The Rubber Room

Shave your legs at least

Not gonna happen for a couple reasons

I don't want to be mistaken for a "Lizard Gal"

It's too doggone cold

My wife would have my nuggets in a sling

..................................(to anyone reading, that picture is not me)

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so...i sure didn't hear any of this long hair stuff in person...

We never do, must be the crazed/scary look in the eyes. Guess its better than hearing a guy tell you that you have pretty hair, now that is scary.

I had the shears....and me and Paul were just waiting for you to pass out.
Maybe next year....:occasion18:

I'm thinking of writing a book :laughing7: but not sure of the title.............................

"Who Moved the Rock? Look at What Crawled Out"

"Stupid T-Shirt Cost Me My Sanity"

"Thorns In Mi Arse Cause I Backed Up From My Statement"

"I Got Bored and Wrote a Book About Arizona, Whatever Came to Mind While Watching Science Fiction and Drinking Tequila"

"The Voices Said "It Would Be A Best Seller" They All Can't Be Wrong"

"Common Sense and Gold Never Mix On The Internet"

"Jacob Waltz, The Real Wizard Of OZ"

"I Found A Rare Nugget Of Truth Worth More Than Gold"

Any Suggestions Welcome :tongue3:

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I'm thinking of writing a book :laughing7: but not sure of the title.............................

"Who Moved the Rock? Look at What Crawled Out"

"Stupid T-Shirt Cost Me My Sanity"

"Thorns In Mi Arse Cause I Backed Up From My Statement"

"I Got Bored and Wrote a Book About Arizona, Whatever Came to Mind While Watching Science Fiction and Drinking Tequila"

"The Voices Said "It Would Be A Best Seller" They All Can't Be Wrong"

"Common Sense and Gold Never Mix On The Internet"

"Jacob Waltz, The Real Wizard Of OZ"

"I Found A Rare Nugget Of Truth Worth More Than Gold"

Any Suggestions Welcome :tongue3:


It would be easy, Just cut and paste all the truth from all the threads, here at Treasure Net.
And in no time you'd be full to your eye balls. Then take off your personal protection device and fill those waiters up, they'll be full in no time!

Wrmickel1 :laughing7:

True Somero, sniffff, I still believe that I am a handsome devil may are, briliant genius and Man of the world type just a bit frustrated because the world can't see the obvious..

Don Jose 'casper Milqtoast' de La Mancha

Don Jose

The Truth of the matter is we are all getting older, though we may not like to admit it. I'm still trying to figure out how I got these grey whiskers, just ain't right for a 19 year old :laughing7:

Somero pasa me the tequilla for mi cafe. I still have 60 years to go, unless oro de Tayopa gets a bit anxious. Whitey whiskers are just a sign of maturity. Incidentally what is this "WE" are gettig older?? I'll ave you know that I am now entering my thrd childhood. Getting younger each time.

Don Jose d e La Mancha ( gonna make ole methusalah look to his Laurals.)

so...allow me to rant here...oh wait.

so I get an invite to dinner...I arrive and we are all out at the paddock watching the horses feed...the lady is in a fit...done all the improvements on her husband, so turns to me and starts in....ok...good food and friends, I can take a tuneup...
the dang woman has me distracted, and her horse sneaks up on me and reach's over the rail and grabs my upper and gives me a pinch...chomp!
ok...I didn't swear...didn't hit the horse up side the head...mostly cause he now is running around in circles thinking he is just a funny guy..
62 years old, been around horse people most of my life...and this is a first...
how in the heck can a critter that big sneak up on me? and how did he manage to have my arm in his mouth, and bite before I knew the smelly beastie was anywhere near me?

Academic associates Pipeewetpaws? Sgt, there's injuns and theres Injuns, me part Mohican! These damn western injuns are used to open spaces easy to sneak up on one for an easy 500 meter shot.( 30 witha bow, 10 wh a lance, 1 witha war club or tomahawk.) Since they are generally unwashed, I prefer to not get closer unless they are feminine and durn cute.

Jose. is disturbing that critter was so sneaky...damn horses have a wicked sense of humor...dancing around all proud of himself...
if that had been a human it wouldn't have been within a mile of me unknown...something the size of a Volkswagen sneaks up an bites me...:dontknow:

Maybe it thought you'd taste good. I bet you are glad it didn't stick around. Did it draw blood? or was it just a nibble?

lol. thanks for the support horse lady...

nibble that drew blood...took my entire bicep into its maw...pinch...danced around the paddock like it was proud of his self...
upper arm all black and blue..tingly fingers and sore neck...

queer sense of a little kid or a dog that wanted attention, so it got it anyway it could...

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