seems to me that frank has a child hood cache that he had buried when he was ten. he wants to know the best way to retrieve his cache. he lives only 30 miles away. the cache is roughly worth 30 times the value of the coins he buried. i recollect he buried 13 silver dollars from what he claimed. his cache today would be worth about $390 or more depending what grade are the coins. i believe that if i knew the coins where maybe still there, i would would not wait any longer to try and retrieve these coins. ive metal detected further away for a lot less.......and still am glad of what i found.......if i were frank, this is what i would do. go meet the home owner, tell him the true story of what you buried as a child of ten. tell when you moved, you had forgotten about the coin cache and now you would like to retrieve the cache. tell him you will only search the area where the coins were buried , and if found, offer him 3 of the coins of your choice for giving the chance of finding the cache... this is a great way of maybe making a friend.........