gosh, I know Bob is having a hard time here trying to get the pic's up, I know I can't do it, got my 2 whiz kid nephews here, but the jpeg file is too big to post (already tried), so it's back to the drawing board for now...but I'll try to post something here, a Link, if it works, it's about Mr. Charles Kenworthy and his ........EGYPTIAN connection.....sometimes co-incidences run together, sometimes not, usually if there's more than 3 co-incidences, then there's a Tye-In someplace or "connecting the dots"....All LawEnforcement, Detectives know this....I got about 3 different scenarios from around 1948 to present, one of them is right, but which one?...anyhow, I'll come back later, here's the link...<> Darrell

Testing, 1,2,3...hee,hee


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The world is in grave danger, these kids are too smart,'s some more. Enjoy! Darrell


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A few more...back later...Darrell


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excellent :hello2:

I didn't exclusively write and put together the Book for Treasure Hunters, nor Archaelogists, nor any other specific group of people, I did it for the remarkably corny principle For My Country, Family, Friends. This stuff here on treasurenet is just a tad of stuff. You'll never know, unless you get the book (hee,hee, the big tease), but it's true. And it's true that every year, millions upon millions of people pass the MOUNTAIN out on Hwy 14, coming and going (a very busy major link), Hwy 178 (Walker Pass) also a very busy major link from the Southern Sierra's to the Desert, that ends at Hwy 14, everybody and their brother are traveling right in front of the Greatest Historical, Archaeological and MOST IMPORTANT SITE IN THE AMERICA'S, but nobody knows it, how horribly IRONIC. How SAD and STUPID. There's enough there to put 10,000 Archaeologists for 50 to 100 years of work there!. The CALIFORNIA DESERT PROTECTION ACT is a JOKE, it's a SCAM, everybody is being SCAMMED ON by these "SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS" THAT SUPPORTED THE CRANSTON/FEINSTEIN WILDERNESS BILL. If you go to the website of the California Desert Protection Act of Diane Feinstein, it lists that there's OVER 100,0000 Archaelogical Sites within California Desert and they're All being Protected for FUTURE GENERATIONS...Future Generations of WHAT?!!! For the AMERICAN PEOPLE or For the SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS!..Remember those co-incidences I was talking about earlier, why don't some of you start a In-Depth Investigation of the Late SENATOR ALAN CRANSTON, I think you'll be "quite surprised". Or use the Freedom of Information Act to retrieve the Records from the National Registry (NATIONAL PARK SERVICE) about BLACK MOUNTAIN......And if you get the Reports and alot of them are BLACKED OUT (like it was a UFO story or something), then you know, that the leading peers of our society are on the take, do you get what I'm saying? They've Robbed it in the Past, they're doing it now, they'll be doing it in the FUTURE GENERATIONS and nobody is the wiser, well almost nobody. Ofcourse I don't really talk about this in the Book, barely touching on it, I basically just stick to the history and my personal story. For the would-be Future Writers, Explorers, History Scholars and Students, there are mountains of books to still be wrote about this area, the explorers, backpackers, hikers, photographers, adventurer's, journalists.....EVERYBODY needs to go there and SEE WHAT I'VE SEEN. Your Prospective WILL CHANGE DRAMATICALLY. It DID FOR Dr. JON R. POLANSKY and Others....My Friends, THIS IS IT....................Darrell

HappyTrails55 wrote
the leading peers of our society are on the take, do you get what I'm saying?

All too true, sad to say, and this holds true for pretty much ALL of our politicians - accepting bribes (often far larger sums than their salaries) which is "legal" so long as it is called "contributions". The blacked-out portions of reports, while aggravating, do serve to raise our suspiciions. There are some very strange "linkages" in the treasure hunting world..... :alien: :icon_cyclops_ani: :icon_farao:

Oroblanco said:
HappyTrails55 wrote
the leading peers of our society are on the take, do you get what I'm saying?

All too true, sad to say, and this holds true for pretty much ALL of our politicians - accepting bribes (often far larger sums than their salaries) which is "legal" so long as it is called "contributions". The blacked-out portions of reports, while aggravating, do serve to raise our suspiciions. There are some very strange "linkages" in the treasure hunting world..... :alien: :icon_cyclops_ani: :icon_farao:

i believe the deception concerning treasure and archaeological data suppression is on a vast scale , I'm not sure how much has been stolen by those in charge , think Ive only heard of three treasures being stolen , only have witnessed something fishy with them once .
once was enough .

