The Peralta Stones

cactusjumper said:

It's a well know fact that I know......everybody. You blink your eyes, and someone will have my name back on that list before you can get them focused again.

Somewhere, here on this site, I have your written promise to share the loot with me. That's as good as a legal contract......I think. :dontknow:

Joe Ribaudo
Legal Advise and Paternity Suit's: We have staff who can administer tests at our drive-through window. $39.95 with fries.

that s funny CJ .

i have no problem shareing

can you do a days work ?

Oroblanco said:
Ellie Baba wrote
I had to post 21 location notices early this week in rough remote area and it has kicked my butt.

Wow - that sounds like a major mineral discovery! Can you say in what location (without getting too specific, don't care to cause a lot of claim-jumping) or what state, without getting into trouble? I can empathize about getting whipped by seemingly simple things; an ordinary ladder kicks the crap out of me fairly regularly anymore. :-[

Outside of Phoenix, AZ. 32 lode claims all together. I have found no records to document this old original Spanish Mine; was later known as the Union Mine, no docs either. Any one hear of such a mine?

Has no one examined the possibility that the stone maps may actually apply to a different area altogether? There are certain features on the map which would suggest looking elsewhere, and there is an area where the maps will "fit" quite well, and in Arizona at that, yet well out of the Superstitions. After all, the maps were found not IN the Superstitions at all, unless the story of their origin is un-true.

I will answer that one for us all when I get a chance to do some more map work. My best friend thinks the maps take us to the Caballo Mountains in New Mexico and he has some great evidence to back it up.

PS - Ellie Baba also wrote
I do wish you the best of luck Blindwoman (is it?).

His ID used to be Blindbowman, not blindwoman as far as I know.

Sorry about that BB, but you do need a sense of humor my friend. Did you hear about the one...

I do wish you the best of luck and if this is your last gig (sure you say) doesn't pan out (pun) you should try your luck at becoming a comedian performing as a treasure hunter. You sure keep me in stitches, ha, ha, ha, he, he, he. I would watch your show every Saturday night.

Ellie B

always lost said:
this is nothing new ,you play the game and make a lot of jokes and have your fun
is that what treasure hunting is all bout to you guys ...making fun of people with personal attacks , making fun of their hard work ,making fun of the time they have put into their search .. if that's the case , ..i feel sorry for the people that really enjoy treasure hunting like my self ..

good luck

If you can't have fun doin what you love to do, you had better find somethin else to do that's more fun!

Ellie Babalouie, eh Quickstraw...


[that s funny CJ .

i have no problem shareing

can you do a days work ?]

Now boy, I won't stand for no insults when I'm just trying to get you to live up to your word. #ell yes I can do a day's work. I will require three or four days, but I can get 'er done. Just send that little pigeon of yours with the paper thingie wired to his/her leg, telling me when and where, and I will struggle into my work boots and fire up ol Bessie.

See ya there,


make sure your ready to hike into the mt the first day ...we got a lot to do ... but first we got to get there .. .. we don't got to hike fast and i don't want to push anyone beyond their limits ,, can you make it to the 3 red hills .? how far can you hike ..? the most we have hiked is 15 hours

Hola amigos,

I don't know about counting up the treasure just yet. Speaking for myself, I wouldn't start adding up the shekels until the scales are weighing out the gold or silver. :icon_pirat:

Springfield wrote
Conspiracy? Bigger than most people could even dream of.

I hope that you will explain this in detail some evening, and look forward to reading it. :icon_thumright:

Always Lost wrote
Francisco vallegas Garsina y Orosco made the stones around 1646 , and yes he dose sign them Ta (yO) father

1646? What do you make of that conspicuous "1847" on the Peralta stones? Thank you in advance;

Hi Group,

See attached map, 1900 Florence Topo, 1:125,000. Lower right hand corner notation; “Polyconic projection. To place on 1927 North American Datum, move projection lines 465 feet south and 350 feet west.”

The map below depicts that the Gila County Boundary line is exactly 65° west of north.
The 1900 Florence Topo map (edition of 1902 on right lower side) that I had previously used to demonstrate the horse/neck transfer and the manly dude depicts the Gila County Boundary line to be exactly 55° west of north, a 10° difference.

