crippled boy that had no money, a couple of handfuls of the rarer ones for bargaining purposes with to increase his collection. He did just fine.

Anyway I kept one and carried it for luck and as a key to open non receptive sources of treasures..

One day I was called to below Navojoa to look for a huge treasure. It was in a dried up lagoon area,
I quickly established that there was no meal within several feet of the surface and informed my associates. They ignored me and kept on digging.
Since it was hot and I was bored, I commenced playing the the adobe that was almost like modeling clay and quickly found that it took excellenc impressions. So I fished out my 8 Reales coin and proceeded to see if I could make a good impression of it

In the end I had many pieces of adobe with impressions when they finally gave up and we went home

'Twasn's long before I received a tel call giving me hell. After he has quieted down I finally got the story as to why he was upset.

Seems that after we had left, a few curious ones went to where they were digging and found my playthings and now it was a huge treasure that we had dug up, even the dobie had the impressions of the coins that were buried there..

So as it stands today , my own successful treasure story

Don Jose de La Mancha

8 REALES Alamos minted. 1885.webp

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Culinary Caveman, there is a Riobamba in Ecuador.
Riobamba has a long and interesting history.

Thanks Doc. I'll look into that.
Crow, here's what I got for the Spanish translation of the landmarks.

Fight the devil- the devils fight
The demons mouth and
The devil's pitchfork.

I hope these will translate to an area north of Zaruma.

I think the treasure on the Brothers map of gold washings and Inca artifacts found over years embezzled by the local corrigador was collected from a much later date and time? Not necessarily from the time of Atahualpa or his ransom. It appears many officials where rather put out when french for time got hold of Spanish Crown.

The trouble we have only one half of the story and not all the maps. The ones that stood out was diablo this diablo that.:dontknow:


Howdy Don Cuervo Especial,

Excuse my manners, but just had time to translate your post for the benefit of others. Just got back with a little more time on my hands.

I want to thank you for taking the time to post all these wonderful treasure stories together with your experiences, and adventures. There seems to be some truth to this Blarney Stone. Don Jose spent the best years of his life with a mule, and look at what it did to him, but he blames it on his eye.:dontknow:

I have found that treasures usually lie where they say they are, but most people can't interpret the clues properly. Half a map puts this treasure out of reach, but finding the landmarks would still be satisfying. Since it is mostly diablo this, and diablo that, maybe one would have to go to hell to find this treasure? :laughing7:


Much truth with the names of places and anything diablo would have me think on it…….

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