The Question Of Credibility

Bigscoop...I "won't" post it now. You are wrong. No, not too much "dodge"....Kawasaki...TOWANDA !!
The United States of America are going to ROCK soon!!

No, you won't, which is why you haven't already given that you fully realize how profitable that actual evidence would be to you in trying to build your case and followers. Big announcement? You should think twice what that big announcement is really saying without possession of that directly connecting evidence. To you it is a big announcement, but, to everyone else it's just someone else consumed by their own manufactured fantasy. The Beale mystery can be connected to anything anyone desires for the simple reason that no such evidence exist to place limit on whatever and however and wherever and whoever they choose, just as you are doing here. Yes, it's cold and hard to swallow, but it is the fact of the matter. This is why interest in the Beale tale is fading so quickly, the exposure in recent years bringing all of this to light to the general public. :icon_thumleft:

If someone could multi-post this to let other posters know I will be leaving the forum. I left Facebook months ago. Now I see no need to keep chatting on this forum either. Does not help you nor does it help me. Good-bye.

Here's what you're up against in this modern era, the thing called the internet. On this internet people can easily search for all of the contrary evidence on any subject before they risk making foolish decision or commitment. This is why so many recent claimants before have all but disappeared, their efforts to create followings and to seek profit thwarted before they ever got a good start, despite their best efforts. And, it can be done quickly on cellphones now at any moment from virtually anywhere, and nearly everybody has one, don't even need a computer anymore. So the days of ignorant and naive audiences is over.

If someone could multi-post this to let other posters know I will be leaving the forum. I left Facebook months ago. Now I see no need to keep chatting on this forum either. Does not help you nor does it help me. Good-bye.

You'll be back. See you then. Taking a break is always a good idea. No sense wasting your life on things that don't exist. :icon_thumleft:

You'll be back. See you then. Taking a break is always a good idea. No sense wasting your life on things that don't exist. :icon_thumleft:
LOL! Like G*d...? Santa Claus...? Provenance... BAH HUMBUG! :laughing7:

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No it is not wishful thinking. I have found where Robert Morriss died and it is not where everyone thinks. I am plowing through new research that no one has or have encountered so far on the Beale Treasure. This is following the paper trail and just maybe it will reveal information that we have not seen before or even heard of... I know there is still rocks in the field to be plowed and some of them large but it is a new beginning. I like finding information in my research that has not been found before...
Looks like plowing the rocks to cultivate new information unearthed just more clods.:laughing11:

First of all, thirty men never went out west, discovered a vein of gold, and worked a mine in the region described. Today we know this to be fact. So there's the first author deception. The second author deception comes around when he presents the cleat text for C2 and the corresponding key which doesn't exactly work as he details. The third deception comes when the author details how the ciphers had no order and that he numbered them by their length, length alone having absolutely no bearing in determining which of the remaining ciphers is 1 or 3? Deception four, errors in the letters. Deception five, in those letters the writer details that "a key" will be required to decode the ciphers, this being easy to do with "the key", but the same key that sort of works for C2 produces only gibberish when applied to C1 & C3.

So, in all of the above what did the author tell his reads that was accurate/correct? "Nothing!" And yet people still believe the author......:laughing7:.....even after he warns them against doing that very thing, and even after he avoided claiming that his story was true by only suggesting that the story contained his personally authentic statements. Deception six, then the author refuses to identify himself.....:laughing7: Wonder why?
That is why he applied for copyright on borrowed letterhead as the agent with only the title, even though he was presented with a complete finished manuscript by this "unknown author".
Then the "embellished deceptions" continued with the Harts, Innis, Ellis, and others, for without any factual documentation to prove the story true as presented, it is very easy to fabricate "connexions" for the purpose of selling books for profit- just like the intent of the original job print pamphlet.

It is a question of credibility after all!

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