Why did the boundary line change my friends? Remember the word RIO? Remember the three clue rule applies here “R” and the number 10.

The original 1900 Topo was never sold or used in the early days of the maps release, however, the 1902 First Edition was. In the early days no one had another map to compare it with so they never knew the difference. When the 1912 edition of the 1900 was printed and available the corrected Gila County Boundary line was once again where it should be. This clue went over everyone’s head.

R10, R=a line, but not the county line. It represents connect the dot (or “R”) type line; just above the tip of the horse’s ear you will find Rogers Canyon. Place a straight edge exactly on the bottom edge of the legs of this “R”.

Looking southeast you will see Roger’s Troughs, so place your flat edge to line up with first leg of this “R”.

Looking southeast once again you will see Reevis (2-e’s) Trail Canyon, your last and final “R”. By the way we are using only three (3) “R’s”. We will talk about the 10’s later (you have witnessed 1-10 in 10°).

You must draw this line perfectly and once this has been done you will find that its heading is 55° west of north. Amazing my friends, but true, so what happens next? Some of you will start to see through the forest and some of you will be totally lost. It will make sense as we continue forward.

Notice the hand above the word Maricopa it is reaching to grab the county line and move it to the west; Awesome!

Until then,

Buenos notches,

Ellie Baba


  • 1900florencetopo [50%].webp
    1900florencetopo [50%].webp
    70.2 KB · Views: 549
Hi Group,

Attached is a copy of the 1902 Florence Topo Map. I drew in the line for demonstration purposes.

Ellie Baba


"make sure your ready to hike into the mt the first day ...we got a lot to do ... but first we got to get there .. .. we don't got to hike fast and i don't want to push anyone beyond their limits ,, can you make it to the 3 red hills .? how far can you hike ..? the most we have hiked is 15 hours"

Well......I've been going through some pretty extensive physical therapy for the last three months, and I'm up to two......maybe three trips to the bathroom in one night. How far did you say those red hills were?

Right now it takes me around five minutes per trip and I have to move right along, so I doubt speed will be a problem for me. By the time of your expedition, I may be up to four or five trips a night, which would be a big help....if you know what I mean. :walk:

All things considered, I'm probably ready right now. You just make sure that pigeon is pumped up for the flight out here. I figure if the pigeon can make it, I can make it.

Take care,


Oroblanco said:
Hola amigos,

I don't know about counting up the treasure just yet. Speaking for myself, I wouldn't start adding up the shekels until the scales are weighing out the gold or silver. :icon_pirat:

Springfield wrote
Conspiracy? Bigger than most people could even dream of.

I hope that you will explain this in detail some evening, and look forward to reading it. :icon_thumright:

Always Lost wrote
Francisco vallegas Garsina y Orosco made the stones around 1646 , and yes he dose sign them Ta (yO) father

1646? What do you make of that conspicuous "1847" on the Peralta stones? Thank you in advance;

that's easy question its not a date ,

i will tell you this out right .. i have been working on the Jesuit code for 9 years now ,, as far as i know and this is a exclusive for , and you can quote me .. " i am the only one i know of that has broken a Jesuit code "

the code is mind blowing complex even for a border line savant and .. i have been able to track gold bars from the Tayopa mine all the way to the gold bars on the 1622 Attocha ,,i can now read the mint marks and define a mass of data from those crazy mint marks ...

when i said i found the Tayopa i was not joking .. and i would like to add ..
someone said why publish a discovery here on the web ... why not ?

is this not a treasure site where people spend years if not most of their life trying to find treasure ..

i have a very different set of skills then most people . as you may have noticed . i think different and react different to everything around me .. and i thank god for this gift ... my idea to come to this site and share some of my work and search had very little to do with wealth or greed .. i just wanted to learn from the site and share if i could , that is some time harder to do on the web as you now see ..

this topic is about the Peralta stones .. sorry i no longer see them as the Peralta stones ...

in fact i am going to work on a few more Jesuit related topics because the code runs all threw the jesuit faith all the way to the top.....

