The Many Lost Treasures of Mariposa, CA (Photos Added)

Eagle, I was fascinated by the copper/magnet experiment. So I passed it around and this is the explanation I found most likely:

the friction caused by the magnet passing through the copper creates a current....just (exactly) like a small generator. The electrical current creates resistance and slows the magnet.

Thanks for sharing.

Eagle, I was fascinated by the copper/magnet experiment. So I passed it around and this is the explanation I found most likely:

the friction caused by the magnet passing through the copper creates a current....just (exactly) like a small generator. The electrical current creates resistance and slows the magnet.

Thanks for sharing.
No problem my friend.

The explaination is mostly right, except for the "friction creating a current". (That is, if they mean the friction caused by the magnet rubbing against the copper).

Whenever a conducter is passed through magnetic lines of force, it creates a movement of the electrons in the conducter, thereby creating what we call an electric current. This is basically what is happening here. The magnet, passing through (within the conducter), generates an electric field which seems to try to hold the magnet within its field. Hmm, I hope I'm making sense here.

In any case, this is what gave me the idea of a generator that is fully 'self contained'. The trick would be to be able to "tap into" the field being created within the copper tube.

And, who knows, I could be way off base, but that's the way that I interpret the results.

Hi Eagle, Just caught up with your thread after not visiting for a while, you have been out and about and busy, great writing Eagle and some really good photos too, well done .

I very much hope you get the new place you are looking for, and an increase in your abundance.

Thought if you have a little extra time - you might like to see what we get up to in New Zealand, you will recognise a couple of names.

PayDirt Forums

I have not been getting out chasing gold much, busy working, and building up a project that I am putting my little spare time and money into, you probably saw a hint of it a while back.

I am running a tumbler a lot, with my diamond wheel grinder I preform and drill favourite pendant shapes. It brings me a good return, without undue strain on the eyesight and patience, that are not in such abundance as before, when I carve the fine detailed stuff. If you are interested PM me for details.
Best regards Nuggy
Normally, I don't make small figurines for pendants, but, I have some outstanding agate I've collected over the past few years. My biggest problem is that I can't just rough shape and polish a stone, I have to go "all out" in the creation of the figure within the stone. (lol) Too much time involved. That's why I limit myself to cutting and shaping cabs. I've done so many, it has become quick and easy. (Besides, I gave my tumbler away a couple of years ago). I got tired of seeing it sitting on my work bench. (lol)

Thanks for the link!! New Zealand always turns my au imagination on.

Below is one of my cabs from 2002. See if you can see the figures in it. I call it "My Spirit Stone".
I've worn it so much, I've had to replace the lobster claw catch twice. (lol)


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Great to see that you're still at it Eagle, and it's wonderful to see that you're going to write a book as well. You need to, for so many reasons.

All the best as you get it all together; and, you're doing a fantastic job with our thread,


EagleDown, I am a new member thanks to you. I read every post on your thread and enjoyed all your stories and wisdom. In my younger years I spent a lot of time in the Amador City area, but was not smart enough to understand how to find Gold. Thank you for providing a good insight of how people of value think and act.

Below is one of my cabs from 2002. See if you can see the figures in it. I call it "My Spirit Stone".
I've worn it so much, I've had to replace the lobster claw catch twice. (lol)

I see three figures; the main one is a wise and powerful man, he sits happily celebrating in a wide arid valley, possibly playing a drum, another toils his way up the mountain - aware that at the top he must face the third figure. Ancient gods look on with interest, but will play no active part in what will happen. The mountain is a challenge - not yet conquered, the figure at the top will be known only to you. While the song of the wise man on the plain tells that all things are good, all part of life, embrace it all, and celebrate it.

That's what I get, but hey I'm only a tiny bit Gypsy, a lot of Celt and am often wrong.

Yes the cabs are a good way to go, and when your hands have learnt to do something it becomes so easy. I have made a few cabs, but not so many as the guys ten or so years older than me did. I made so many hearts though, a type of cab really - that I was going to put down heart specialist on forms, as my job description lol.

