my brother is still with us and wanted to return , still dose . but as of yet his condition limits his chances to return , the reason he was spiting up blood at the top of the mt that day was 3/4 of the back side of his heart was no longer working 75 % blockage . he is very very lucky .. we took time to let him catch up . an if he had pushed it any more that day he most likely would not be here now .. i still have all my photos and i am going to work this case with a new tool .. i have been designing a new type of PPL profiling system to define details in unsolved serial killer case,, my profiling system is 7 for 7 so far and is like no other profiling system known ..the system collects data and defines it in to possibilities probabilities and logistics..
with this custom computer designed to run this system i can define any related data to things we had no idea were related at all ...we can take the body index of the people in this case and define how they got there and who put them there and why ..
i hope you give me a chance to work the case with out the debates .. i found a hooked X at one of my sites and i had no idea what its meaning was back then ..
the reason i believe the stones are confusing is simple .. the stone were copies of two other groups past work Jesuit got the main drawings right , but even their own translation was off a little . they had copied it from native American tribe codex that recorded the events of the 1362 Templar expedition .. we had no idea that expedition had coverd the area it did thus no one knew the Templar had gone that far .. but the system they use to mark their movements is intact and is defind just to them ..
i still stand by my findings . Crystall stold the stones from a San Anna church, the chruch had collected odd stone work found threw out the area and other areas near by sent objects to them for safe keeping ..this is why they also recorded the details of other mines in the area ..
at one point the land clam was under the control of the Peralta family and we all know the basic details after that point ..
the stones were copied to Spanish translation ..the person or persons that copied them ,took the details from the Jesuit copies who coped them from native tribes that told the story of the Templar expedition .. i know it lost some detail in translation .. thats what makes them confusing
i believe the details of the stones are not fakes . they are copies 2 or 3 time removed .. but out right not fakes . and i will be willing to prove this after my test are run with the PPL profiling system .
i believe a mistake has been made .. the Templar expedition listed 7 main leaders of the knights were on that expedition and one died on the east coast , he was the step brother of st Clair , one of the most defined leaders of the Templar order .. the 6 have never been found , till now !, i am trying to find details of the tribe that saw the Templar in 1362 , but the recorded history of that tribe is far less then i had hoped ..but we do have the skill level and other defining data from their navigator and they do match the details of the stones ..i will not give out the details of how close i am . but i will say i was correct in how the details define their coarse and directions ..
the heart has another meaning . it stands for where they made their camp site or home site
it did not make any real scene till i learn that ...
the fact the 6 Templar have never been found and here we have 6 grave markes
tells me they are here somewhere near the chicomoztoc caves .. and when you under stand the details it starts to make logical patterns . they took these new unknown people to the oldest chiff they knew of at the time .. the stone may be from the 1847 dating but where copies of much older copies ..the best details still come from the codex of near by tribes in the area ..we may see what looks like odd data but when its put in the correct order and sequences is has meaning that we can not see at first sight ...
the confusion of dating the details from the stones vs who could have made them . is a matter of what part of their translation you believe is most accurate , this is what makes the stones more confusing ...
crystall put the stone there because he misread there meaning ..he did not think he could take them with him so he puts them away for safe keeping in case he needs them again . but he as many others finds death in his path ..
the church had good reason to keep the stones hidden . the Templar had a standing land clam in those stones recorded data even if the stones were not the first copy of the data ..
if i am correct . the Templar expedition ends here at chicomoztoc .. why i can not say yet .. but they made it to this location i am sure of this ...
"one at the beginning and one at the end of the trail depicted on the Stone Maps."
yes you are correct and if the hearts do show they camp sites of there expeditions we now know a detail we did not know before ..
if you remember i showed you a fade sword standing upright on the cave wall i found , the missing Templar leader's grave was marked the same way , a sword standing up right ..
now we know how the navigated threw the area ..there is no question about it .. no matter how many times the data is coped . it is Templar . the math dose not lie , it is in the details