The Question Of Credibility

Everybody has it, they can all prove it, nobody can post it. :laughing7:
"The more things change, the more they stay the same."

If you say so...

Not me saying it, it's Beale history saying it. "Everybody has it until they don't."
How many times have you heard such claims of this all-elusive evidence over the years? Yet it never comes to fruition. "NEVER!" And so this history just keeps repeating itself over and over again. Could it be because no such evidence exist, just like all the facts mandate? :laughing7:

Not me saying it, it's Beale history saying it. "Everybody has it until they don't."
How many times have you heard such claims of this all-elusive evidence over the years? Yet it never comes to fruition. "NEVER!" And so this history just keeps repeating itself over and over again. Could it be because no such evidence exist, just like all the facts mandate? :laughing7:

I am not only finding the information I am finding the documents to verify as I go along. No stone unturned.

I am not only finding the information I am finding the documents to verify as I go along. No stone unturned.

Franklin, I sincerely hope/wish you would actually find something that could be directly connected to the tale, however, I believe all of these usual suspects have been thoroughly investigated many times in the past without so much as a hint of that connection. And given that you have yet to find it, well........I seriously doubt it will be found at all. On top of this, as you well know, the facts surrounding the story itself pretty much deny the tale of harboring any real measure truth. Are you sure you're not just wishful thinking again?

No it is not wishful thinking. I have found where Robert Morriss died and it is not where everyone thinks. I am plowing through new research that no one has or have encountered so far on the Beale Treasure. This is following the paper trail and just maybe it will reveal information that we have not seen before or even heard of. I took some of the information today and found a land deed of Thomas J. Beale in the County of Kentucky, State of Virginia. So when RM said he believed he was from the western part of Virginia he would have been correct. I know there is still rocks in the field to be plowed and some of them large but it is a new beginning. I like finding information in my research that has not been found before. About like Star Trek to go where no man has gone before. And I am going there at least I am trying to get there.

But this Thomas J. Beale isn't new, nor the one in Richmond, nor the one in Penn, etc., etc., yet nothing to connect any of them to the tale. But, who knows, maybe you'll find something that all the others missed over the years. I doubt it, but maybe?

No it is not wishful thinking. I have found where Robert Morriss died and it is not where everyone thinks...
Does knowing where Robert Morris died really add any knowledge to the Beale story?
Now if you uncovered documented evidence that identifies the "unknown author" and a third person documented account that Morris and him actually had the interaction detailed in the Beale Papers.
That interview between these two during the "2nd year of the Confederate War" forms the ENTIRE BASIS of the Beale story, accepting that this story presented by the "unknown author" is true and not the work of fiction.
Proving this occurred is crucial to proving that the perilous adventure and treasure is more than just a tale sprung from the imagination of this "unknown author".

Even if by some impossible miracle it was discovered that some portion of the story was true, then one would also have to find the original ciphers and not the completely bogus ciphers presented in the narration. Of course, all of the undisputed facts concerning the treasure tale pretty much slam the lid on the coffin anyway so not much chance of any of these "ifs" ever happening.

What everyone neglects to realize who work on the ciphers or searches for the treasure is this:
Everything is based on the word of the "unknown author" and his "HEARSAY" statements in "first person" allegedly told to him during the "2nd year of the Confederate War" at the widow Saunders home- the Beale perilous adventure and treasure, the letters, the iron box, the ciphers- all based on the word of a person who did not want to be known, or have his name attached to this tale.
...and this tale, narrated by the "unknown author" is part of the story that is revealed in literary first person.

What everyone neglects to realize who work on the ciphers or searches for the treasure is this:
Everything is based on the word of the "unknown author" and his "HEARSAY" statements in "first person" allegedly told to him during the "2nd year of the Confederate War" at the widow Saunders home- the Beale perilous adventure and treasure, the letters, the iron box, the ciphers- all based on the word of a person who did not want to be known, or have his name attached to this tale.
...and this tale, narrated by the "unknown author" is part of the story that is revealed in literary first person.

First of all, thirty men never went out west, discovered a vein of gold, and worked a mine in the region described. Today we know this to be fact. So there's the first author deception. The second author deception comes around when he presents the cleat text for C2 and the corresponding key which doesn't exactly work as he details. The third deception comes when the author details how the ciphers had no order and that he numbered them by their length, length alone having absolutely no bearing in determining which of the remaining ciphers is 1 or 3? Deception four, errors in the letters. Deception five, in those letters the writer details that "a key" will be required to decode the ciphers, this being easy to do with "the key", but the same key that sort of works for C2 produces only gibberish when applied to C1 & C3.

