Of course, you're right. (About the lemonade.) Yeah, that sign at Savage's Trading Post is a little truth, and a lot of bull. According to townsfolk of that era, the white men wanted the gold bearing land and park so much that several of them dressed up like injuns and attacked a stage stop. I don't remember the name of the mountain, but I think it was around Darrah. (East of Mariposa.) That gave the greedy ones the excuse to invade Yosemite. Actually, the Miwoks were friendly outside of their territory, but refused to leave their ancestrial homes so that the miners could move in.
An interesting story, whether true or not, I can't say: The Miwoks came to the Savage trading post for goods. They thought Savage was crazy to give them fine warm blankets for the worthless yellow stones that were just laying in the creeks and dry bed-rock. But, they were willing to gather as much as he wanted, as long as he was willing to trade for it. So, as the story goes, in 1850, in fear of the indians becoming "angry", he had at least 2 pickle barrels full of gold from his trading. While loading his supplies on wagons, he determined that the barrels were too heavy to risk taking. So, he buried them somewhere near the mouth of the South Fork. He was killed about 2 years later without ever returning to reclaim the gold.
The story on the sign about John hite is pretty much fact. You HAVE to have a 4X4 to get in and out, but you can go into Hite's Cove and see what's left of the buildings. Or, I'd better revise that, 10 years ago you could drive in, but I'm not sure but what a gate might be across the road now.
Anyway, if you can still go in, you'll find a couple of black-sand beaches that are/were rich in fine gold. And it should be great for metal detecting since it's so far off of the beaten path.
If you're able, check it out. (And let us know.) (lol)