The Peralta Stones

Thats Funny Bill,

Ryan's been a Stone buster since day one.

But think about it so has the Sarg, By his very nature of the the job! To prove suspects wrong. So convince the skeptics and I go down in History! Forever cemented in the anal's of time. Plus a expert in Jesuit treasure symbols. Might even get me a few gigs.


Stone Buster? Isn't that like a prison camp inmate? They might as well bust those stones all they're good for is door stops! Sarg knows the stones are faked by Travis and copied off a paper map which he has. Sarges job when he was working was to prove suspects were breaking the law and there are no laws when it comes to treasure hunting or we would all be in jail.:laughing7: Jesuit Treasure Symbols? Only Gold Mine symbols no treasure has ever been found of a Jesuit Nature that can be proven from so called "Jesuit Treasure symbols". Kings Treasure symbols maybe, Free Mason symbols, no Jesuit symbols, so, I guess you'll have to cancel those "Gig's".

The only symbols I've seen from the Jesuits is "IHS" or a cross. Main stream Vatican Jesuit's weren't allowed to possess any wealth only the polymaths hired by the King's in order to hide the vast wealth of the new world's mines were allowed to use the symbols the King's approved. You might call them Dark Jesuit Warlocks shunned by the Vatican. Those symbols like El Tio and other darker more ominous symbols of death (Skull) were the calling cards of these Witches. A far cry from the "Holy Inspired" simple penitent Priest. Jesuit involvement in hiding Treasures has always been over rated. At least the ones involved with the Mission Chains that helped to enslave the Indian's for the Hacienda owners. They may have hid mines for the Missions, but, Treasures? Very Small and few or far between if any at all. The big picture has always been the Gold mines of the Hacienda owners.

I said all of that to say this:
The Peralta Stone maps are real! They are an incredible testament to the brave men who gave their lives in quest of their dreams! These men died, so please respect their legacy. You sit on your butts and read comments from other couch potatoes and take it all as gospel! The pompous butts that tell you the stones are fake have never, ever lifted a finger to pick up a metal detector or shovel, and will believe anything anyone tells them! Be independent...think outside the box!! But mainly, get off your butt, and get out there. I have a small hint

Ya they died all right, following Travis's fake Maps! Travis could be as responsible as Jacob Waltz for the men that died in search of false hope they would one day find something. You're talking to a group of people on Tnet that've been out there searching and digging for decades if not all their lives looking for these elusive clues that have been embellished with fake symbols by those that have no couth. We don't sit on our asses. We actually do detect, GPR, GoPro Drone, Thermal Image, Mine, Sluice, Drywash, Prospect, think out side the box, and stumble into a cactus now and then. You don't have to give us a hint we got that message many years ago. As for my couch, I only use it when I get back from back packing into the wilderness for days and can't move anymore from arthritis joint pain!

There are no lazy Butts on here. We all pull our own weight. You must be thinking of that other Treasure Hunting web site. Couch Potato's .com:)

Bil, you now have it. The mission priest was not privy nor did He participate in mining except to a very small degree, However, there is a dark side to the Jeuit society, yes, they did mine, through a system of coajuters. And they did plan on taking North America away from Spain with the collaboration of the Dutch for which they were expelled in 1767 :occasion14:

Mr, Riley

We'll you seem to have bought in to Ryan's hot off the press scoop. Well that we be thrown out of court. And the map in question is not to the same location as the stones, And for the no treasure you should look a Mel fishers treasure real close. Markings ect.


Mr, Riley

We'll you seem to have bought in to Ryan's hot off the press scoop. Well that we be thrown out of court. And the map in question is not to the same location as the stones, And for the no treasure you should look a Mel fishers treasure real close. Markings ect.


It was reported somewhere that Mel Fisher had financed an expedition into Arizona looking for the
source of the Atocha Gold forged in Mexico City. He believed that most of the gold came from load gold
mines in Arizona. He had to have come up with that information on the Atocha itself or in the Archives
of the Indies in Seville, Spain. Don’t get confused with the markings on the gold bars and the Jesuits.
The Peralta Stone maps are a different story. Most of us on here have used them in one capacity or
another trying to solve the riddle of the stones. I came up with Gematria that gave a longitude and
latitude for a way point in Mexico. I also solved a free mason riddle on the front of the Priest map and
that answer is “It is a Bowl” which is known as a common free mason symbol for the story of Hiram
Abiff. The ritual in Free Masonry used the “Bowl” off the top of a Human Skull for drinking wine a
symbol of Hiram’s death. Basically, the Priest stone map gives up the key symbol for finding gold mines
as a skull the symbol of death and darkness. Also the burial of Hiram Abiff.
Whether or not the HP stone is real it has some underlying codes embedded in the religious under
pinning of the Bible. If you believe in Gematria coding.

Mr, Riley

I did not know that Mel linked Arizona gold to the Atocha, I do know from a visit to he museum some of them bars contain codes to its place of origin such as 8nP, ect. It's all about supply chain, How to keep gold and silver and jewels coming into Spain in timely order. And they did a very good job of it.

That's what I do for a living except our gold is French fries all over the world 29 million pounds shipped last week and it's not a easy task today let alone back then.



Whats the meaning of them in the Bluebird mine.
Are they linking the Bluebird to the Crosses.



Alright then it's getting pretty cold up here in the tundra and this bird is growing his wings again, But the only thing on this bird that's blue is my cold BALLS[emoji35][emoji3]


It was reported somewhere that Mel Fisher had financed an expedition into Arizona looking for the
source of the Atocha Gold forged in Mexico City. He believed that most of the gold came from load gold
mines in Arizona.

I've seen (ca 1985+/-) originals of correspondence between the Fisher corporation and other parties offering to negotiate ownership of certain existing legal mining claims in New Mexico for the purpose of the recovery of gold bullion and emeralds, with mention of another gold proposed recovery project in Utah. Arizona was not mentioned. I don't know anything more about their Utah project, but I do know that the New Mexico claims were never optioned or sold to the Fisher group.

Sounds like a supply chain and storage to me. All the way to Mexico City!


I've seen (ca 1985+/-) originals of correspondence between the Fisher corporation and other parties offering to negotiate ownership of certain existing legal mining claims in New Mexico for the purpose of the recovery of gold bullion and emeralds, with mention of another gold proposed recovery project in Utah. Arizona was not mentioned. I don't know anything more about their Utah project, but I do know that the New Mexico claims were never optioned or sold to the Fisher group.

It was a secret the others were decoys.

Hello all experts,
I found these signs with inscriptions, kindly help me to understand these signs and scripts. What does it means?


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Hello all experts,
I found these signs with inscriptions, kindly help me to understand these signs and scripts. What does it means?

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