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You talking about the ox carts, mine shafts, Texas iron mine, 87 oz of crystalized flake gold on display in the Carbondale Bank, steamboats, or the myriads of Beales that have been proposed to be "THE BEALE" of the job pamphlet dime novel?
Remember, the bottom line to this treasure tale, is that it is a Virginia treasure tale that was created, copyrighted, printed, published, advertised, and sold by Virginians in Lynchburg.

Then why do you continue to post on the topic? Why would anyone want to live on a forum about such a created Virginia treasure tale?

I know of at least two families and their kin searched for the Beale Treasure before the Job Print Pamphlet (They were not kin to the extended family) and still search today. Wonder how they obtained their information?
That is interesting due to "knowledge of this affair was confined to a very limited circle-to the writer's immediate family, and to one old and valued friend".

Then why do you continue to post on the topic? Why would anyone want to live on a forum about such a created Virginia treasure tale?
You have brought that question up before, why does my posting concern you?
It has been noticed that are not to fond of Bigscoop's posts either.

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That is interesting due to "knowledge of this affair was confined to a very limited circle-to the writer's immediate family, and to one old and valued friend".
THAT was before RM died in 1863... descendents/family may have known through the years.

You have brought that question up before, why does my posting concern you?
It has been noticed that are not to fond of Bigscoop's posts either.

I'm simply wondering what all this holds for you, that's all. I mean, if I came across a forum about Santa Clause, I don't think I would feel the need to hang out there. Just wondering.

As far as bigscoop's posts, I doubt we could find anyone who has come against him more than you have. But I know what you're attempting with that. I think bigscoop's views on the Beale treasure are much closer to mine than they are to yours. He disagrees with what I say about the possibility of the treasure being ore, but he also know that I'm merely saying that as a POSSIBILITY. You don't seem to understand that. You come against everyone that posts here that has ideas different than your own.

I'm simply wondering what all this holds for you, that's all. I mean, if I came across a forum about Santa Clause, I don't think I would feel the need to hang out there. Just wondering.

As far as bigscoop's posts, I doubt we could find anyone who has come against him more than you have. But I know what you're attempting with that. I think bigscoop's views on the Beale treasure are much closer to mine than they are to yours. He disagrees with what I say about the possibility of the treasure being ore, but he also know that I'm merely saying that as a POSSIBILITY. You don't seem to understand that. You come against everyone that posts here that has ideas different than your own.
There have been several research paths followed on these threads, all holding different viewpoints concerning the validity of the story contained in the 1885 Beale Papers.
Bigscoop searches actual historic events and the technology of the time period to see if there is an outside connetion to, or if the events could have happened.
Enigmatist has provided a compelling case that the Beale Papers are a Masonic esoteric allegory, several those in the 1885 job pamphlet were Freemasons.
My approach to the Beale story concerns those behind the creation, copyrighting, printing, publishing, advertising , and sale of the job pamphlet, and THE INFLUENCES contained in the narrative text.
What all these avenues of research have in common, is the tacit opinion that the story contained in the Beale Papers, is fiction, be it a "cover story", an allegory, or a dime novel.

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There have been several research paths followed on these threads, all holding different viewpoints concerning the validity of the story contained in the 1885 Beale Papers.
Bigscoop searches actual historic events and the technology of the time period to see if there is an outside connetion to, or if the events could have happened.
Enigmatist has provided a compelling case that the Beale Papers are a Masonic esoteric allegory, several those in the 1885 job pamphlet were Freemasons.
My approach to the Beale story concerns those behind the creation, copyrighting, printing, publishing, advertising , and sale of the job pamphlet, and THE INFLUENCES contained in the narrative text.
What all these avenues of research have in common, is the tacit opinion that the story contained in the Beale Papers, is fiction, be it a "cove story", an allegory, or a dime novel.

