Page 49 in Darrell's book for all you Frank Fish fans out there. I've seen the "EYE" but only from an aerial view...Virtual Earth. It's there along with a whole lot of other stuff. Someday I'll get up there and take some pictures and maybe find a few mysteries. I've got Darrell's book it's one of the most comprehensive explorations of one site any man has ever undertaken. A truly remarkable feat from a truly remarkable man. Enough of the suck up. Sorry partner. For you non-believers...



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HOLA amigos,
Kanabite wrote
Oro , what exactly is a "tag" post ?

It is a post put in solely to make it that much easier to follow the discussion - I can simply click on "unread replies" and any new activity in the thread will show up. Yep I am THAT lazy! :o ::) ;D

I respectfully disagree with Cactusjumper's conclusions viz -> Dr Barry Fell, even though I have to agree in part - the copper was not bronze (though documented BRONZE ancient tools have been found in America, Fell did not know of them) a good part of Fell's translations was done through the use of an Arabic dictionary, which is related to the Semitic languages he was trying to read but considerably different, and strictly my opinion here but Fell's conclusions of Celtic visitors may be somewhat exaggerated. I do think there were Celtic visitors, but not on the scale he envisioned and most likely they were serving as mercenaries on the ships of other nations. Dr Fell has been widely attacked and ridiculed by many "authorities" and unfairly so - I am convinced that he had the core of the right idea, very like Schliemann and Troy, and made peripheral errors very like Schliemann and Troy. Of course I also do not hold such high esteem for our historical experts as some do, I prefer to examine the evidence and reach my own conclusions. :notworthy:

Very interesting posts amigos, and funny you should mention Last Chance Canyon and Black Mountain, Mrs O and I lived in the canyon for some time years ago. It is a most interesting area for ancient ruins, petroglyphs etc. As much of it is now within Red Rock Canyon state park, I doubt that any serious archaeological work can now be done there. They can't stop you taking photos though, as far as I know.

Please do continue gentlemen, this is fascinating!

My partner can get a little more emotional than me sometimes, hee,hee....Thanks Pard...So anyways, to continue, I got this little map or whatever it is in my hand of Frank Fish and I turn around and look to the west down and across the valley to where 3 small buttes stick up out of the desert just south of Walker Pass known as "ROBBER'S ROOST". Ofcourse I had (and still do) his Book "Buried Treasure and Lost Mines" as well as Lake Erie Schafer's Book "Dead Men Do Tell Tales" which somewhat Chronicles his last days. From his Book, he relates on page 4 that in 1932 he had a Gold Claim (the Smokey Nugget) in LAST CHANCE CANYON. Knowing that he had found Bandit Treasure at Robber's Roost, so by the time I found this, knowing full well, that he was active here too. Later, I went to see a buddy of mine that is a full-fledged Mohave Indian that worked with me, I remembered him telling me that his Grandfather, who was very old and lived out on the Chemehuevi Reservation, had worked somewhat reluctantly as a young man on the Los Angeles Aquaduct, out by Robber's Roost and even helped Frank Fish one time to Locate an Old Spring. So we go and see Grandfather, at first he's reluctant cause I'm White, but then something comes over him and pretty soon we settle down and then Guides Me into a Lecture and Instructions. So now it's September of 1986 and and I'm back, only this time, I'm at "ROBBER'S ROOST", following GrandFather's Instructions. I got me a Real Nice 35 MM Wide Angle Camera now and a Tripod. I'm within feet from where Frank Fish Found Treasure, but the Camera is aimed at and across the Valley at BLACK MOUNTAIN. My Instructions are to wait until the Last 2 Hours of the Day as the Sun Falls into the Mountains of the Sierra Nevada's, then the Magic Begins. THAT'S THE MOUNTAIN PICTURE, THE MAIN PICTURE, Front of My CD Book, Poster Pictures. It SHOWS from the Top of the Northwest Peak, a WOLF'S FACE (Looking Directly At You), down a little and to the right of the Wolf, a THUNDERBIRD ENCASED WITHIN A TRIANGLE, below this in the HEART of the MTN. GIANT SPANISH CROSSES surrounded by SPANISH TREASURE SYMBOLS, the "V" THE SERPENT'S BODY (middle of mountain) and at the bottom of the "V", a GHOST SHADOW OF A OPEN MOUTHED EARTH MONSTER........"THE GIANT SERPENT"......This is EXACTLY THE VIEW THAT FRANK FISH SAW...That's what I'm Selling on E-Bay...Plus My Book, which all of this is Chronicled in it and How it Relates DIRECTLY TO....... THE HOME OF ORIGIN.....Because, that's what this Place is and MORE THAN THAT...Maybe, you can't see it so well on E-Bay, I apologize for that, I'm not good at this computer stuff and the 2 Nephews that helped me, well they're Whiz Kids at this stuff, but I am not. My Book I wrote on a Typewriter, all of my research and traveling around was by Humphrey Bogart Detective GumShoe Work, I never touched a computer until about a year after My Book was done. I did it the Old Fashion Way. I gotta start thinking about going to work, but I got lot's of all kinds of stuff in my Book including GLORIA FARLEY'S......"LEGENDARY LATITUDE", "TANIT" and More...Darrell

