The Tale of two Brothers lost map of Corrigadors treasure.

Hello continuing on with that lazy Kanacki with his treasure yarn....Struff Don Jose and Kanacki are very much a like. :laughing7:Actually he mistook the writing as it is too small for him these days. Even I had to squint. It was about 200 odd pounds less The 8 as he saw it was actually a 6. No doubt some one will correct me and say if 5.

Sybil Conquest. as you can see in 1966 figures quite a some of money when she passed away.

sybil conquest death probate 1966 england s.webp

The question remains was there any evidence or history behind this treasure legend?


Hello TT there are ways of course. Each one can backfire on you, and bite you in the ass.


Crow,,for me to avoid complications I will deal with the location infos and sell the info at a reasonable price for whoever intereseted,that way I avoid hussles.... Or hypothetically if I ever touch the treasure itself then I would abide to the rules of the country to what I should get,, but I will assume the role of the executioner of that law...for instance if the rule says 20 percent for finders the rest to the government/country where it is found, and if I find 100 bars of gold,then I will take 20 bars for myself and distribute the rest 80 to 80 struggling poor families of that country,,,,a hooded figure in the night knocks at one door where a family is about to loose their business and lo and behold a gold bar at the door etc,,that way I abide by the rules but just will assume the role of the executioner of the law instead of the corrupt ruling elite :-)

Tintin treasure

Hello Gents

Crow, Great pictures and thank you for your thoughts. Would you believe me if I told you I'd been in that particular state in India (MP)? Took a long-winding train from the capital that took 16-17 hours and at night you had to be careful as the route through the mountains took you through forest where any manner of wildlife could enter the train...
It is intriguing if this Sybil Conquest lady did actually get her hands on any treasure. But I know that there is huge amounts still awaiting the lucky finder...

TT, Personally I believe that one route to getting involved in this game could be by providing logistical support. By this I mean assisting others with helping get supplies, transport, guides etc., to destinations not easily accessible. Trying to find a 'real' treasure still buried or unrecovered is a precarious business I would say.

Kanacki, Thanking you for the additional pictures and details for the SB story as well. Would you say its possible that if this lady found anything, it was good but not that substantial if we are to consider her estate after her passing?

Hello Gents

Crow, Great pictures and thank you for your thoughts. Would you believe me if I told you I'd been in that particular state in India (MP)? Took a long-winding train from the capital that took 16-17 hours and at night you had to be careful as the route through the mountains took you through forest where any manner of wildlife could enter the train...
It is intriguing if this Sybil Conquest lady did actually get her hands on any treasure. But I know that there is huge amounts still awaiting the lucky finder...

TT, Personally I believe that one route to getting involved in this game could be by providing logistical support. By this I mean assisting others with helping get supplies, transport, guides etc., to destinations not easily accessible. Trying to find a 'real' treasure still buried or unrecovered is a precarious business I would say.

Kanacki, Thanking you for the additional pictures and details for the SB story as well. Would you say its possible that if this lady found anything, it was good but not that substantial if we are to consider her estate after her passing?

Hello IPIU

See there is an adventurer in you. I imagine you had quite a journey across India.

Not having any direct descendants herself she had no reason to save too much money at the end of her life? Looking through her life she had done several long distance world cruises. Clearly she was never short of money. Was it her money from treasure found or late daddy's bank balance inherited after death? Sadly I tend suspect to the later.:laughing7:

As for the treasure legend we of course need to look to confirm the basic of story for any historical event or history that might support this story?. For example who was this alleged prince with twin brother? As per newspaper story? Also too no doubt the reported misspelled the name of prince. However there might be a few things with the story still to work with?


Hey Crow

Sure was a journey. That country still has a lot to offer if one knows where to look:icon_thumright:

I did a quick search or two when Kanacki and your good self were kind enough to share it with the crew. Early indications did not show any "twin princes" but of course that does not mean anything. Names, dates, locations and suchlike all play a part and can easily confuse any story or legend.

Is it one we should delve into further to check what is lurking down beneath....??:dontknow:

NB. I recall another similar legend (in some respects) from Rajasthan where an old fort was rumoured to contain a huge treasure from centuries gone by where the kings had hidden it from invaders. At the turn of the 20th century when the British were firmly ensconced in India, one particular prince wished to find this treasure in his fort but no amount of probing could uncover the hiding place. The adjoining mountainous and jungle area was frequented by wandering mystics and one claimed his forebears had been instructed by the ancient kings to show the 'last' prince (this prince had been in some difficulty in having heirs) where the fortune could be found. This ragged old ascetic approached the prince with this information and told his story. The prince had obviously been aware of the rumours and was intrigued. There was a huge treasure hoard uncovered under the fort where a secret tunnel led from the fort into the nearby mountains/forest which had been used in years gone go as an escape route. There was a problem as the British had administrators in the fort and would have seized the treasure. It was surreptitiously 'taken' to Bombay and used in helping buying a stake in the Tata business. The Indian government actually tried to find this treasure in the 1970s and it caused a massive diplomatic incident with the Pakistan authorities who wanted a share of anything found. But of course there was nothing (left) to find.....:laughing7:

Crow,,for me to avoid complications I will deal with the location infos and sell the info at a reasonable price for whoever intereseted,that way I avoid hussles.... Or hypothetically if I ever touch the treasure itself then I would abide to the rules of the country to what I should get,, but I will assume the role of the executioner of that law...for instance if the rule says 20 percent for finders the rest to the government/country where it is found, and if I find 100 bars of gold,then I will take 20 bars for myself and distribute the rest 80 to 80 struggling poor families of that country,,,,a hooded figure in the night knocks at one door where a family is about to loose their business and lo and behold a gold bar at the door etc,,that way I abide by the rules but just will assume the role of the executioner of the law instead of the corrupt ruling elite :-)

Tintin treasure

TT Each project is very unique, and each project will depend on many various factors. Each project depends on careful consideration of their own unique set of legal factors to consider. Many countrys do have laws saying you have a no legal right to anything you find. Others have more better laws. The best way is offer an amazing historical project with amazing financial economic flow on benefits with little or no cost to governments in question, for a percentage of course. But to achive this you have to be able to do the big sell to the country in question. And as you imagine the key is make sure you do not become expendable. The You cannot deal directly yourself, in short create a company and have a legal binding agreement with that government enity. Of course the key is retaining key elements of information as your bargaining chip.


Spoken like a true professional Crow.

And if those chips are made of gold, platinum, silver or precious gem, all the better....

I would also say you have to strike a delicate balance to release just enough information not to blow your cover and just enough exposure to ensure any reneging on a deal will positively impact in a negative way for the government/authority in question which will have implications for their future conduct.

Spoken like a true professional Crow.

And if those chips are made of gold, platinum, silver or precious gem, all the better....

I would also say you have to strike a delicate balance to release just enough information not to blow your cover and just enough exposure to ensure any reneging on a deal will positively impact in a negative way for the government/authority in question which will have implications for their future conduct.

Thanks Crow and IPUK,,,,how you manage your info is key i guess..but of course depends on other facors as veteran crow said.

Tintin treasure

Thing is with all of this TT, peeps like Crow and Kanacki have the skills, knowledge and experience and can refer to it having been there and done it.

For the rest of us, we could say one thing and totally p*** it up when it actually comes down to it....

When the old seasoned professionals talk, the wisest thing for us newbies is to listen and note it all..

Hey Crow

Sure was a journey. That country still has a lot to offer if one knows where to look:icon_thumright:

I did a quick search or two when Kanacki and your good self were kind enough to share it with the crew. Early indications did not show any "twin princes" but of course that does not mean anything. Names, dates, locations and suchlike all play a part and can easily confuse any story or legend.

Is it one we should delve into further to check what is lurking down beneath....??:dontknow:

NB. I recall another similar legend (in some respects) from Rajasthan where an old fort was rumoured to contain a huge treasure from centuries gone by where the kings had hidden it from invaders. At the turn of the 20th century when the British were firmly ensconced in India, one particular prince wished to find this treasure in his fort but no amount of probing could uncover the hiding place. The adjoining mountainous and jungle area was frequented by wandering mystics and one claimed his forebears had been instructed by the ancient kings to show the 'last' prince (this prince had been in some difficulty in having heirs) where the fortune could be found. This ragged old ascetic approached the prince with this information and told his story. The prince had obviously been aware of the rumours and was intrigued. There was a huge treasure hoard uncovered under the fort where a secret tunnel led from the fort into the nearby mountains/forest which had been used in years gone go as an escape route. There was a problem as the British had administrators in the fort and would have seized the treasure. It was surreptitiously 'taken' to Bombay and used in helping buying a stake in the Tata business. The Indian government actually tried to find this treasure in the 1970s and it caused a massive diplomatic incident with the Pakistan authorities who wanted a share of anything found. But of course there was nothing (left) to find.....:laughing7:

Hello IPIU

Many year ago the trio discovered Phenomenon that some legends in fact are based on the same legend but supplanted to different area in the retelling. It is possible that the who story Sybil Conquest was another version of the that other story. However when reserching these story we also learned quite quickly how many legends get tangled together in retelling. It can take years some time to untangle the truth from such stories.

For example the Benito Bonito loot of lima story in Queenscliff Australia. A treasure story supplanted from South America to Australia with in reality no bases in fact. Among others Templar, kidd etc...

Such is the joys of researching treasure legends.


