The Offer

If he agreed to 50/50 I would take it, I know if someone told me there was a cache on my land I would tell them to get the hell off my property and find it myself. As of now you are the only one who is losing out since you put the effort into researching it. If you keep pushing him you are setting yourself up to losing the 50% you could of had, hows that going to feel knowing you had the chance to make something off your research but greed lost you everything.

Burdie, I will try to get it across to you.
-Your research & hunting time is worth nothing until you find the cache, then it becomes priceless!
-To me it's a matter of principal. I can't see the owner getting more than me.
-TRUE, he paid the tax on his property, but you can bet your sweet he didn't pay taxes on the $150,000.
-Have a nice night while you think about that one.
PS, I don't think Franklin knows where it is either. Frank

Scar, briefly, 2 times, letter and E Mail
Face to face, NO
I research until spring
He is just 1 of 3 in my lineup Frank

Lookingdown, Spoken like someone that has not paid his dues, That is sweat equity. Frank

Hay, I have opinions also and as you can see, I don't mind expressing them.

Scar, that's true. It isn't over till the fat lady sings.

Bayter, I can tell you are an original thinker or a fisherman.

Henry 2, It's easy to see that you didn't put the sweat equity into this one.
There is an old saying," don't count your chickens before they hatch".

Just out of curiosity, you have negotiated these type deals before and actually found sizeable caches from these efforts, yes? If so, then you must have a pretty good feel for what you're doing, yes? And if not, then why not appriciate the many differnt points of view that you're getting as that is what you asked for, yes? Hey, I wish you all the luck in the world, despite my personal opinion on the subject. :thumbsup:

Frankn said:
Henry 2, It's easy to see that you didn't put the sweat equity into this one.
There is an old saying," don't count your chickens before they hatch".

You ask for our opinions but it seems as if you have you mind already made up, I wish you the best of luck.

Henry 2, It amazes me how many people will sell themself short for a little profit. I stated that I would never accept less than the land owner. I was looking for alternate presentations to achieve my goal of an equal 3 way split. There is a catch 22 factor that I won't disclose that might be used to leverage my way through this, but it is a last resort. Frank

No, you asked our opinion about the 30% division and then you complained about the responses.

We don't care what secret info you have, you either reach an accord with the land owner or throw away the time you have already spent in research. Do whatever you want, you dont really care what anyone else says.

Frank, from what I have read, I would say this property is in Texas. If it is in East Texas then you are close to me. The game of the trade is the most fun part of the deal for me. It is easy to up the anty to 50% but harder to drop it to 20%. I would suggest dropping the anty but that will take some negotiating skills. I have done this deal many times. I really don't think that you should cut the landowner more than 25%. Lots of the folks here on TNet are detectors and will answer with areas they have searched by getting the go ahead with a handshake deal and a 50/50 cut, some just look for open fields and the like but the few that take the time to do the research are the real treasure hunters. I could see me working for a treasure hunter for little to no compensation or just a coin. I am not a treasure hunter but a story teller and would value my stories as a better treasure than the gold.

Hay Jason, from watering the tree to Tigger. That's quite a change.
What you don't understand is I value everyone's opinion, but I have to stir the pot to get some fresh ideas. No one is right or wrong here. There are just personal ideas. It's like jobs, some will work for less than others. most people know what they are worth doing a certain job. When I spend a little time on a story and swing my coil a little and find a small cache that time is not worth as much as spending months on research and driving hundreds of miles to check facts before even getting the detector out. Just think about it.
By the way you should try a positive post with real facts once in a while. Check my posts, I have given out a ton of information and locations and I try to help the new guys. Frank

Hobbes not Tigger... :wink:

Scar, Not in E Texas, but I have a good lead in central Texas That I might hit some day. I also have a partner in that area. I work out of a motor home. When I go to hunt I am good for over week of continued hunting. As far as dealing with the land owner on this one, I will wait him out for a month or two then present a new carrot. You see I have presented him with the prospect of loosing something he didn't know he had. Frank

N.J. THer, I will have to defer to you on that one. It is one of the weaker fields of my knowledge, but he does look like Tigger to me. Frank

The landowner is in no condition to bargain! He either gets 33% of something or 100% of nothing. I'm on your side completely on this one. He could take a bulldozer to every square inch of his property and still never find it. Look, your not even 100% sure of success. You have to be so careful of everything you do because greed rears it's ugly head in every direction. Hey, if that landowner is feeling cocky, let him go for it. Put it on the backburner. If and when he finds out he's hit nothing but dead ends,he'll do one of two things: either call you up later and say o.k., or not say anything. In either case you win. You know, you did all the work on this. All the landowner has to do is sit back and watch. I wish somebody would come on my property and give me a bargain like that!

So what happens when you finally get permission and turn up nothing? What if it was found and nobody mentioned it years ago?

I for one think the property owner would think you were full of it, and found it's location, with the intention to come back and dig it up while he isn't looking to cut him out of the deal.
But I'm full of distrust when it comes to money.

Frankn said:
I don't know where some people get the idea that he will find it. Frank

I guess you never heard the expression, "even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while" :laughing9:

First never underestimate the homeowner. What makes you 100% certain that he does not do any research, and after doing so, stumble upon it? Although you may have a better idea to where the location is, doesn't mean the homeowner may have the same type of mindset. Even the best treasure hunter is going on a hunch to say the least, by using past experience. Then again, remember this, you didn't bury it to begin with :laughing7: The original owner may have buried it under his favorite tree, that hasn't existed in 50 years :tongue3:

I think 50/50 is a fair split.. He really doesn't need you now that he knows their may be some potential windfall on his property. He may just offer someone $10,000 to help him find it. I'm sure there are people out there that will try their best to make $10,000 and jump through hoops at his offer... Which by the way is substantially less than he is offering you presently...

Think about them apples :laughing9:

Hay, My friend Spart, there is a bit of contridiction in your post.
You say there are people out there that will jump through hoops for $10g's. If that is true, this guy should be willing to sit back and relax while I hand him $50g's don't you think? There's a definite reason why I know he could search from now to doomed day and not find it. Don't ask. Frank

There is no contradiction in my post, do the math :tongue3:

If $50,000 is 1/3 of the find, the total find is $150,000

If he pays someone $10,000, he will NET... Net mind you $140,000

That's an additional 90G in his pocket :tongue3:

So where's the contradiction :laughing9:

Spart the contradiction lies in the fact that you say a man will work his a ss off for $10k then you say that this man will not accept $30k for doing nothing. I would say there is a problem in this logic.
Now look at it this way. What treasure hunter is going to look for an unknown object worth a theoretical $150,000 on 9 acres with no history backing?
Hay Spart there's $150,000 buried in your back yard! Have you gotten out the jack hammer yet? Frank

Well, it will be interesting to see how it turns out. The hardest part is probably going to be making a believer out of him without sharing any of the details. :dontknow:

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