Go well, and who knows - one day there may be a way.

Take care friend, Nuggy

Great to see that you're still at it Eagle, and it's wonderful to see that you're going to write a book as well. You need to, for so many reasons.

All the best as you get it all together; and, you're doing a fantastic job with our thread,

Thank you My Friend!! As usual, it's always a pleasure to have you drop in. (Compliments are always welcome too). (lol)

Thank you!!


EagleDown, I am a new member thanks to you. I read every post on your thread and enjoyed all your stories and wisdom. In my younger years I spent a lot of time in the Amador City area, but was not smart enough to understand how to find Gold. Thank you for providing a good insight of how people of value think and act.
Halito Blauth,

Welcome to Tnet and especially to my thread. We'll be waiting for your contributions. Whether you find that elusive gold, or not, we all like to read of your experiences and perhaps add a helpful comment if possible.

Love and Respect,


Below is one of my cabs from 2002. See if you can see the figures in it. I call it "My Spirit Stone".
I've worn it so much, I've had to replace the lobster claw catch twice. (lol)

I see three figures; the main one is a wise and powerful man, he sits happily celebrating in a wide arid valley, possibly playing a drum, another toils his way up the mountain - aware that at the top he must face the third figure. Ancient gods look on with interest, but will play no active part in what will happen. The mountain is a challenge - not yet conquered, the figure at the top will be known only to you. While the song of the wise man on the plain tells that all things are good, all part of life, embrace it all, and celebrate it.

That's what I get, but hey I'm only a tiny bit Gypsy, a lot of Celt and am often wrong.

Yes the cabs are a good way to go, and when your hands have learnt to do something it becomes so easy. I have made a few cabs, but not so many as the guys ten or so years older than me did. I made so many hearts though, a type of cab really - that I was going to put down heart specialist on forms, as my job description lol.

Go well, and who knows - one day there may be a way.

Take care friend, Nuggy

Wow!! I knew that there would be at least one artist that would find meaning in my piece of turquoise.

Though what I see is quite different, I believe it is caused by a difference in cultures.

I see a woman seated on a log, facing to the left, (West), holding her arms out, with a baby in them. To her right side, there is the Spirit of the horse. The dark streaks going up from the West and East could be tree branches. Behind her, and a little lower, I see an otter. And other figures I see are; a turtle, hawk, owl and numerous other Spirits.

But then, I always see things in an 'esoteric' way. (lol) I use to call it my "Naming Stone", as my impression is; she has come to this Sacred place, seeking a name for her new-born child. All of the Totem animals have gathered to help her find the name she seeks.

And who knows, if I show it to 10 more people, I might find much more in this stone than I ever imagined.

Thank you My Friend, and all the best to you!!


Wow eagle. I totally see what your talking about in lannys spirit stone. Crazy.

Wow eagle. I totally see what your talking about in lannys spirit stone. Crazy.

I know it was just a glitch, but really, it's my stone. (lol) In any case, I'm glad I'm not the only one that sees something,
But just for that little glitch, I'll have 2 hamburgers. (lol) Just kidding, I couldn't eat that much in one sitting.


Yes, it is interesting what people see or don't see in the stones. I had a jade beach pebble, with what to me was an obvious picture of a beautiful woman in it - so obvious to me it looked almost like a photo.... Crazy thing was, no one else could see it at all !!
Not sure if that says I'm crazy or what, but I often see things differently to others, and luckily I'm happy to have it so.
As a spirit aware person, you will know that what you feel when viewing someone's personally worn item, is more important than what you see. The cultural difference would make a difference, I am aware your culture is much based on animal totems. Where my cultures are more into human based spirits, The individual animals to us have an actual spirit but it is mainly used for finding them, rather than a representative of a spiritual type having the characteristics of each animal.
Anyhow, I wish you well. Later Nuggy

Hey Eagle, me and my detecting partner where out this week and found some nice pieces.

