The Many Lost Treasures of Mariposa, CA (Photos Added)

Diggemall said:
Yep, we're interested Eagle !

Those of us to far away to actually GO there, are enjoying your well-written narratives. So, keep 'em coming !


Why thank you kindly Sir!

I will keep 'em coming as long as I can. Come to think of it, I never did relate the story of Diamonds in Nevada did I? I believe that will be the next on the agenda. Probably after I return from this next short trip.

Stay tuned.....Incidently, if anyone has any questions, or even a story of their own to relate, please feel free to jump right in. :headbang: :laughing7:


Love the stories Eagle. Your words have a calming effect, thank you.

DaCapt said:
Love the stories Eagle. Your words have a calming effect, thank you.

Aw man.......They're suppose to get you excited.

Oh well, just as long as they don't put you to sleep. :laughing9: :laughing9:

Thanks DaCapt, for dropping in!!



Did you ever get access to an infrared camers. Was wondering if you thought it had any real potential treasure hunting.


watcher 2 said:

Did you ever get access to an infrared cameras. Was wondering if you thought it had any real potential treasure hunting.


Halito my Friend watcher!

Not only do I "think" it has "real potential" in treasure hunting, I AM ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN!! that you can locate not only buried gold treasures, but also gold veins. I say this as an absolute fact as I was involved in some prospecting experiments with a friend, back in the mid-eighties.

Briefly; we not only checked places that looked good but the picture indicated no gold, (there was none), we found that every place that gold was indicated contained gold, no matter how bad the chances appeared.

I firmly believe that if 2 or 3 men had to pool their resources to buy one of the cameras, then took in a person who was knowledgable about gold (or treasure) as an equal partner, within a short time, all 3 or 4 of them would be looking for good tax consultants. :laughing7: :laughing7:

pm me at any time if you would like further explainations of my experiences with infrared. :headbang:

Love and Respect,


Halito My Friends,

While I'm waiting for someone to show up to help me down-load my last photos, I decided it might be a good idea to bring you up to date on what's possibly about to happen:

I don't know if you're aware of the fact that for 2 weeks,
the Earth will be under the threat of an EMP/EMF from
Solar Flares. If a major Solar Flare does occur, it 'could'
knock out the worlds' power grids. That would include
ALL unprotected electronics.

This threat has already begun and is expected to last
for at least 12 more days as Solar Storms move more
in allignment with Earth. A massive flare occurred a
couple of days ago but missed Earth. (Barely). It struck
Venus instead.

I believe it would be worthwhile to build a quick "Faraday Cage".

Read here:

I'm going to pick up a STEEL GARBAGE CAN at Home Depot.
Line the inside with half inch thick foam rubber, then cut some
card board to fit the top, bottom and sides. (Inside on top of the
foam rubber). Then I can put the short wave radio into it, along with my power inverter, an auto alternator, metal detector, and other small electronics I want to keep safe. (Just in case). Then,
I'll paint the outside with polyurethane with shungite dust mixed
in it. See the highlited area below. (I might even take
the ECU (computer) out of my Explorer and put it in it. I'd just have
to stay home for a couple of weeks 'til the threat has passed. But, at
least I might have transportation afterwards). (If it happens, of course). (lol) Oh, I almost forgot; you can get Shungite at:

Shungite has been used by the military for EMF protection. It is excellent for high frequency emissions and is used in protective EMF paints and patented designs for aircraft. And is currently being explored for many uses including UVF protection in make-up.

Think about it!!

Love and Respect,


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Hokay, I'm finally back and I think I've left this story hanging long enough. :laughing9:

I was discharged from the U. S. Navy and had decided to save a little money by "hitch-hiking" back to Biship, CA. It was a pretty straight shot to the South and I didn't have to worry about any side tracks.

As stated in an earlier post (Balls of Gold), I was fortunate enough to catch a ride with a man who enjoyed talking. (Nothing like me, since I'm the quite type of person). :laughing7: The story he related was interesting, but not enough for me to follow it up. :dontknow:

Diamonds in Nevada

My benefactor told of how his Grandfather(?) was a doctor in Las Vegas back in the early 1900s.
One day the Dr. decided that since he had a little free time, it would be nice to spend that time
relaxing and fishing.