So, in all of the above what did the author tell his reads that was accurate/correct? "Nothing!" And yet people still believe the author......:laughing7:.....even after he warns them against doing that very thing, and even after he avoided claiming that his story was true by only suggesting that the story contained his personally authentic statements. Deception six, then the author refuses to identify himself.....:laughing7: Wonder why?

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First of all, thirty men never went out west, discovered a vein of gold, and worked a mine in the region described. Today we know this to be fact. So there's the first author deception. The second author deception comes around when he presents the cleat text for C2 and the corresponding key which doesn't exactly work as he details. The third deception comes when the author details how the ciphers had no order and that he numbered them by their length, length alone having absolutely no bearing in determining which of the remaining ciphers is 1 or 3? Deception four, errors in the letters. Deception five, in those letters the writer details that "a key" will be required to decode the ciphers, this being easy to do with "the key", but the same key that sort of works for C2 produces only gibberish when applied to C1 & C3.

So, in all of the above what did the author tell his reads that was accurate/correct? "Nothing!" And yet people still believe the author......:laughing7:.....even after he warns them against doing that very thing, and even after he avoided claiming that his story was true by only suggesting that the story contained his personally authentic statements. Deception six, then the author refuses to identify himself.....:laughing7: Wonder why?

Accurate. So, if this is true that the story is such, and a treasure is hidden by way of the story, is it encoded? There is a reason the story makes no sense; this is necessary to effect the cipher that it is. PROOF !! it is demanded. OK...I get it. Proof is coming. I envision a planned, scheduled lecture setting to announce the PROOF. The discovery that will base this lecture will come soon; who of you would attend? The announcement, maybe in the late summer...early fall. Can you all be patient please? You want or wish to make me into a jester...this is not so.

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Lecture/Book Signing tour, eh...? MARVELOUS! (Insert Johnny Carson APPLAUSE Track, here); MANY could learn from you...

Accurate. So, if this is true that the story is such, and a treasure is hidden by way of the story, is it encoded? There is a reason the story makes no sense; this is necessary to effect the cipher that it is. PROOF !! it is demanded. OK...I get it. Proof is coming. I envision a planned, scheduled lecture setting to announce the PROOF. The discovery that will base this lecture will come soon; who of you would attend? The announcement, maybe in the late summer...early fall. Can you all be patient please? You want or wish to make me into a jester...this is not so.

Who is impatient I do not see any one on this forum asking you any questions? All I see is you coming on here tooting your own horn trying to get suckers to come to your lectures?

Accurate. So, if this is true that the story is such, and a treasure is hidden by way of the story, is it encoded? There is a reason the story makes no sense; this is necessary to effect the cipher that it is. PROOF !! it is demanded. OK...I get it. Proof is coming. I envision a planned, scheduled lecture setting to announce the PROOF. The discovery that will base this lecture will come soon; who of you would attend? The announcement, maybe in the late summer...early fall. Can you all be patient please? You want or wish to make me into a jester...this is not so.

Just look at what you posted above, attempting to turn what I clearly stated into your own desire that there is some other grand design behind all of those obvious and factual author deceptions. "You're living your own fantasy within your own manufactured grand conspiracy." To date, just like every other claim, you still can't produce a single point of directly connecting evidence, and notice i said, "can't"...not "won't." It's not that you won't post it, it's because you "can't" post it because you don't have it because it never existed. If you had it posting it would do no harm and it would only bolster you claim, generate a huge following, and yet no such evidence. Too much dodge for far too long. For what you are attempting to establish for yourself you fully realize the importance of that directly connecting evidence, without you have nothing but fabrication.

No matter what path you take, you can't build the truth around something that doesn't exist. All you can produce, just as the author did, is "your own authentic statements." Do you see the only true connection to the story now?

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Just look at what you posted above, attempting to turn what I clearly stated into your own desire that there is some other grand design behind all of those obvious and factual author deceptions. "You're living your own fantasy within your own manufactured grand conspiracy." To date, just like every other claim, you still can't produce a single point of directly connecting evidence, and notice i said, "can't"...not "won't." It's not that you won't post it, it's because you "can't" post it because you don't have it because it never existed. If you had it posting it would do no harm and it would only bolster you claim, generate a huge following, and yet no such evidence. Too much dodge for far too long. For what you are attempting to establish for yourself you fully realize the importance of that directly connecting evidence, without you have nothing but fabrication.

No matter what path you take, you can't build the truth around something that doesn't exist. All you can produce, just as the author did, is "your own authentic statements." Do you see the only true connection to the story now?

Bigscoop...I "won't" post it now. You are wrong. No, not too much "dodge"....Kawasaki...TOWANDA !!
The United States of America are going to ROCK soon!!

... OK...I get it... You want or wish to make me into a jester...this is not so.
"But where are the clowns
Send in the clowns
Don't bother, they're here"
- Sweet Judy blue eyes Collins

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