First picture is a 1.45gm piece I found. The second is about a gram of nuggets my partner found using MY GoldBug must say, I think its true when they say the VLF machines are more sensitive to smaller nuggets than the Minelab PI's...because I went right over some of the stuff my friend found and I was using a Minelab 3500. Dont get me wrong though, I've found a piece as small as 0.20gr with the Minelab.


Where's CharlesP? :tongue3:

Most excellent!! When the three of us went out together, I watched how our friend didn't give up. I thought then that eventually, that goldbug2 and our friend would find a nugget. But, this is much better than I expected. (lol)

Give our friend my sincere congratulations!! And, may the gold keep coming.


This is a little off the normal subject, but a friend just sent me this link and I wanted to share it with my readers. normally, I have no time for talent shows, but after listening to this.........I learned to read from sheet music, but, this young man makes up his music "on the spot".

With special kudos to my Australia Friends.
This is a 16 year old sheep farmer's son from the outback,

improvising on the piano during auditions for Australia's got talent.
It's very different but sensational. An amazing young man from
Austrailia!!! This kid lives on a farm in Australia - middle of "nowhere".
No bars, no TV......and he thought he'd teach himself the piano!!!
Click link and sound on! Enjoy, Eagle

Eagle don't know if you have herd this but Three men were arrested Tuesday in the September heist at the California State Mining and Mineral Museum in Mariposa, where more than $1 million of gold and precious gems were stolen. Edward Rushing III, 40, from El Dorado County, Matthew Campbell, 43, and Jonathan Matis, 41, both from Sutter County, were arrested for conspiracy to commit robbery and held at the Mariposa County Jail on Tuesday.
Read more here: Three men arrested in Mariposa Mining and Mineral Museum robbery - Ramona Giwargis -
Now I wonder if they were involved in the other two in CA?

Eagle don't know if you have herd this but Three men were arrested Tuesday in the September heist at the California State Mining and Mineral Museum in Mariposa, where more than $1 million of gold and precious gems were stolen. Edward Rushing III, 40, from El Dorado County, Matthew Campbell, 43, and Jonathan Matis, 41, both from Sutter County, were arrested for conspiracy to commit robbery and held at the Mariposa County Jail on Tuesday.
Read more here: Three men arrested in Mariposa Mining and Mineral Museum robbery - Ramona Giwargis -
Now I wonder if they were involved in the other two in CA?

No, I wasn't aware that arrests had been made. So, thank you very much for the news!!

Though we don't know for sure about the other 2, this paragraph could lead one to believe that they were. (Maybe) They do get around: "In addition to conspiracy to commit robbery charges, the suspects were linked to other crimes in Sacramento and Placer counties, authorities said".

At least, this restores a little faith in law enforcement.


Sorry Eagle I meant the one in Siskiyou County Courthouse in Yreka, California and another in So Cal can't remember it exactly but it went under the radar when it was not picked up by the news service. They said they just though no one cared so it went un reported in the new for like 6 months. Just wondered if it was all connected but I doubt it. Now I see Oakland just had one also. Guess the High Price of Gold in bringing out the "easy criminal miners". All better be aware if anyone knows you have any gold your house could be next! Mayor

Sorry Eagle I meant the one in Siskiyou County Courthouse in Yreka, California and another in So Cal can't remember it exactly but it went under the radar when it was not picked up by the news service. They said they just though no one cared so it went un reported in the new for like 6 months. Just wondered if it was all connected but I doubt it. Now I see Oakland just had one also. Guess the High Price of Gold in bringing out the "easy criminal miners". All better be aware if anyone knows you have any gold, your house could be next! Mayor

Good advise Mayor. Even your best, most trusted friend can inadvertantly disclose the fact that you have gold.



A little of my work

I thought that since I had a few minutes, I'd post a photo of a "Squash Blossom" necklace that I'm crafting. All sterling silver and turquoise. Right now, I'm procrastinating since I'm not looking forward to making the beads. (All 80 to 100 of them). (lol)


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