You need be very careful with any information released…… would seem sufficient and a win win for the gov with the arrangement of whatever percentage agreed, when they have no costs in the project, except perhaps to send a minder, military or police to protect their, and your, interests………

And I agree with Señores Crow, Knacki and our esteemed Don Jose it is hard to impossible to move about without attracting attention in areas outside of major cities and best to work out agreements before hand……….
There are so many eyes out there, and these are areas where anything out of the routine will bring unwanted attention…….more so when it is a gringo…..

You need be very careful with any information released…… would seem sufficient and a win win for the gov with the arrangement of whatever percentage agreed, when they have no costs in the project, except perhaps to send a minder, military or police to protect their, and your, interests………

And I agree with Señores Crow, Knacki and our esteemed Don Jose it is hard to impossible to move about without attracting attention in areas outside of major cities and best to work out agreements before hand……….
There are so many eyes out there, and these are areas where anything out of the routine will bring unwanted attention…….more so when it is a gringo…..

Hello Doc Spot on!

It does not take much to seen as the "evil colonial coming back to plunder more form their country."


Hey Crow

Very true my good man.

I recall the story of Benito Bonito and the Lima church treasure going from Cocos Island and in some versions being transplanted to Australia and an island in the Pacific in Polynesia!
Some lazy authors had confused Lima with the Pisco story, Benito with a whole host of other pirates and Keating with a number of other characters.

Have you come across the book where an British expedition went to search for the Lima loot off the coast of South America but on the Atlantic side?

Spoken like a true professional Crow.

And if those chips are made of gold, platinum, silver or precious gem, all the better....

I would also say you have to strike a delicate balance to release just enough information not to blow your cover and just enough exposure to ensure any reneging on a deal will positively impact in a negative way for the government/authority in question which will have implications for their future conduct.

Hello IPIU

Exactly! If a government reneges on a legal binding contact your company has signed with them under thier corporate law. It is a very bad signal to other companies and buisness wanting to do business with them. There is only one country that can get out of such a deal today. That is China.

A compamy I worked for many years a ago the head CEO was accused of spying inside the Chinese goverment and they arrested him on trumped up charges to get their own way on a deal. It was when china was having its family Jewels squeezed by the company negotiating Iron ore commodity prices. True to form. He is still rotting in a Chinese jail. And the company just appointed another CEO and made the deal.


Hey Crow

Very true my good man.

I recall the story of Benito Bonito and the Lima church treasure going from Cocos Island and in some versions being transplanted to Australia and an island in the Pacific in Polynesia!
Some lazy authors had confused Lima with the Pisco story, Benito with a whole host of other pirates and Keating with a number of other characters.

Have you come across the book where an British expedition went to search for the Lima loot off the coast of South America but on the Atlantic side?

Hello IPIU

Once again to understand the stories you have to untangle the various stories. Some one on Tnet used the term spagettification, which I like because it illustrates how various threads of a story becomes so stretched they can become entangled into others.


You need be very careful with any information released…… would seem sufficient and a win win for the gov with the arrangement of whatever percentage agreed, when they have no costs in the project, except perhaps to send a minder, military or police to protect their, and your, interests………

And I agree with Señores Crow, Knacki and our esteemed Don Jose it is hard to impossible to move about without attracting attention in areas outside of major cities and best to work out agreements before hand……….
There are so many eyes out there, and these are areas where anything out of the routine will bring unwanted attention…….more so when it is a gringo…..

Doc ya nailed it.


That unfortunately is what happens when dealing with a huge, powerful almost uncontrollable state...

Big stakes and even bigger repercussions...

I like that - "spaghettification."

It is easy to become overwhelmed.

But if you've got focus, research abilities, structure and perhaps most importantly time, then maybe, just maybe you can start untangling the threads.

That unfortunately is what happens when dealing with a huge, powerful almost uncontrollable state...

Big stakes and even bigger repercussions...

Right now there is an in pass in their own government as many are too agraid to make decision inside the communist party in fear of displeasure of unseen higher up? When the so called president vanished replaced him with another makes you wonder who is actually running the country. China's success has been a miracle phenomenon where millions was lifted out of poverty. But it came at a very great expense.

CEO's of Companies in the west sold out the workers in thier own countries by making a quick profit in China. By passing all hard won health and safety regulation, work hours minimum wages to fuel CEO wages from the last 30 years by 140% above the inflation level. China has through manipulation of their currency kept artifically low has created a majior problem as it to a large degree just about bankrupted the west.

Enough said....


I think your economist, political and observational skills could rival that of your 'hobby' as a 'treasure researcher'.....:thumbsup:

Vast Chinese cash reserves are quite literally changing the landscape in parts of the Americas, Africa, Asia and even Europe.

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