So, early in the morning, he saddled up his horse to make a trip to the Colorado River. My ride said
that according to his Grandfather, he was more than half way to the river and the sun was still pretty
low, when he noticed a bright flash of light from the side of one of the many small mesas between
Las Vegas and the river. Out of curiosity, he kept his eyes on the spot and guided his horse over to
the mesa, where he picked up 3 almost dime sized crystals that he thought might be quartz, but the
shape was unlike any quartz crystal he'd ever seen.

So, he dropped them into a pocket of his old fishing jacked and went his way, determining to have
someone take a look at them after he got back to town.

As things happen, when he got back home, he hung his jacket in the closet and totally forgot about
the crystals he had put in the pocket.......until, several years later, he was packing up some old
clothing and things to get rid of when he took the jacket out of the closet and tossed it on the floor.
He heard something rattle across the wood floor and when he checked to see what it was, he found
one of the crystals that had come out of the pocket.

Then, the memory came flooding back. The fishing trip, the flash of light, gathering the crystals and
his decision to have someone knowledgable about minerals check the crystals out for him.

So, the following day, he visited a friend he knew who was a "rock hound" and showed the crystals
to him. The friend looked at them under a magnifying glass and suggested that he send them to Tiffanys' in New York.

It was about three weeks or so before he heard back from tiffanys'. Basically, the letter stated that
the crystals were "top quality Blue Diamonds" and wanted to know if he would consider selling them
(for a generous price). And of course, as the way of these type stories, he went out several times, but
could never locate the particular mesa where he had found the "crystals".


Now this is the kind of story that I'd normally file away as "wishful thinking" or "too much imagination,
but I remember a T.V. show similar to the Discovery Channel, back in the mid-seventies. I'm not sure
of the name, but it might have been "Treasure Hunt", or "Treasure Search", something like that. Their
focus was to take treasure tales and through expert researchers, try to locate the "lost treasure".

In any case, in the mid-seventies, they researched a lost treasure story about a prospector who would periodically go to the Colorado River and come back with a number of "Blue Diamonds" who's sales would take care of his needs until he made another trip back toward the river. Of course, the show had the normal drama with witnesses who would tell what direction they saw him going or coming from while in their childhood.

Anyway, they finally (back) tracked him to a cave near the Colorado River. In the cave, they found an old steamer trunk that by letters and other items they identified it as his. If I remember correctly, they also found mummified human remains that was believed to be his. They also found bits of blue clay that was identified as being identical to clay that was clinging to the diamonds that he had brought in and sold.

Unfortunately (or fortunately as the case may be), when an expert geologist analysed the clay, it was
determined that due to the dam, the diamond bearing blue clay is now under about 60ft of water.

So, if any mesas are left that haven't been leveled for housing, I'd look for a mesa with a layer of blue clay in its matrix.

Thanks for reading!!


Hokay my friends. I finally got the photos downloaded into my computer.
Believe it or not, I did it all by myself. :headbang: :laughing7: :laughing7:

The first one is a "water dog", (Salamander). :laughing9:

#2. An old miners cabin I had never noticed before. I guess the fire uncovered it.

#3. Slightly different angle of old miners cabin.


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These next 2 are just to show the size of some of the boulders that were
left 30 ft. or so above the present level of the river.


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This boulder is within about 10 ft. of the riverbank, almost at the water level. During
most run-offs, the water seldom does much more than touch the base of it.

I've put arrows to show exposed bedrock that it's sitting on. As you can see, there's
a trough between the bed-rock it's on, and the next outcrop of bedrock. There's a
lot of exposed bedrock from this boulder as you go upriver. (To the left). If I had
someone with me, I would have liked to dig the sand out of the trough and pan it
just to see what might be there. The boulder doesn't attract me too much, as I think
it might have been pushed over the side (from 30ft above) when they put the RR in.


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Sorry, there's someone here. I'll try to get back this evening and post the photos
of the Old Spanish Mine that I discovered in 1983 and opened in (early) 1984.

Hokay, that didn't take as long as I thought it might. :hello2: :hello2: :laughing7:

I took these photos while standing where the portal of the Spanish Mine was. You
can see that the BLM not only caved it in, but also took some of the materials
to level and make more camping spots. The arrows point to some of the huge
boulders in the ancient aluvial.

