The Nazis map of inner earth..Plus there advanced technology..Your thoughts

OMG, there is no such thing as "inner earth". Get out of fantasy land and take your pills.

O.k. fantasy land is alright but "Take your pills" is an insult. Chill dude!

Also, could you provide concrete evidence that there isn't an inner earth?

Those who are in the know, keep many secrets from the general populace. They know the earth, as well as the moon is hollow. This rock we are on is not solid as many believe. There is a hollow space between its outer crust and its inner core. Lava can't flow through a solid substance, so the earth has to be hollow, or volcanos would not exit the crust of the earth. Whether or not anything exists in that space is a matter of opinion. Everyone is entitled to their opinions and beliefs. Anything I say is not to persuade anyone of my convictions, that being said, I will tell you what I think. I believe their is enough evidence that I have seen to warrant an investigation into the possiblility of that. Whatever is down there I believe does exit into our world from time to time. Some claim there is an entrance near MT. Shasta, Cal, going into that realm. I think it could be possible. Good Luck. rockhound

Frank. The krauts also had a pile/Stacked uranium meant to cause criticality. If we hadn't destroyed there manufacturing ability to wage war then they might have developed the bomb first and made Hitlers dream of destroying NYC a reality. They also had designs for bombers to carry out the mission. Thank God for the M1 Garand and the American rifleman tradition.

Hey Blaze,

Check out " UFO Disclosure Project " on Youtube.

Hundreds of military officials with top secret military classification, private contractors that worked for the Gov't, and other trustworthy sources, coming forth with 50 years of documented alien contact/sighting/recovery stories.

The evidence is everywhere, a lot of our modern technology has come from aliens. Most of them very human like in appearance.

watch's unreal.


In 1938 the German ship Schwabenland took possession of a portion on Antarctica for the REICH,and planted brass swastikas marking its boundaries.Afterward,other German voyages by U-Boats brought construction crews for the sub base and the archeological division of the SS,the AHNENERBE,who claimed to have found evidence of a lost civilazation.
Antarctica,geologically wise,is almost split in half by a huge riff valley,overflowing with geothermal activity,and this is where the Germans built their base.
Because of the geothermal activity,the riff valley contains several hot water ponds,which the Germans named SCHUMACHER PONDS,and have an average tempertiue of 50-65 degrees Fahrenheit,so the ponds never freeze over under the ice.
What is interesting is that each pond contains by a different species of algae,and each have a different color.
1946 was the year of Admiral Byrd's OPERATION HIGHJUMP bringing submarines,a aircraft carrier destroyers,aircraft,four thousand fighting men and military transport vehicles-for pouposes still classified.Byrd departed suddenly after 6 weeks after an encounter with hostiles that destroyed the aircraft.Still classified.
Now we enter the strange but true.
In July 1952,a whole squadron of UFO's buzzed the WHITE HOUSE and were seen by many,recorded on radar,and reported in newspapers,radio,and early TV.Jet fighters were scrambled,but could never catch the UFO's.Once the US jets left the area,the UFO's came back for one last buzz over the WHITE HOUSE.
In 1958 & 1959,under the cover of THE INTERNATIONAL GEOPHYSICAL YEAR,three nuclear missiles were launched by US naval vessel and detonated in Antarticia in the area of Neuschwabenland.

This is fascinating, keep it coming! I believe there are many many things the general population doesn't know.

Weekly World News and National Enquirer would love to have most of you folks subscribe to their mags. Did you know that Elvis lives in a nazi castle under the ice of the arctic? I do. Did you know that Hitler is alive and selling souvenirs near Mt. Shasta? I do. Did you know that all UFO's come from the hollow Earth and that Earth is really made of chocolate and is hollow like an Easter Bunny? I do. Did you know that Nazi scientists created Sasquatch and they will lead the 4th Reich to victory? I do. Did you know that all the UFO people underground will someday rise to the surface and cruise Rodeo Drive and then have lunch at the Beverly Wilshire? I do. And finally, did you know that I just cannot, just cannot wait until tomorrow? Because I get better looking every single day. Peace from the cannabis fields of inner earth, true believers...


