Do not believe a word the news media is printing about the Red Arrow situation. They are only putting out the side of the story that fits their agenda. Reporters have been filled in with the true facts and yet persist on trying to aid in the destruction of this small mining company. Whatever seems sensational is what they want to waste their ink on.
The Colorado Division of Reclamation, Mining and Safety (DRMS) was told that Red Arrow was operating an illegal mill in Mancos, Co. It was not illegal, DRMS rules allow for testing. They had so called “inspectors” view the site and completely get the equipment wrong. Our new Quinn Batch Amalgamator was called a ball mill and the new AMS Continuous Ore Roaster was called a retort. And yes, it did have a wash tub upsidedown as part of the roaster hood to direct the sulfur fumes into a separate scrubber before discharge. This unit only saw about ten hours of use and was abandoned because it was not cost effective to operate in this testing situation. It never saw mercury in it’s use.
We were testing out equipment that would handle our ore and had a pretty good handle on it. As a matter of fact, the test site was just beginning to be dismantled and cleaned up when we were locked out by a court ordered receivership.
The mercury that was used there was totally contained in the system and NONE was discharged. I have read wild newspaper claims that we spewed pounds and pounds of mercury vapor into the atmosphere. Are these people crazy

Mercury is very expensive and we used the recycled mercury over and over. We seemed to be actually gaining naturally occurring mercury from the ore that we were running. The testing that DRMS ordered took the swab reading that was extremely high directly from the Amalgamator drain spout that had not even been cleaned yet. So all of a sudden there are “ highly dangerous levels of Mercury present”. The news reports could not pass that up! Rumor begat rumors and before you know it, they have their new Three Mile Island.
We are working this through the courts right now, but we believe the truth will prevail and we will be back in good graces with the community.