i have markings id ing people i don't even know yet ...

but the hard work is done braking the code it self ..

a lot of you guys put in a lot of your time and some just enjoy treasure hunting , maybe the person that types his theory here should get a little more freedom . maybe his search will open up in time and next thing you know you could be the first to ever brake a code .. we never know just where a treasure is , some of the legends are just legends and nothing more .. its up to us to brake the holds of history and find that smallest detail that changes it from a legend to a smile !

so why most of you think i am crazy in the head with desert dust .. i welcome you to the rendezvous this year . step up and come and see where the trail ends and my life work becomes part of history .. lets hope i am right ,, there are no free bee treasures and many come and many fail .. but they maybe far and few , but some times they hit pay dirt ..and that's something you don't want to miss unless your a Peralta family member and the Dutchman is standing behind you with a loaded gun ...

i like treasure just as much as most do .. but i am also part native American Indian , part Mohawk .. and i to know the cost of greed it came in the night like a unstoppable sickness to their people and their way of life and crushed their families and took and took and took , a happiness our modern culture may never under stand ..

so at times i am a little sad . because i do under stand and i feel their pain and no matter how much time passes by .. you never forget your family .. you to should under stand what and who these great people were, are and will be again some day .. they watch us come and go and our path to riches rob us of knowing what great and beautiful culture they hold within them ..

ya ,i know some of you were getting ready to make me the center of your joke and have a good laugh .. ha ha ha ..

maybe . i will be the one laughing when this is all over ..maybe i will just walk away and you may pass me on the trail or find me setting in some dusty book filled room but one thing you can count on , i will be treasure hunting in the next life !

cactusjumper said:

"make sure your ready to hike into the mt the first day ...we got a lot to do ... but first we got to get there .. .. we don't got to hike fast and i don't want to push anyone beyond their limits ,, can you make it to the 3 red hills .? how far can you hike ..? the most we have hiked is 15 hours"

Well......I've been going through some pretty extensive physical therapy for the last three months, and I'm up to two......maybe three trips to the bathroom in one night. How far did you say those red hills were?

Right now it takes me around five minutes per trip and I have to move right along, so I doubt speed will be a problem for me. By the time of your expedition, I may be up to four or five trips a night, which would be a big help....if you know what I mean. :walk:

All things considered, I'm probably ready right now. You just make sure that pigeon is pumped up for the flight out here. I figure if the pigeon can make it, I can make it.

Take care,


a touch of vinegar half tsp
a little angle hair pasta
with a nice soft apple cider
and a tall glass of home squeezed lemon aid

will be the only way the pigeon goes any where
,when he fly's off the plate

i know your yanking my chain dumb a**.....

i hope you are well and i am right , we could have a lot laughs ...

always lost said:
Real de

i have the 18 locations to the mines...

do you want to help ?

PM me and we can talk , i will not be posting at the site ...

What did I say? Just can't help yourself can you - you know we missed you BB - it's been way too quiet :)

cup ..some times in the heat of research we find our self s beyond the debatable facts .. we say and do things we may not feel are the most logical thing to do , yet we see an out come others may not ..

you may not under stand me and few ever do .. but you should know when the baddest storm was coming and the sea was rough they called for the best helmsman to keep them safe and find a their way when they only had their sense to guide them .

when its time you will under stand why i sent you there and . you will thank me ..

in fact some day we may be setting up there together laughing about it ...i will explain when its time .. if you had looked over your shoulder .. you may have seen something few ever will ... but you never made it to the top of the heart ...

you may think it was my fault , in truth it was both our faults

i never told you why i pick that location and i thought you would go to the top of the heart .. .. i have no idea how rough that mt is and i hope i never find out .. unless we are climbing it together ..

half the fun of learning is seeing how big of fool we can make of our self's and other a long the way ...

Good morning my friend BB: You posted --> half the fun of learning is seeing how big of fool we can make of our self's

I hope that you don't think that you have a monopoly on this, in fact one of my most frequent laughs is myself, welcome.

