Tools of the "Trade".
Tools of the Trade
I was sitting here this morning, just thinking about the "Old Timers" and how much gold they took out of the hills of California, and it ocurred to me that the ones that were successful, were successful because they utilized all of the tools they had at their disposal.
Today, we can get into our cars with 600 pounds of equipment and travel 100 miles in considerately less time than it took them to traverse 5 to 10 miles, with a pack mule loaded with 150 pounds of "necessaries".
We can pull a large, four man tent out of our 600 pounds and have it ready to live in, in a matter of minutes. We unfold our table, sit our Coleman stove on it and can be cooking our dinner while they would still be scouting around for materials to make a temporary shelter to sleep in. AND, we still have 570 pounds of "stuff" in our vehicles to eat and work with.
But, are we really utilising ALL of the tools we have available? For most of us; probably not. We get up in the morning, load up our camping equipment, our metal detectors, gold pan(s), a few hand tools and perhaps a sluice box, then we’re ready to hit the road.
O.K. you think, I have everything I need for the next week or two, so I’m sure I’ll get some gold. So, off you go, into the wild.
And, you eventually get there, after a stop to top off your tank. And, oh yeah, a couple of stops along the way at a convenient McD’s or KFC. Hey, got to keep your strength up for a successful prospecting venture.
Finally, after (pehaps) three hours of tediously traversing the ups and downs of the rolling hills, you arrive at your destination, only to exclaim; “dammit, all of the parking spaces are full”!!
Now, you realise that you don’t have one of the most basic tools available to todays prospectors;
a topographical map. So, what’s up, didn’t you think you might need to find your way around?
Let’s go over a few easily obtainable items that the successful “49er” DIDN’T HAVE.
Topographical maps
GPS systems
Metal detectors
Light-weight sluices
Light-weight plastic gold pans
Gasoline powered water pumps (For high-bankers, etc.)
Many types of inflatable devices to float equiptment across the river to that “special spot”
Not only picks and shovels, BUT, “highly specialized” prospectors picks and shovels
Tons of “specialized” crevass tools, with more being developed every year
(Snifters, suckers, scrapers, long handled lifting spoons) and the list goes on and on
Then, what has become a favorite of mine!
Last but definitely not least:
(To be continued)