Ok. I will turn on my email controls... I had a lot of people going off on me telling me I was full of horse pucky. Instead of trying to find it themselves and looking... So I disabled the mail lol. Thanks for the offer on the Book :D

Yeah, Okay, just click on My Handle here, HappyTrails55 and send me a private message, Treasurenet will deliver it......Darrell

Upon further observations... I have found out that these glyphs cover every square foot of the entire Superstition Mountain Range and carry over into Apache Junction!!!
- John

Since this is a Historic find. I'm taking this story to the Newspaper (cannot be seen from ground level... so it is pointless for car loads of people going to see it. Better off if they stay home and use their computer to view it from above)... a few Universities want to check this out as well.

anything is easier to get into, than get out of...

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I'm boarding a plane for southern mexico to check out some aztec/mayan sites. Catch ya on the flip flop.

anything is easier to get into, than get out of...

If you make it to Teotihuacan, Go to the Pyramid of the Sun, stand on the Northwest Corner, take of compass reading or if you have a GPS take one.......If you go further south and make it to Chichen Itza Temple of Kukulcan Serpent, walk over to the Serpent at the Base of the Pyramid and take a compass or GPS reading. All of these Temple, Pyramid Complexes should pretty much ring true and they are all Models for the MOUNTAIN. The GIANT SERPENT breaks out to the NORTH/WEST......Have Fun, that's a Special Place down there as well......Darrell

Gentlemen: Coffee in my patio? Am listening, but since this is out of my expertise, I literally have nothing constructive to say, except to suggest a coffee break..

Don Jose de La Mancha

Thanks Darrell...

I got ahold of the individual(s) you sent me too.

Also to the contrary... It's believed I found the Jesuit Gold Site & a Tomb.

On the Pyramid in the Supes, above the apex is a line going up with a circle. To the left and right are skulls.

Anytime, Don Jose.

It really makes me laugh that their are critics with no patience whatsoever on this whole Treasurenet. I'm out of state. I will prove it and post pics when I get home.
Thank You Everyone :)

See the "Pyramid/Temple"

Below Miner's Needle facing East

Look at that really good!

Zoom in and out all over it.

Look at it and study those markings and symbols. Draw or trace them.

Google Aztec. Mayan. Egyptian. Asian. Roman Symbols. Numerals & Letters.

Find a Match.

Have Fun!

Don't Give Up!

View attachment 654795

Do you see the cross carved into the Mountain? Take a good look at it! Do you see the pyramid? Green 45° Angles going down? See the white outline in rock for the base?
Find the square "green" door in the center of the "pyramid/temple"?

View attachment 654794

Well I most certainly do see a Triangle there, since I'm not computer literate enough to see all of the features by zooming in or out bothers me, hee,hee...On ground investigation or on ground pic's would be nice but I understand where arizonarock is coming from, I'll keep checking this out...I was going prospectin' today but got a fire brewing in the mountains...dang it...airiel photgraphy, mmmm, well when I see anomalies like that it drives me to inspect closer, there's something there...Here's some pic's from the MTN. locality. At first glance, well it's a anamoly, closer inspection revealed it's a natural formation, EXCEPT ! somebody came along a lonnnnnnnng time ago and improved and built more walls along the edge of it for like a Fortress or maybe a Walled Town. Ahorrible amount of Petroglyphs are found here, many of which tell stories...I like the one with the "SHIP" and just below it is the "RIVER SYSTEM", the SUN hiding. Is the Sun going down or is it Rising?......Then there's the Lady with the "SKIRT"....reminiscent of "TANIT"...? Yeah I found alot in this area and sure enough lot's of Spanish Sign too....Darrell Reading Signs 001.webpReading Signs 002.webpReading Signs 003.webpReading Signs 004.webpReading Signs 005.webpReading Signs 006.webp

Well if you back up to Page 9 here and go back to look at the Sun Dial Map which you don't have too cause I'm posting it again here so you can make the comparison with the Map found in Herioglyphic Canyon in the Superstitions, removed and now resides in Mesa Arizona. That was a BIG MISTAKE TO MOVE IT, however, I'm sure that site can be found again. These Wheel Maps are LAND MASS MAPS and if you know how to use them you can find all kinds of things, hee,hee...and there's more of them in other scattered locations....DarrellLAND MASS MAPS 002.webpLAND MASS MAPS 003.webpLAND MASS MAPS 004.webpLAND MASS MAPS 005.webpLAND MASS MAPS 006.webpLAND MASS MAPS 001.webp

What book is that is you don't mind me asking.

My Book with Referenced Books by Various Authors, Researchers, Historians, Archaeologists, Diffusionist Scholars and Scholars. The specific page shown is referenced from Gloria Farley's Book "IN PLAIN SIGHT", Old World Records In Ancient America, ISAC PRESS, The Rankin, 1004 Broadway, Columbus, GA. 31901, Copyright 1994. Library of Congress Catalog Card # 93-079834, ISBN 1-880820-08-0, Chapter 2 "They Came In Ships", Page 32, "THE CALIFORNIA SHIPS".....I never knew her Personally but I talked with her on the phone many times.....Darrell

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