Now, if I did this right, there should be an X on this third photo. I believe if someone
dug here, inward and down at the same time, they would probably open the mine
back up in the round chamber. The floor of the chamber has settled over the past
500 years, showing signs of a large pit. Perhaps the Jesuits dug the pit, then
buried their treasures there.


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Weeell.......Obviously I didn't do it right. :laughing7: :laughing7:
so, try, try again.


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Hokay!! I decided that if I got on this final post early enough, I might be able to finish it
with no interruptions. :headbang: :laughing7:

Who knows, perhaps a couple of my friends out there have read about Spanish Mines and
can catch my dream of possible untold riches. :laughing7: Keeping in mind that the BLM
has control of this area, someone might even have suggestions on how to go about exploring
this mine, without having to circumvent the law. Think about it, I'm open to all suggestions.

When I originally discovered this mine, I should have gone on in and dug the pit that appears
to be right under the X in the last photo above.

But, as they say; hindsite is always 20/20. :laughing9:

Of course I'm aware of the fact that there would be several obsticals to overcome. Such as;
Claims, Finances, and the Petty rules and regulations of our erstwhile Public Officials of the
BLM. (Though not neccessarily in that order).

History has born out that with enough finances, other obsticals are easily overcome.

Here is a brief history of Spanish Mining in the "New World" as I understand it from all of
my reading on the subject:

In the 1500s, the Jesuits were sent here to gather converts to the faith. Of course, they also
were to keep their eyes open for any valuable deposits of minerals that would inrich the Crown.
Well, as history has recorded, they found many valuable deposits of gold and silver. The problem
was (as far as the Crown was concerned), that they were not sending much of it back to the
"Old World". So.....Ultimately, they fell into disfavor with the Court and were ordered to "vacate
the premises" and return home. :laughing7:

Well, that didn't do much for the Crown, (financially) as rather than returning with their gold
and siver ingots and church artifacts, the crafty priests hid the treasures and disguised their many
mines, in the hopes of returning and continuing their gathering of riches for the Church.

Treasure hunters "in the know", know that rather than have two locations to refind, (the mine
AND the treasure), the Jesuits found it more expediant to dig a pit or a room in the existing
mine, then bury the ingots and/or artifacts, OR, cut out a room, put their stuff in it, then seal
the room so that it appeared to be a solid part of tunnel wall. (Or both). :dontknow:

In the case of this mine, they dug a couple of addits just inside the main tunnel. One to the
left and one to the right. Then they back-filled the main tunnel almost back to the addits.
I imagine this was done so that if anyone happened to stumble onto the mine, (as I did),
it would appear to be just an exploratory dig. But, seeing as they were digging in Aluvial and
didn't expect to never return, perhaps they didn't take into account that over 400 years, even
the most tightly compacted materials will compact (settle) even more, then show up as what
it really is; a tunnel back-filled by man.

So there you have it my friends. Are there vast riches in this mine? If so, is there any way to
retrieve them without breaking laws? And, if you (we) recovered several hundred pounds of
gold, where would you unload it without calling down the wrath of the Fed. Gov. upon you???

Anyway, here are the photos from my last trip, starting with the one that got my attention
that there was something ahead worth exploring.


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Fascinating post Eagle. I love all of the pictures you've provided as well. If I was in your area, I'd be right out there with you. I love your stories too--you do such a fascinating job. I'm glad you're sharing what you've learned over the years--this way it will live on forever. Thanks again, and all the best,


P.S. I posted another link to your thread over on my thread--it's hard to find your thread--a person has to scroll just about to the very end of the forum listings to find the Area section (state by state), then know to select California, then know to select treasure legends-California. No wonder they have a hard time finding it!

Hello Eagle. I want to thank you for all the stories and info. Keep them comming!!!!

I live in the Saugus/Newhall area and have a couple of places local here where I get some color and will apply your way of looking at the terrain. I was very interested in that draw you mentioned on the way to Palmdale, any news on that quest?
If you ever come up this way, let me know.


Edson said:
Hello Eagle. I want to thank you for all the stories and info. Keep them comming!!!!