The krauts also had a pile/Stacked uranium meant to cause criticality. If we hadn't destroyed there manufacturing ability to wage war then they might have developed the bomb first and made Hitlers dream of destroying NYC a reality. They also had designs for bombers to carry out the mission. Thank God for the M1 Garand and the American rifleman tradition.
Contrary to revissionist history,the Germans developed and tested the atom bomb first.
April,1944,Hitler summoned Mussolini to a three day meeting at CASTLE KLESSHEIM,near Saltzburg,Austria.Also at the meeting were von Ribbentrop,Keitel,Dollmann,and German Ambassador to Italy,Rahn.
Hitler said to those gathered:"We have aircraft,U-boats,giant tanks and cannons,unbelievably powerful rockets and A BOMB WITH A FORCE WHICH WILL SURPRISE THE WHOLE WORLD."
On Oct 11,1944,Italian envoy,Luigi Romersa,was picked up from the Adlon Hotel in Berlin by Minister Goebels.He was driven to Ruegen Island,just north of the Peenemunde rocket factory.
Romersa,Goebels,von Braun,and two SS officers were in a concrete bunker a kilometer from the test site,and at 11:45 AM,Oct 12,1944,the first atomic bomb was detonated.The witnesses not only saw the blast,but experienced the blast and aftershocks first hand.
von Braun had it development a long range A-9 rocket to deliever the bomb to hit near Delancy Street in the Bowery in NYC,but that,thanks to D -DAY,never happened.

Did you know that Hitler is alive and selling souvenirs near Mt. Shasta? I do.


Dr. Robert Dorion, Director of Forensic Dentistry for the Ministry of the Solicitor General of Quebec in Montreal, has found glaring discrepancies between the photographs of the corpse's teeth and the thousands of open-mouth shots of Hitler. The pattern of gaps between the teeth is different. Hitler had a root canal and a porcelain tooth which the corpse did not, and the lower bridgework was different.

Those who are in the know, keep many secrets from the general populace. They know the earth, as well as the moon is hollow. This rock we are on is not solid as many believe. There is a hollow space between its outer crust and its inner core. Lava can't flow through a solid substance, so the earth has to be hollow, or volcanos would not exit the crust of the earth. Whether or not anything exists in that space is a matter of opinion. Everyone is entitled to their opinions and beliefs. Anything I say is not to persuade anyone of my convictions, that being said, I will tell you what I think. I believe their is enough evidence that I have seen to warrant an investigation into the possiblility of that. Whatever is down there I believe does exit into our world from time to time. Some claim there is an entrance near MT. Shasta, Cal, going into that realm. I think it could be possible. Good Luck. rockhound

I have to agree. the "inner earth" doesn't necessarily mean it is round like the outer Earth. I'm not necessarily convinced the maps
are accurate.
however the possibility of an inner society, dead or still living, or at the very least a large enough inhabitable
area is possible. we already know there are Rivers of drinkable water, why not Caverns large enough to have beaches along those rivers
in spots ? I don't expect a Sun & moon to rise at any point but .........

Hollow earth theory goes back well before the nazis. It has a long religious and literary tradition - jules vernes journey to the center of the earth. Unfortunately there are some basic laws of physics that make the concept of a hollow earth impossible such as gravity - a hollow earth would collapse in on itself. Also if the earth was hollow it would not have the gravitational mass that it does (and the moon would not be in orbit).

Also remember that basic scientific method approach dictates that a theory needs to be proven. One can not state a theory as fact and then say "well prove me wrong". That's a basic false argument (though one often used).

As for government conspiracies, I guess there are many people who have a higher opinion of government than i do. Personally i think the gov is completely incompetent!!