Kanabite wrote
i believe the deception concerning treasure and archaeological data suppression is on a vast scale , I'm not sure how much has been stolen by those in charge , think Ive only heard of three treasures being stolen , only have witnessed something fishy with them once .
once was enough

I am convinced that "elements" within our govt certainly stole a vast treasure out of Victorio Peak, and remembering that we are all human I would not be the least surprised at other incidents of such "official" thievery. For that matter, rather a sore point for me has to do with "official" archaeological digs and what becomes of the artifacts recovered in them. Nothing would surprise me anymore...

Hi Oro,
when i said vast scale i was not really referring to a grand conspiracy , not that you said that ,but it made me think , perhaps a few little ones . elements hmmm ,, if it were widely known then it would not be a secret i guess ..... i did not even think about vic . peak when i said three . perhaps i should have said 5 instead now that i have thought about both vic. peak and also the grand canyon . like i said once was enough to figure it out. o and just in case anyone is wondering i have found Mr.Darrell R Lane to be a most honorable man. i hope its ok to use his real name , its on the letter head :laughing7:

Hey Kanabite,

Your old uterus gives old timers many available intimate liaisons!

Also copy those two "eye" pics and print them out...then turn them upside down...hmmm, you'll really see a side of the mountain Darrell really never talks about...even to me. The view from the top is totally different from the view from the bottom.

good to see you finally got some thing done with it. Is that the photos you got back, or the ones you had??

Howdy 10X, wondered where you went to, no those are the pic's I had, the ones you or your friends found in New Mexico in that garage or something that Wolak left behind, well, I didn't think it was worth it to have them and left a reply that I didn't want them, jeez I don't really or can't really remember what they were now other than some old bones from a prospector. Wolak did have some neat photo's I gave him, one was of a Stone Door laying on it's side by the opening of a tomb that had been raided a long time ago, but I know where everything is on the MTN., if I wanted to go back and take more pic's of the really wild stuff, I could. But you know, my Interest is waning. I lost alot of pictures when Bob Sanregret died, his associates or the Trustee of his Will (probably his daughter) sent me back very little of the info I gave Bob. It's interesting that after My Friend Dr. Joe Mahan died and Polansky and I go to the MTN....After Polansky and I finally get back to camp in the evening dark...(that's a story all by itself, hee,hee), Polansky Promises Me the MOON....He leaves and I NEVER HEAR FROM HIM AGAIN, EVER......And Dr. Arnold Murray who's the Preacher and TV Host with Shepard's Chapel who's great interest in ISAC, the Burrows Cave, etc., etc., damn well knows who I am cause Dr. Joe told him so, and is one of the Board of Trustees, over 1500 Pictures of mine I gave to Dr. Joe and he was holding another 100 pictures of mine I wanted him to give to Gloria Farley.........they all was Mr. Burrows that told me a good year ago that Polansky was dead, but he didn't elaborate on how......So Yes, those are the pictures I had for the Book, I burn't quite a few of them myself (see end of book), but I got a alot more in another box that I recently found....Darrell........Good to hear from you..

well i have a few pictures you have sent me . and i like em allot . :icon_thumright:
even enshrined a couple on a self , they sit with an old bugle , and a small antique treasure chest from e bay .
o and Prescott's trilogy , along side an American flag , flown over a military base in Iraq ...

LOL good to see you are doing alright. Sorry that the return of the stuff did not work out.
As for Bill and Ralph, Bill is into writing his own books now days. Seems they finally slit or maybe split.. Who know or cares. Bill plays in the caballos in NM these days..

Ralph well who knows.
Burrows I have not heard from, might have to drop him a line, see if he is still kicking around..
Hope your book does well.

Real de Tayopa said:
W E L L ???????

Don Jose de La Mancha

well real i have been trying to make a post and this board is messing with me :help:
it comes down to this image for me . i have been trying to read this thing for about 32 years and
i guess i am just a little slow :laughing9: i am of the opinion that inside the lobes of this codice are place names
written in ideograms and of eight assumed spots , i think i know where four of them are located.

View attachment 317472

well that did it . looks like i killed the discussion. i guess one should not make such grand claims . still don't know for a fact if this has anything to do with treasure Real , but it makes it more fun to think it might .

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