The Rubber Room

Alright professor John:

You shall be reported to Sargent Rubber, for violateing the rubber room rules, That post of yours came a little to close to reality. What are you doing' trying to set up a control.

But I posted' early beginings of "RUBBER" Not what was used for pitch before rubber was invented, or its or-a-gins. You didn,t stick to the topic, So maybe its alright for you to be in the rubber room, We must let the Sarge deciede::tongue3:

you wrote you had posted the first meaningfully post, with facts that were wrong, I assume the professor was sarcasm on your part,
you also wrote early beginnings of rubber, and your still wrong, ignore the chickle and latex, i'm talking about all ship building from ancient times up to the present day apart from a few small boats and modern fiberglass yachts rubber has never been used for caulking on ships even the newest passenger liners with wooden decks in the passenger areas still use bitumastic compounds based on coal tar,


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you wrote you had posted the first meaningfully post, with facts that were wrong, I assume the professor was sarcasm on your part,
you also wrote early beginnings of rubber, and your still wrong, ignore the chickle and latex, i'm talking about all ship building from ancient times up to the present day apart from a few small boats and modern fiberglass yachts rubber has never been used for caulking on ships even the newest passenger liners with wooden decks in the passenger areas still use bitumastic compounds based on coal tar,



What are you doing, Your in the RUBBER ROOM! You violated rule 2 by downing my post with with facts. Thats not allowed, The sarge is not gonna like this! He's gonna give you a all clear and send you back to the main thread, there all crazy out there! Well this an't gonna be good. I see the sarge coming, Gotta go!


All are welcome to the rubber room. There are no rules. Fiction and facts are all mixed together just like the other sub forums. Stick around you just might learn something. New history in the making for our future generations. Things posted here will be quoted as fact in the future. New clues for the search will be found here. This is a learning experience for us all!


We'll hi there everyone, day two in the rubber room and all's well. I got up early right before the crack of noon, Trying to get up before the sarge so I could clean out the med cart! But all that was left was Joe's dirty colatme bag! But things are well, I see NP and Marry are cross dressing now and the Sgtfda is still saying, Somehiker will be here soon, any day now. I think they dicharged the Dirty Dutchman, cause he's still an't come out of Marry's room, Come to think of it I hav'nt seen Cubfan either, Let me check, Ohh there they are, it looks like he put something in the DD eye too. And BB asked if we could play checkers but where one short.So I told him its in the bag on the cart. So while he digging that out Hal's counting corn kernals this time. Well every one, I gotta go try break into the med room so live from the RUBBER ROOM


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The sane have abandoned the forum and the insane have filled the void. Question? Can the insane solve the stone riddle? Was the stone carver sane? Now there's a thought.


Well hi there everyone,Its day 3 here in the RUBBER ROOM, Well after I left you yesterday I finnaly got into the med room. I was zonked out all freaking day, it took ever muscle in my body just to roll one eye lid open, Witch was a scary time, I thought I heard Cubfan comeing. But it was the Sarge with a new chair for me, Complete with leather bracelets and anklets, What a thoughtful man he is there should be more like him. Well he picked me up and put me in the chair and rolled me into the lounge. He said Hal starts therapy today, so that should be nice, Then I noticed the lights in the lounge go dim, then bright again, often. Then Joe come walking by muttering,{ That fried turd woun't be counting **** for awhile} Then all of a sudden Joe yelled, YOUCH and the Sarge was wearing Joe's colotmey bag on his boot. Well to day we had a cross dressing beauty pagent with Marry and NP but nobody won, to fugly. Joe's the only one who clapped but he thought he was still at the dutchman thingy. And Furness and the Dirty Dutchman claim there going to MN. when they get out, They must like fishing I guess with all those lakes there. Well I'll be gone for a few weeks now. The Sarge said there bringing back the la-bot-ta-me and I'm first in line, GOODY! well live from the RUBBER ROOM


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W1 I'm sorry to say your medication is not working. However if we can't laugh at ourselves we can laugh at each other.

Sgtfda!! Been running the border TOO LONG and working with those LEFT Handed smokes!! Hope ole DUMBO finds his way home!! Listo!!

Very Intuitive Secretcanyon!! Both GREEN and in LOUISIANA!! GOOD HUNTING!! VERDE!

wrmickel1,I just could not pass up the opportunity, have I told you lately about spirit mountain, you should take a trip here and see were to use the stone tablets, or if you like something closer to the supes,heres a little reminder of something easier to find,joe can even help, and alli babba can grade your discovery

wrmickel1,I just could not pass up the opportunity, have I told you lately about spirit mountain, you should take a trip here and see were to use the stone tablets, or if you like something closer to the supes,heres a little reminder of something easier to find,joe can even help, and alli babba can grade your discovery
View attachment 828903


I've been there, Own a place in Golden Valley. Did alot of panning in the garbage dump, Ohh, I mean over by finger Rock, There's alot of old mines in the area, My place is a bout 3/4 mile to the north of the castle shaped gas station.


wrmickel,ah finger rock,it actualy has a better view coming up the hill from bullhead city,than from coming golden valley,np

wrmickel,ah finger rock,it actualy has a better view coming up the hill from bullhead city,than from coming golden valley,np

Yes, comeing from that way it looks like a very large Mr Johnson!
But I've seen bigger ones in Colorado.

Take Care and don't be shaken Mr Johnson to much:laughing7:


Just a Rubber Room Thought, not directed at anybody, more about finding the LDM :laughing7:



Never know who is on the other side of the internet............................Frightening

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Never know who is on the other side of the internet............................Frightening

Your hair is pretty long, but not that long is it Somero? Nice color for you by the way :P

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