i have been asked by the author, who is also a member here , to provide a link to an online store that has a certain book available . I would highly recommend it to anyone interested in Aztec Treasure in North America . There are some of the members here that already have this book , but for anyone else interested please check this out for yourselves. :thumbsup:

Wheres the book now? Still available? The link isn't working anymore

macronova...........Gonna try to get it on Amazon soon. I'll update it when it happens, Darrell

Did someone say "Giant Serpent" ?

DSCF1264 Snake crop.webp

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Don't have the link to it, but it is now on AMAZON. Just type in the name of my book, The Return of the Giant Serpent, you should be able to find it. For $3.49 it's available . Darrell

and the Serpent Rock Formation it's directing you to ,,,

sit on the Stone Serpent and look at what it is facing , you will find artifacts across that Narrow Canyon .

Dragon two.webp

Very Good El Chato, I came back on here see what was posted and was pleasantly surprised. Serpents are one of the KEY* indicators, there's other monuments and glyphs as well. STONE CHAIRS should not be overlooked. There's a wide variety of sign of these but they are all from the ancients. There's alot I talk about in my book and those of you that have read it can attest to it, but only the astute student will realize that I also talk of locations of where there is some sort of treasure that I found early on before the Government made Black Mountain part of the Mohave Wilderness in 1992. If you watched the Terry Carter Interview Youtube Movie but did not read the comments I later put up, well then go back to page 11 here and look for the BLACK WITCH, I figured out what that meant in the mid 1980's and after a very long walk, spending 2 days out in the (backpacking) warm June days and night, came and found the spot where I picked up 9 gold nuggets laying right on the ground, largest one was just over 8 ounces. Went back another time and just found 2, but that was later on in the summer. And this place had been written about in a 1972 Tom Penfield Treasure Series Book on California, but it wasn't in Red Rock Canyon ! I still want to go back to it but I'm getting along in years now and I got some leg issues. Best time to go is after it rains, I never used a metal detector, never took one, now you can't cause it's a Wilderness, but I know there's a plenty out there. (see pic's) . See the gold in the El Paso's from Black Mountain on down to the Red Rock, Last Chance Canyon, Garlock, Goler, Summit Diggings, parts of the Randsburg area, the Lava Mountains etc., are all part of the Goler/Ricardo Formations and Black Mountain is the Volcanic Killer of the Ancient River, that's why there's gold all over the Black Mountain country and to the south of it. But the people that don't read my book ain't going to know this plus a lot of other neat stuff like when I mention in the passing of finding Silver Nuggets with another fella, that's on page 85 where I talk about the L.A. Aquaduct Pipeline over by Robber's Roost and all of the very interesting Government Signs up and down the Pipeline telling folks it's against the Law to collect Indian Artifacts, when actually when the pipeline was dug right through Indian Graveyards ! Guess the Feds didn't mention that ! I also have some more new interesting stuff I wanna talk about but I'll put that in another following post.101_5027.webp101_5029.webp101_5037.webp101_5035.webp

Yes, you have found in your area , much of what I have found over here in New Mexico .

the Glyphs are very similar to each other .

Ophir Glyphs 001.webp

Okay so, just bear with me on this, some friends and I have gold mining claims out in the La Panza mountains of the Padre National Forest here in San Luis Obispo County, they are about 20 to 25 miles, off of Hwy 58, from where I live. I used to use the 1st exit into the forest which is Redhill Road, but it's a Forestry Road and the Forestry does not maintain it at all. So I keep on traveling on Hwy 58 another 12 miles to Pozo Road of which is a County Road and is maintained thru out the year. Just as you turn right onto Pozo Road (both sides of this road is owned by La Panza Ranch), you'll see with great surprise a GIGANTIC MOUND, SO BIG that it is comparable to like many of the great mounds back east in the Ohio river country or the Pyramids of Giza, or like the Pyramids and Mounds in Mexico or pretty close to the size of the Pyramid that makes up the Southwest Peak on My MTN.. This is on LA PANZA RANCH, a Private Property. Pozo County Road runs West from Hwy 58 all the way thru the National Forest, Our Claims, and all the way to Pozo, then Santa Margarita close to Hwy 101. For years now I've been driving this route to our claims and I always stop to look and wonder about this Mound, which I am a believer that it is Antedeluvian or Pre-Flood and that it really is a Stone Pyramid, like out of Limestone of which now is encased within the sediments over time. I had a conversation recently with the old ex-Manager and she said that there were 3 others on the Ranch further into the interior and that she thought that those were Pyramids ! Well the Ranch is pretty good size and now is For Sale for a Kool $43 million !!! My Links never work here so maybe on of you fella's can help me out on it, here it is...<> Besides the picture attachments I'm a putting here, you can go to this link and somewhere past picture 11 is one or two pic's of the Mound. If you know any rich fella's that are interested, make sure you tell them that these Mounds or Pyramids are on PRIVATE PROPERTY. Then after the pic's I put up here, I'll also put up a pic of a Book of Mine that I refer to in MY BOOK on Page 73 that pertains to ALTAR'S. But more than that is the Strange and Wonderful Polychrome Painted Panels of a Place just south/east of this Mound, that location is called PAINTED ROCK and you can see the partial panels if you go to Wikipedia, just type in to your search Painted Rock San Luis Obispo County California. Well guess what ? I believe I have partially read what some of these are talking about and it's about PYRAMIDS, GIANTS, SERPENTS, etc.., something is wrong here I may have to add the pic's in another post

