We are talking about following clues. Properly viewed means understood in this case, so as to be able to continue👍
How's that been workin out?
Or did someone miss one whilst gazing elsewhere towards the right sightline at the wrong time?
You properly know if anyone else missed a proper sign ; or you don't.
Declaring elevation factors requires demonstrating the particular sign from a given vantage point.
Have we the rock man from above? No?
Have we the rock man from any position?
When we do have the rock man ,in relation to what?
You're wanting a clue to fit a clue to fit a clue again.
Rather than confirmations and or alignment.
Clues in the case of Watz are pretty shabby. Flyspecs in pepper pokin at em shabby.
Alleged tale(s). Directions. Map(s). Heresay. Desert rat opinion after an old coyote hole gets rediscovered. Even a big fish tale or three.
Water left to it's own unfettered devices runs down hill to seek it's own level.
Or should anyways.
It might run uphill in the Supers and shoot off into outerspace if one is not watching carefully and properly.
Who cares sea level if above or below gravity's impact on water in this dry?
I don't need a compass to pee.
Properly doesn't defy gravity . Does it?
The Horizen arc away from my sightline eventually or does it rise? Where then is above? Between a ridge and I , at the ridge , or beyond? It's not properly below.
But what if below is still above another below?