Oroblanco said:
Hola amigos,
I don't know about counting up the treasure just yet. Speaking for myself, I wouldn't start adding up the shekels until the scales are weighing out the gold or silver.
Springfield wrote
Conspiracy? Bigger than most people could even dream of.
I hope that you will explain this in detail some evening, and look forward to reading it.
Always Lost wrote
Francisco vallegas Garsina y Orosco made the stones around 1646 , and yes he dose sign them Ta (yO) father
1646? What do you make of that conspicuous "
1847" on the Peralta stones? Thank you in advance;
that's easy question its not a date ,
i will tell you this out right .. i have been working on the Jesuit code for 9 years now ,, as far as i know and this is a exclusive for TH.net , and you can quote me .. " i am the only one i know of that has broken a Jesuit code "
the code is mind blowing complex even for a border line savant and .. i have been able to track gold bars from the Tayopa mine all the way to the gold bars on the 1622 Attocha ,,i can now read the mint marks and define a mass of data from those crazy mint marks ...
when i said i found the Tayopa i was not joking .. and i would like to add ..
someone said why publish a discovery here on the web ... why not ?
is this not a treasure site where people spend years if not most of their life trying to find treasure ..
i have a very different set of skills then most people . as you may have noticed . i think different and react different to everything around me .. and i thank god for this gift ... my idea to come to this site and share some of my work and search had very little to do with wealth or greed .. i just wanted to learn from the site and share if i could , that is some time harder to do on the web as you now see ..
this topic is about the Peralta stones .. sorry i no longer see them as the Peralta stones ...
in fact i am going to work on a few more Jesuit related topics because the code runs all threw the jesuit faith all the way to the top.....
i have markings id ing people i don't even know yet ...
but the hard work is done braking the code it self ..
a lot of you guys put in a lot of your time and some just enjoy treasure hunting , maybe the person that types his theory here should get a little more freedom . maybe his search will open up in time and next thing you know you could be the first to ever brake a code .. we never know just where a treasure is , some of the legends are just legends and nothing more .. its up to us to brake the holds of history and find that smallest detail that changes it from a legend to a smile !
so why most of you think i am crazy in the head with desert dust .. i welcome you to the rendezvous this year . step up and come and see where the trail ends and my life work becomes part of history .. lets hope i am right ,, there are no free bee treasures and many come and many fail .. but they maybe far and few , but some times they hit pay dirt ..and that's something you don't want to miss unless your a Peralta family member and the Dutchman is standing behind you with a loaded gun ...
i like treasure just as much as most do .. but i am also part native American Indian , part Mohawk .. and i to know the cost of greed it came in the night like a unstoppable sickness to their people and their way of life and crushed their families and took and took and took , a happiness our modern culture may never under stand ..
so at times i am a little sad . because i do under stand and i feel their pain and no matter how much time passes by .. you never forget your family .. you to should under stand what and who these great people were, are and will be again some day .. they watch us come and go and our path to riches rob us of knowing what great and beautiful culture they hold within them ..
ya ,i know some of you were getting ready to make me the center of your joke and have a good laugh .. ha ha ha ..
maybe . i will be the one laughing when this is all over ..maybe i will just walk away and you may pass me on the trail or find me setting in some dusty book filled room but one thing you can count on , i will be treasure hunting in the next life !