Roy, my friend,

"I respectfully disagree with Cactusjumper's conclusions viz -> Dr Barry Fell, even though I have to agree in part - the copper was not bronze (though documented BRONZE ancient tools have been found in America, Fell did not know of them) a good part of Fell's translations was done through the use of an Arabic dictionary, which is related to the Semitic languages he was trying to read but considerably different, and strictly my opinion here but Fell's conclusions of Celtic visitors may be somewhat exaggerated. I do think there were Celtic visitors, but not on the scale he envisioned and most likely they were serving as mercenaries on the ships of other nations. Dr Fell has been widely attacked and ridiculed by many "authorities" and unfairly so - I am convinced that he had the core of the right idea, very like Schliemann and Troy, and made peripheral errors very like Schliemann and Troy. Of course I also do not hold such high esteem for our historical experts as some do, I prefer to examine the evidence and reach my own conclusions."

Just to be clear, I made my conclusions about Dr. Fell without outside influence. There is no denying his credentials or expertise, and I respect those attributes. In truth, my Harry Potter comment was over the top and uncalled for. It may just be that I don't have the mental abilities to follow his reasoning and conclusions, even though he spells those things out in great detail.

I had much the same problem with Professor Cyclone Covey's "Calalus: A Roman Jewish Colony in America from the Time of Charlemagne Through Alfred the Great". In my unqualified opinion, a number of brilliant scholars are using their prolific knowledge of history to write entertaining historical fiction. That is not to say they are not using physical evidence to bolster their work, but most of that evidence is refuted by others. That refutation comes with it's own physical and historical evidence.

In every case, we are free to accept or deny whichever side does not conform with our own personal biases and theories. It's true I have never met or spoken with Dr. Fell, but have had personal contact and exchanges with a number of the historical experts which you have mentioned you don't ".....hold such high esteem for....". Professor Susan Martin is only one of those contacts.

Please don't imagine that, just because I use qualified sources for my written opinions, that I did not come to those conclusions on my own. It is my habit to form my opinions and then seek out both sides of the argument. I question everyone's opinion and conclusions, and that includes my best friends as well as myself. I have made a few good friends into not such good friends with my single minded little habit. I believe you have been the recipient of that personal search for the truth.

Can't believe I have hung in here so long with this post. Don't believe I have spent this long out of bed in the last week.

Take care,


Forgot to mention: Professor Fell believes the "First Americans" arrived here via the Bering Land Bridge.

Darell, I'll tell you what , i can not think of another , that has helped in this little quest i have going on , quite as much .still owe you some beer :laughing7: this side bar stuff is most interesting too. and ORO i just bookmarked this topic so i could find it again . :blob7:
nice smileys in here too .

