Here's an example of what I'm talking about : 400 feet of long line is a nice piece, now imagine 15 miles of line stretched tight over the bottom with 1500 hooks !! We fish right through the heart of pennikamp state park, and biscayne national park !! These park designations mean nothing to us as we hold the necessary federal permits to fish these waters park or no park !! Thats right surprise surprise!! We are allowed to longline in the parks believe it or not !! I might lay that longline out twice in 24 after day after day for years and years !! Im also a treasurehunter, beachcomber, etc.etc.etc we catch stuff....not just fish !! Ill take a picture if we try to sell anchors next week at the nautical flea market....we will have a hundred modern anchors for sale this season from fishing !! Now as a fisherman with the latest equipment, I can almost see in my minds eye the exact lay out of some of these wrecks, and after years of snagging stuff, .....yes I swerve over the good wrecks, and slow down, and pile on lead and hooks !! Because I might get another "bite" from a tea cup 🍵 or maybe a clump of fused coins, or some other artifact. Now imagine 25 good wrecks that you've found, and then snagging some things each time you set on them !! Nibble, nibble, a rat does cheese 🧀
Now it's the off season, and it's warm, and it's clear, and now your diving speciman shells(another form of treasure for me) and you decide to check some numbers where these "catches" have come from !! Just saying!! The fisherman, little mouse, can often just quietly nibble away at the cheese 🧀.....growing fat and comfortable with very little attention. Its often the case when hunting real mice, that you split open a wall to exterminate this vermin, pirate, mouse, and holy sh!t....this little sucker has a huge stash of cheese in his comfortable little hidey hole !!
You can never underestimate the craftiness of the poor little mouse/ fact....he might be nibbling on great big blocks of cheese that no one even knows about??
How many gold ones does it take, and how much money 💰 does a little mouse family need ? Here's a finds cache of gold coins.....hundreds we'll say. How many does it really take to make a good haul.....well it really dosent take to many with the right numismatic value to realize a big win !! 3 or 4 of the right mint marks, and other rarities and a person could theoretically retire on easy street, and still have the bulk of the cache still intact for future withdraws.
There are many different approaches to this game we play....let's face it...its a game !! Sometimes ya win some, and sometimes you lose....learn to play it good and you might master several techniques of the game, both at land and sea. In today's day and age it's adaptability, and hunting different treasures as they present themselves because here today, and gone tomorrow is how it works now. Wait to long, and mother nature, or mankind will hide it for another thousand years. So continue on gentleman this little mouse will sit and listen (and maybe learn) to the big dogs, and tales of big treasures.....but pardon me if I run off to investigate....I mean go fishing....there's a little crumb of cheese ill have to try and nibble this month....ya see this mouse is still hungry like the crow is !!☠️🫡☠️🫡