Ladies & Gentlemen: I once found a sack of mostly uncirculated * 8 Reales, minted here in Alamos. I gave most away to collectors that had Ties in Alamos, or in the case of the crippled boy that had no money, a couple of handfuls of the rarer ones for bargaining purposes with to increase his collection. He did just fine.
Anyway I kept one and carried it for luck and as a key to open non receptive sources of treasures..
One day I was called to below Navojoa to look for a huge treasure. It was in a dried up lagoon area,
I quickly established that there was no meal within several feet of the surface and informed my associates. They ignored me and kept on digging.
Since it was hot and I was bored, I commenced playing the the adobe that was almost like modeling clay and quickly found that it took excellenc impressions. So I fished out my 8 Reales coin and proceeded to see if I could make a good impression of it
In the end I had many pieces of adobe with impressions when they finally gave up and we went home
'Twasn's long before I received a tel call giving me hell. After he has quieted down I finally got the story as to why he was upset.
Seems that after we had left, a few curious ones went to where they were digging and found my playthings and now it was a huge treasure that we had dug up, even the dobie had the impressions of the coins that were buried there..
So as it stands today , my own successful treasure story
Don Jose de La Mancha