People often say stuff like, "if I could just into the back of his mind" or "what was he thinking". In Frank's case, it was something like this, he knew that the Spanish Exploration Expeditions were there Early or shortly after the collapse of the Aztecs Nation or within 100 years of it. When at Robber's Roost, there is no mistaking of what your looking at, in Frank's day a set of Good Binocular's was a Must. Sure, you can see the Wolf's Face, Thunderbird, Crosses and Serpent all from the Inyo-Red Rock Road (which for much of it that skirts the western side of Black Mountain and is the Boundary for the El Paso Peak Wilderness) at the apropriate time and varying positions, but your up close to the Mountain and to get the Bigger Picture, it takes Distance. Put yourself in Frank Fish's Place in the early 1950's, Frank might have been a Loner, but he did make associations. GRANDFATHER, located a Old Spring for Frank, actually at that time, Frank was in Association with some other Treasure Hunters and they Hired Grandfather to find this Old Watering Place. This is just South of the Town of MOHAVE (Hwy 58 & Hwy 6 - now Hwy 14). This report has been around for a Long Time, it was even in an Old Long John Latham True Treasure Magazine of the 70's, today you can still find the legend of the report in the GPAA CLAIMS BOOK. This is the Old Watering Place GRANDFATHER FOUND for FRANK FISH and the Associated Members...." KERN COUNTY, LOST TREASURE, Near Mohave by the old Borax Wagon Train Road there is a flat-topped hill that stands alone on the desert floor. At the foot of this hill treasure hunters have found sixteenth century Spanish weapons, cooking utensils, armor and coins."........SIXTEENTH CENTURY...!.....And I have the List of Who's Who in that Association. Actually, one turns out to be a Friend of mine later on in Life, quite My Senior ofcourse, cause when all of this was happening, I was sitting in front of a Philco Black & White TV set watching Roy Rogers & Gene Autry take care of the Bad Guys and Buffalo Bob & Howdy Doody, The Red Skelton Show and more than I can relate here, hee,hee. But if you Review Charles "Chuck" Kenworthy's Book "TREASURE, Signs, Symbols, Shadows & Sun Signs", you will find out just how remarkable his book co-incides with the MTN....hee,hee......hint,hint...hee,hee....oh, this just opens up a whole new world or what's the saying, what goes around, comes around?...But that's not the Friend I was talking about, sure, I went and tracked down Mr. Kenworthy and spent 1 or 2 hours with him. When he wouldn't give alot of people the time of day, once he found out who I was and what I was after, he opened up a little bit and was quite congenuile and gracious to me, ofcourse he never opened up the books of time for me. I elected not to put any of this in the Book, mostly from the insistance from this other Friend, but I can say that YES, Mr. Kenworthy was Active in Research in this SPECIFIC AREA. Ofcourse I got lot's of tidbits and info from a wide variety of other sources as well, which I will not relate here. But to give you a little bit of Personal Family History here which does relate to the topic, My Mom's 1st cousin Florine Jordan (a Direct Great Grandaughter of Captain John Jordan of the KERNVILLE Area, 1st White Man to Drown in the Kern River 1850's, Plus Alot More) was married to WENDELL CHRISTIANSON WHEATON, Uncle Wendell as we called him was Also a Friend of FRANK FISH, Chuck Kenworthy and a Whole Lot More. If there's any real old timer's out there, maybe you knew my uncle Wendell. He spent lot's of time in the KOKOWEEF Area. I have some of his stuff. Him and Florine also spent lot's of time in the Kern area and the Desert of the Mohave. They both were Expert GemCutters, Rock Hounds, Prospector's, Treasure Hunters, etc..They spent several weeks in the Red Rock (RED ROCK CANYON STATE PARK, HWY 14) in the mid 1950's and had a joyus time with the Cast and Crew on the Movie Set with BURL IVES, CHUCK O'CONNOR & GREGORY PECK, GENE SIMMONS and Others while they Filmed "THE BIG COUNTRY". They had made Camp north of the Red Rock somewhere out by BONANZA GULCH, that's where Uncle Wendell Found an Old SPANISH BREASTPLATE, HILT OF A SWORD and a Few Coins.......16TH CENTURY !....Remarkably at the Very End of that Movie after the Final Big Gunfight in Blanco Canyon (oh yeah, Charleston Heston was in it too!) anyways, Gregory Peck and Gene Simmons is riding off into the sunset...THROUGH ROBBER'S ROOST...and just for a brief second, you can see the MTN., BLACK MOUNTAIN in the Background! When I had first started out (beginning of my book) my Old Friends Bones and Gene of the WILD BURRO MINE, IRON CANYON, their Caretaker "OLD JIM" related on how his buddy "TIGER" had found lot's of Old Spanish Artifacts somewhere between LAST CHANCE CANYON & SHEEP SPRINGS.......more later.....Darrell

HOLA amigos,
Cactusjumper wrote
Just to be clear, I made my conclusions about Dr. Fell without outside influence. There is no denying his credentials or expertise, and I respect those attributes. In truth, my Harry Potter comment was over the top and uncalled for. It may just be that I don't have the mental abilities to follow his reasoning and conclusions, even though he spells those things out in great detail.