Fluoride has been in very wide use globally for decades and decades with absolutely no evidence of negative effects (never mind a more "docile" population). Frankly when one looks at pre and post floride population i would say they have become significantly less docile! What is proven is that it has had a tremendously positive pact on the dental health of the public. This falls into the catagory of the folks who believe that vaccines are a conspiracy.

Scientific advancements - claiming technology from space really does not do credit to the millions of scientists and engineers around the world creating these advancements in our society (just like ancient astronaut theory is a huge insult to the

Sorry computer glitch. ... To the ancient cultures and achievements of the Mayans, Egyptians, etc.). If one studies any advancement from the microchip, jet engines, nuclear power there is a public well known chain of development that let to these advancements. Ie they didn't just come out of nowhere and "appear" all of a sudden. Lots of hard working human folks made all advancements possible.

Everyone is entitled to "opinion" but let's not confuse opinion with science we have come a long way people and it's just good old human ingenuity.

Hey Blaze,

Check out " UFO Disclosure Project " on Youtube.

Hundreds of military officials with top secret military classification, private contractors that worked for the Gov't, and other trustworthy sources, coming forth with 50 years of documented alien contact/sighting/recovery stories.

The evidence is everywhere, a lot of our modern technology has come from aliens. Most of them very human like in appearance.

watch's unreal.
Watching right now...fascinating.

Remember the old tv series Superman? There was an episode where drillers bore a pipe deep into the earth. It hit a hallow and little people crawled out with Ray guns. Thank goodness superman was able to seal up the entrance. On reflection I think it my be possible that they may have found another way out! How are we to know they haven't? It would explain a lot.

On a similar and a little more relevant topic there is absolutely no doubt that the nazis completely looted Europe and Russia and that much, but not all, was recovered after the war - the amber room, etc. while some prob ended up in south America to fund nazis hiding out it is logical to believe that some might still be stashed in caves, old houses, bottom of lakes etc. Prob not massive stashes - those were likely all recovered - but maybe small individual caches still exist.

I agree that most government officials don't know what is going on most of the time. They are not in the "know". Only the ones at the very top really know whats happening and they call the shots. The ruling class run the government just like the military. They are only informed on a need to know basis, if they don't need to know, they don't tell them. There are many things not told to the government or the public. Even the presidents are not filled in on most secret missions and such, and he is the commander in chief. Our government is just a puppet front for the real power. Most of this knowledge is locked away, never to be seen by the public. Since the freedom of Information Act, some less sensitive documents have been declassified and released, but even some of the paragraphs in them were blacked out. Anything can be hidden, due to the fact that they can say it is of a national security risk to release, or of military signaifigance. Most will never even suspect what really goes on, and fewer still will ever know the truth. Good Luck. rockhound

due to the fact that they can say it is of a national security risk to release, or of military signaifigance. Most will never even suspect what really goes on, and fewer still will ever know the truth. Good Luck. rockhound

my guess national security risk means if the population found out we would revolt Scaring the Beejeevers out of them.

however please try and keep the conversation about

The Nazis map of inner earth..Plus there advanced technology..Everyone :laughing7:

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Please keep politics out of thread and on topic....

Some comments on above.
The earth core is not solid, but liquid. The liquid shifts and causes the magnetic poles to shift. The radioactive elements in the core come close together causing a warmer climate or separate causing a colder climate. It's not the ozone in the air that causes climate changes.

There are vast cave networks still being found in the Earth's crust, but no sign of habitation yet.

The A Bomb that was set off by the Germans did not have enough enrichment to cause a chain reaction. It was a big dirty bomb.

The Germans had I believe it was 3 conventional bombers that could have reached the USA on a one way trip.

I saw one of the German saucers. It was similar to the one we built and obtained it's lift from a central fans thrust not a new technology.

Do I think UFO's exist? The possibility exist so I leave my mine open for hard facts. Frank


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