Thanks for the info. and photos Happytrails, it is very interesting. The serpent mounds are out here also.

Those mounds look like what I see in our region in the Central Highlands of Mexico, as I have written on my postings on my belief that one of the treasures is located close to my house.

The local Indian tribe was conquered by the Aztecs around 1503. There is one "tetele" they call the Tomb of Moctezuma, but looking at it, it was an observation tower so they could get money from the caravans which passed.

And, it looks like any construction they had built, when they left, they covered it with dirt and rocks, and it looks just like the photos you have. Imagine the labor involved in moving enough dirt to cover whatever they had under there. No tractors; no wheels on animal drawn vehicles. Brute force container at a time.

I am convinced that there was way more than one big treasure. If you read about the major gold strikes in the USA, including Alaska, they would drag out a large quantity of gold in a hurry, then it was plug; plug; plug; a buck at a time. I think the same was true in Mexico. Each Emperor, in my theory, had a large quantity of gold, not just one treasure passed down through the Emperors. I am saying it is possible that a number of theories where the Aztec treasures are, are all correct. It's just not true that all are the treasure of Moctezuma, which was a different treasure, in my opinion.

The one of interest to me was that belonging to Moctezuma II, which was reportedly passed on from his grandfather, Moctezuma I (whose daughter was verified as an ancestor of my wife.)

This is my theory, but I am not married to it, so it bothers me not if someone has a different theory.

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I had no idea that these groups or organizations existed until Terry Carter called me Sunday and informed Me that He and I had Received this Award from Saturday Night, March 16th, 2019 of which he posted on My Facebook Timeline and His as well. He was there Filming the Event for a upcoming video and the first name called was His then Mine. He was totally flabbergasted and dumfounded (me too when I learned of it). So they gave Mine to Terry and that's the story. Makes a person kind of humble and appreciative at the same time. 101_5199.webp101_5200.webp

I had no idea that these groups or organizations existed until Terry Carter called me Sunday and informed Me that He and I had Received this Award from Saturday Night, March 16th, 2019 of which he posted on My Facebook Timeline and His as well. He was there Filming the Event for a upcoming video and the first name called was His then Mine. He was totally flabbergasted and dumfounded (me too when I learned of it). So they gave Mine to Terry and that's the story. Makes a person kind of humble and appreciative at the same time. View attachment 1693215View attachment 1693217

Well deserved I'd say.
Congrats to you both

You guys are famous :occasion14:

So just to re-hash this, I always go back to the CARVED STONE TWIN GODS that is in the NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES, NATIONAL REGISTRY, NATIONAL PARK SERVICE from my early research. About 3 years ago now, I took Terry Carter, Bob Kropf and Tyrone Torres to the Twins (1st pic, 2nd pic) which are part of the complex of ruins which also has the 3rd and 4th Stone Chairs (Pic # 3 of Tyrone sitting in the 3rd Stone Chair. STONE CHAIRS - THRONES OF THE SUN KINGS. 101_0680.webp101_0679.webp101_0678.webp101_0677.webp101_6838.webp101_6839.webp101_6840.webp101_3095.webp101_6841.webp101_6842.webp101_6845.webp101_3096.webp101_3097.webp

Poncho, well it may look like one but it ain't, I already did my homework on this geologically. There ain't or isn't any Volcanic Rocks of any sort within 3 to 4 miles around it, but there is a abundance of Limestone.

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