I had much the same problem with Professor Cyclone Covey's "Calalus: A Roman Jewish Colony in America from the Time of Charlemagne Through Alfred the Great". In my unqualified opinion, a number of brilliant scholars are using their prolific knowledge of history to write entertaining historical fiction. That is not to say they are not using physical evidence to bolster their work, but most of that evidence is refuted by others. That refutation comes with it's own physical and historical evidence.

Based on your various replies (in various threads) I have no doubt that your mental abilities are sound and strong - so I wrongfully assumed that you had simply read some of the (sometimes rather nasty) attacks on Dr Fell and accepted the conclusions of those various "experts". My apologies amigo, seems I have been leaping to conclusions yet again!

I will add this too, of Dr Fell's works, his "Bronze Age America" struck me as the most imaginative, least well-supported of his theories. True, there is the mysterious "Red Ochre Culture" which existed on both sides of the Atlantic in the mid Bronze age, and I would tend to attribute to these people any VERY early trafficking in copper - but there is very little evidence of Norse exploration at that early age. Covey's works are some of the hardest reading (and most disjointed) IMHO, Calalus is quite an attempt to "fill in the gaps" with historical fiction. Have you investigated those strange lead-alloy artifacts found in Arizona? Even the "experts" are divided on them - I may just have to do a chapter on them, but will attempt to make it easier to read than Covey's articles. I don't wish to cast too many aspersions on Gloria Farley's work, but as Dr Fell seemed to be somewhat enamored with the idea of Celts in America, she seemed to be enamored with the notion of Egyptians in America - seeing a petroglyph of an Elephant, <in a cave> she linked this to Egypt - when this is not the only logical possible connection.

Cactusjumper also wrote
Don't believe I have spent this long out of bed in the last week.

If our banter is helping to get you feeling better and on the mend, then you can expect more amigo! I hope you are indeed feeling better and back to your self again SOON!

Darrell, Joe, Kanabite (and everyone) please do continue, this is fascinating! :thumbsup:

i have been asked by my friend Darrell to post a few pages from his book here , so if you will please be very patient i will attempt to extract a little bit of the pdf and post it here . the last time i tried this on a forum i had to retrieve my laptop from the back yard :laughing9:

testing .... :help:

View attachment 313727

i just have to figure out how to change these from a tif to a jpeg , please be patient and i will get the pages , that he requested be put up ....


something strange happens when i modify the file type , i assure you all , the images in the book are crystal clear unlike what i am posting . sorry some of this computer stuff is best left to 14year old kids i guess :headbang:

hang on i got to figure this out again , be back latter

o man that images is bad ,i apologize ,my scanner is on the fritz so i have to extract this direct from the pdf and not only is this difficult the quality of what i am trying to post is somewhat lacking . the content is good , too bad you can't read it :help: let me try the rest of em

View attachment 313899

one more by request , hey i think i figured it out :hello2:, maybe i will go back and try to fix pg 128

View attachment 313936

page 128 revisited

hi REAL , as per your request for more i have received quite a list of excerpts from the book to post here from Darrell. these are to include pictures and i have discovered the text comes out pretty good changing it to a GIF format , but i am not sure how the pictures will come out . as time allows today i will post a few at a time from Darrell's list , i hope you guys enjoy these ....

View attachment 314004

sorry guys , i have lost the color and clarity . looks like i might have to fix my scanner to proceed with the requests here .does any one have a suggestion for extracting images from a pdf file ? right now the only way i seem to be able to do this is to print to the document image writer, then change the format from tif to gif . the jpeg files are not legible . looks like T net allows one other file type but i am not sure what that one is . i will have to play with these and see if i can get them posted for you all. oooops , maybe i just need more coffee . :coffee2:

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