I live in the Saugus/Newhall area and have a couple of places local here where I get some color and will apply your way of looking at the terrain. I was very interested in that draw you mentioned on the way to Palmdale, any news on that quest?
If you ever come up this way, let me know.


Halito Edson and welcome to Tnet.

No, not really. I thought it would be easy to find an old hiway/street map, overlay it on a current map and "presto", problem solved. Unfortunatly, that don't be the way it's happening. :laughing7:

I've been in the internet, off and on for a year now. Though I've found a multitude of modern maps, there seems to be a derth of 1961 maps. Funny thing is, I can find plenty of 1924 - 1947 maps. Or maybe, I just don"t know where to look. But, I know if it's meant to be, it will happen. In the meanwhile, I'll keep trying.

Then, if I could afford to drive down to L.A., I guess it's possible that the court house might have some 1961 maps on micro-fishe. I'll just have to see how my finances are next month. :laughing7: :laughing7:

Thanks for dropping in! Push the notification button so that you will know when the next memory (that I can't keep to myself), pops up. :laughing9:


k10silv said:
Subscribed :hello2:

And a big :hello2: :hello: right back atcha! :laughing9: :laughing9:

Halito k10silv, Thanks for subscribing. You're just in time.

I recieved a question early this morning that I plan to attack with my full arsenal of knowledge
I've picked up over the past 50 years or so.

A peek at the question:

Hello Eagle
Well I went up the mountain on saturday and took another look around. What I am wondering is; how did the oldtimers know where to dig? Cause i find little tunnels all over, but what told them "let's dig here and we'll find gold"? I am sure this sounds like a dumb question to you, but when I come across a little tunnel, the surrounding land doesnt look any different than where the tunnel is. So how did they know?

Frankly, I don't believe in dumb questions! There are only questions that come up due to lack of knowledge and/or experience. I know that I've been working on a problem and had a friend ask one of those "dumb questions", that hits me like a bolt of lightening. Then after I pick myself up off of the floor and take another look at the problem, I have on a couple of occasions found myself looking straight at the answer. :headbang: :laughing7:

And, here is my answer to him:

Holy Toledo!!.....

You sure know how to ask an easy question..........NOT!! :laughing7:

How about I copy your question onto my Tnet thread, (anonymous
of course) and answer it there. That way, all of my friends have an
opportunity to benifit from it. Or, you could just call and save me
from hours of typing. (lol)

Hokay, I'll put in my thread anyway.

Frankly, I believe I could probably write a book on "How to Find Gold Bearing
Quartz Veins". The answers are many and varied.
Are the methods 100% accurate?
Obviously the answer to that is NO. But, they have worked well enough to create many successful
mining ventures.

So, it looks like I've committed myself to giving classes on "Prospecting 101". :laughing9:

But first, I'll have to type them in MS Word then copy and paste them here. So, it'll
probably be a couple of days before the first class is posted. So, stay tuned in.

Right now, I have to make a sterling ring for an order.



Lanny in AB said:
Fascinating post Eagle. I love all of the pictures you've provided as well. If I was in your area, I'd be right out there with you. I love your stories too--you do such a fascinating job. I'm glad you're sharing what you've learned over the years--this way it will live on forever. Thanks again, and all the best,


P.S. I posted another link to your thread over on my thread--it's hard to find your thread--a person has to scroll just about to the very end of the forum listings to find the Area section (state by state), then know to select California, then know to select treasure legends-California. No wonder they have a hard time finding it!

Halito My Friend, Thanks for dropping in!! The coffee's on and you're always welcome. :headbang:

Sorry about the delay in answering. Actually, I did answer Sun. morning, but in posting it, I must have clicked a wrong button as I haven't found it again. :help: In any case, many thanks for posting my link
in your thread at:,453.0.html I don't know why my thread was moved, but since, I've noticed my visitors have droppd off. Hopefully they've just lost their way and now through your thread, they can find their way back. :notworthy:

And, as usual, thanks for the kind words!! As you know, when you spend a couple of hours typing up a story, then no one has any comments, it does get a little disheartening. But, no biggy, I'll keep on downloading my memories as long as I have any. :laughing7: :laughing7:

Now, I have to get busy on that ring. :headbang:


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