The Rubber Room

Idea for another book:

Pareidolia or Apophenia
Treasure Hunters Bane


Pareidolia or Apophenia
How To Make A Square Peg Fit Into A Round Hole.

We all have it some form :laughing7:

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Hi sgtfda; Hilarious. Way to go. I started believing that the dwarfs were miners but I realized that only six of them could have been miners because Dopey was the crews Laborer ok. Excuse me for a bit ok. I have to go take my pills ok. Thanks. PEACE:RONB :icon_scratch:

Stay tuned, Same time, Same Channel tomorrow when we hear sgtfda say ---


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Hi sgtfda; Hilarious. Way to go. I started believing that the dwarfs were miners but I realized that only six of them could have been miners because Dopey was the crews Laborer ok. Excuse me for a bit ok. I have to go take my pills ok. Thanks. PEACE:RONB :icon_scratch:

Stay tuned, Same time, Same Channel tomorrow when we hear sgtfda say ---

Well I don't know about you, but I like reading what the Sarge has to say. He keeps things light, otherwise this forum would be a drag to read.

What's funny I figured out the exact location the stones represent in 10 min. Those that know me know I don't bull. Yes there are several prizes. It's so simple I can't believe no one picked up on it. Well there was one person who has passed that pointed the way. I had to locate something first to put it together. Posted in the rubber room for those that think this is a crazy thing to say. None the less the puzzle is not that hard if you had located that something first. I'm not into the maps. Just something I stumbled upon. Passed the info onto a trusted friend. Let him play with it. I'm busy picking up nuggets.

Travis I did hear at the Bluebird you found a rock in Bolder Canyon that looks just like Dumbo. It was reported a big D is engraved on it. Is it true you can see the needle from the location? The DE on the horse map = Dumbo Elephant. So they said. I see a new book in the works!

^ Way off the mark. Elephants belong in the Jungle Room, not a rubber one. And on a completely unrelated matter, I have it on good authority that Elvis is still hiding in LDM.

Seeing I didn't get any offers of 250 million for the LDM I am giving a special only on the rubber room thread. $14.95. You read that right 14.95 for a walk right up to the LDM. And as a special bonus I am throwing in yet another mine for free. Not the location of one mine but two. Separate s/h charges of 124.9 million apply to each mine. So obviously a big savings over the 250 million I was originally asking. Imagine the looks on your friends faces when you told em ya hung out there all weekend. Or when ya smile and your fake tooth is made from LDM ore. Imagine their looks when ya told em the cost was 14.95 for both mines. This is a limited time offer. Look for it on ebay.

Are you crazy ?


I solved the stone maps in 7 min and 34 sec . I won , I won !!! :BangHead: :tongue3:

I am jealous . I have heard how Sarge are talking with a golden witch thing , which tells him where to pan for gold . I tried to talk with my golden pen , with my golden ring , but nothing . Only the birds are talking with me .
Why the life is so unfair ?

Just a reminder to those from out of state thinking about searching in the desert this summer.................

Don't do it

We are already hitting 110 and that's the shade, once out in the Superstitions or general desert area it is hotter with very little moisture. That means any perspiration or water on you dry's very quickly and does not cool you off, in fact it dehydrates you much quicker.

Best option is to wait until October or November or when the temps drop enough that the snakes go into hiding.

Nothing out there is worth the risk.

I am definitely getting out and prospecting this summer. Anyone looking for company, I am ready to go along for day hikes, camping trips, and prospecting adventure.

Gotta love those summer shadows. 102 at 0700



I know this has no relevance to Treasure Hunting, more along the lines of internet posters.

I know people like to post and join in the conversations and make friends, the problem starts when they "make stuff up" and get called on it. I can honestly say I have met some great people here, even gone hiking with them, just not sure I could deal with somebody that claims they are one thing and find out later they have not got a clue............................

I guess it's all about perspective........................


You advise us " Nothing out there is worth the risk. "

Neither if someone seek for the Virgon ( Virgin ) of Guadalupe mine in the Angel Basin ?


You advise us " Nothing out there is worth the risk. "

Neither if someone seek for the Virgon ( Virgin ) of Guadalupe mine in the Angel Basin ?

There is a reason the critters are usually seen in the morning or early evening, when the sun is up IT'S HOT. If you want to become human jerky for the animals and put the SAR's team in jeopardy because they have to go out and look for you because we have to put warning labels on hair dryers and coffee cups, knock yourself out.................................literally.....then you may come to your senses. It's been stressed many times over and over....................Summer in Phoenix is F:censored:g HOT. Keep in mind you have to get to Angel Basin through the rest of the HOT DRY DESERT, then you get to do it all in reverse when you leave, hopefully not in a zip up bag.


You didn't understand my joke . Maybe because you don't know about the Virgin of Guadalupe mine location . You are just a SAR member who try to keep away the Thunters from the Superstitions .
My roomate in the rubber room , a sailor who seeked and found the Virgon mine in the angel Basin , tells me to ask you : How could lived the people in this region ( Phoenix ) before 100 years without air conditioned ? Were they from other planet ?


You didn't understand my joke . Maybe because you don't know about the Virgin of Guadalupe mine location . You are just a SAR member who try to keep away the Thunters from the Superstitions .
My roomate in the rubber room , a sailor who seeked and found the Virgon mine in the angel Basin , tells me to ask you : How could lived the people in this region ( Phoenix ) before 100 years without air conditioned ? Were they from other planet ?

Markmar - I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that english isn't your first language and you're not really all that familiar with the Superstition Search and Rescue (SSAR). That said, rather than open your mouth and spout such disrespectful things about a volunteer organization who's members go out of their way and risk life and limb to find missing people, you ought to at least educate yourself first.

Superstition Search and Rescue Home Page


We are in the rubber room , don't forget . Here are all allowed .
First I don't disrespect the SSAR members and their work . The contrary . I found just little exaggerated Somero's warning . And I told him how the fiction movies would make him crazy .
Now i am an educated man , I am Napoleon .

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