Why have you stood so strongly against most of the posters on here? bigscoop, Jean Laf, Justintime, myself...anyone and everyone who doesn't agree with you, you try to make them out to look silly. And now you pretend to stand with some of these posters, just in an attempt to be against me? Are you going to say you now agree with bigscoop's theory? I have agreed with most posters here, for their theories being possible, and I have said so. I've even told YOU that your favorite theory could be correct, it's just that you don't have the proof that you claim to have. Yet you're quick to tell everyone else that they have no proof. I've said it many times, NONE OF US have proof for the Beale treasure, and I haven't claimed to have such. Why do you?

Your perception does appear to be a bit skewed. Debating or questioning another's post is hardly standing strongly against other posters.
Now you have constantly made the statement about "proof".
I have presented many times a body of evidence that supports my stand on this issue, citing people and events surrounding the 1885 Beale Papers.
Is it my research findings that so upset you, or is it something personal in your constant condemnations?

That is interesting due to "knowledge of this affair was confined to a very limited circle-to the writer's immediate family, and to one old and valued friend".

My Father was born in Lynchburg his immediate family had 18 brothers and sisters raging in years of 40 to 17 add some spouses that's about 40 people in his immediate family with G-paw and G-maw and just two children .

Your perception does appear to be a bit skewed. Debating or questioning another's post is hardly standing strongly against other posters.
Now you have constantly made the statement about "proof".
I have presented many times a body of evidence that supports my stand on this issue, citing people and events surrounding the 1885 Beale Papers.
Is it my research findings that so upset you, or is it something personal in your constant condemnations?

The posts I speak of are on the forum, so anyone can read them. Why deny what's clearly posted?

No, you're the one constantly making statements about proof. I'm telling you that as long as you require said proof, then the same will be required of you. It's that simple.

You have presented many times a "body of evidence" that supports your stand on this issue, citing people and events surrounding the Beale Papers, yes. And I have done the same. Other here have done likewise. NONE OF US, including yourself, has anything but suggestive evidence. NO PROOF.

Your research findings? What research findings? So far you haven't provided anything but , this one was related to that one, and that one owned a book store, and... Why would that upset me?


Your research findings? What research findings? So far you haven't provided anything but , this one was related to that one, and that one owned a book store, and... Why would that upset me?
Well it does seem to upset you as you spend time posting put downs than any attempt of rebuttal to the "family connection" to the Beale Papers. Is it because you can't prove the connections are wrong?
So I inquire, how many times do you have to post the same complaint rant ?
Your point has been made, time to move in a new direction that furthers the discussion.

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Well it does seem to upset you as you send time posting put downs than any attempt of rebuttal to the "family connection" to the Beale Papers. Is it because you can't prove the connections are wrong?
So I inquire, how many times do you have to post the same complaint rant ?
Your point has been made, time to move in a new direction that furthers the discussion.

I send time? Where do I send it?:laughing7:

Why in the world would I want to refute people in Lynchburg being related in 1885? And why would I want to refute that one of them owned a bookstore, or worked for the newspaper? None of that is proof of anything, so what need is there to refute it?

But still, you are not sure, as it all began with a duel between James Beverly Risqué and Thomas Beale, and Risque's descendants were involved in the copyright and publishing of the job pamphlet in 1885, with one old and vaiued friend selling it at his store.
Can't disprove the connections, events and influences I brought forth , can you?
Is that reason behind your constant stalking my posts?

But still, you are not sure, as it all began with a duel between James Beverly Risqué and Thomas Beale, and Risque's descendants were involved in the copyright and publishing of the job pamphlet in 1885, with one old and vaiued friend selling it at his store.
Can't disprove the connections, events and influences I brought forth , can you?
Is that reason behind your constant stalking my posts?

Dude, this is MY thread. You're the stalker. Please stop.

No, I can't disprove that some of those people were related. Why would I want to? And they were the family of the man Beale dueled with? So what? That's not proof of anything to do with the Beale story. And the one old and valued friend is not named, so you don't know who that was. Even if it's who you think it is, it doesn't prove anything.

You have posed on threads that I was the OP, so what is your problem?
You can post on mine, but I'm not allowed to post on yours?
I do not believe that is what is stated in the TN Rules.

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