Don Jose de La Mancha

always lost said:
cup ..some times in the heat of research we find our self s beyond the debatable facts .. we say and do things we may not feel are the most logical thing to do , yet we see an out come others may not ..

you may not under stand me and few ever do .. but you should know when the baddest storm was coming and the sea was rough they called for the best helmsman to keep them safe and find a their way when they only had their sense to guide them .

when its time you will under stand why i sent you there and . you will thank me ..

in fact some day we may be setting up there together laughing about it ...i will explain when its time .. if you had looked over your shoulder .. you may have seen something few ever will ... but you never made it to the top of the heart ...

you may think it was my fault , in truth it was both our faults

i never told you why i pick that location and i thought you would go to the top of the heart .. .. i have no idea how rough that mt is and i hope i never find out .. unless we are climbing it together ..

half the fun of learning is seeing how big of fool we can make of our self's and other a long the way ...

Hmmm, I'm not sure what I was supposed to see, but I did climb to the very top of it and spent a half hour or so eating a sandwich, enjoying the sun and the 360 degree views.

It took about 30 minutes to get to the top - a direct approach wasn't possible without ropes, but starting off to the right a bit I was able to scramble up pretty easily until I reached and ridgeline where it was easy to just keep climbing along until I reached the top.

and you believe that's why i send you there ,,...

bait is a funny thing , you don't really under stand how much your bait is in danger till its to late . i spent hours trying to avoid a very larger cat and a group of very dangerous tribes people .. maybe if the cat feed on something it would give me the time i needed to see what i wanted to at the time .the cat was easy as you were . you are right it was a beautiful day ...and i was not joking but would i say so if i was ...and if you were in the same conditions as i was you may have done the same thing ..

i am sorry about what took place that day . no one else knew i was in the mts that day ...even them .. they watch you the whole time ,you don't know how very lucky you are sir ...

you did not know what you were looking for and they knew it from the start on the other hand , i am a hawk and they herd me coming . and they knew i knew they were there ..

you thing i did you wrong friend . i may have used you as bait but your alive to say so ...what did you prove ? ask your self that question and when you know the answer come tell me and i will tell you why they did not kill you .. you dont under stand the game do you ... ...

you were on top of the world , but you never reach the top of the mt .. thats why your still here .. there is two sides to a ridge ...!

do you want me to hold your hand next time ?

your own greed took you there not me i only pointed ...

Tell me BB, exactly what day and time did you see me out there? Should be very easy for you to answer since you've only made a few trips there. Pretty simple question and an easy way for you to prove you were there when I was - of course it's odd you didn't see me reach the top since I sat up there for awhile enjoying the moment.

We should probably get back to the topic of the Peralta Stones though, since that's what the subject title of the thread is. If you're not comfortable using that term anymore, you might want to start your own thread on the "Tayopa Stones."

Hi Gang,

The next move is fairly simple. Keep the tip of the horse's ear level with the Maricopa and Pinal county lines and slide him to the right until the newly created three "R" line fits exactly/up against the Gila County line.

Amazing move I would say and if anyone thinks these maps were designed to work any where else on this planet please give me notice. There is so much more to share concerning these amazing maps.

Those of you who are familiar with the higher levels of math will be challenged. This part of the game I am no match for. We will also need some well educated astronomers.

The maps will become more difficult to solve due to the fact that these stone maps were not created by one or two uneducated men as one must now realize. The misspelled words are part of the map's design and are used for a specific reason. The heart map will join in the fun later and all of its symbols and quirks will be revealed.

The same folks who were involved in creating the stone maps were also involved in creating the many editions of the 1900 Florence Topo Maps! If you haven't seen the proof for yourself as presented here on this forum to convince you of a secret society hard at work then what more do you need for providing the proof!

Just stay tuned right here my friends and watch the magic unfold.

Ellie Baba

I for one am following your postings very closely. of all the therories that I have read yours ahs me completley baffled as to the whos' and why's, I look forwrard to future installments.


EB - just to let you know I'm not ignoring your posts either. Every theory is worth presenting, and even though I'm getting a little lost in yours , it's still worth hearing.


I am waiting for the book to be published. I assume that will make everything crystal clear.

From reading your posts, It would seem you don't have all the answers yourself.
Still looking?

Take care,


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