Mariposa’s Awesome $50 Gold Slugs (LOST!!)
3rd installment
There is an old saying to the effect of: “You can’t beat City Hall” and if anyone ever had a personal example of this, it would have been this itinerant prospector…………….!!
Upon picking the $50 gold piece up, the bartender held it up for the evening tipsters to see. I would imagine that there was plenty of pushing and shoving as everyone vied for position to get a better look at this unusual but instantly recognizable coin.
The prospector was intelligent enough to know that he had created quite a stir and since most of the comments he could pick out of the roar of voices were not exactly favorable for his well being, he slipped off of the bar stool and started towards the door. Unfortunately for him, he wasn’t quick enough and was grabbed by a number of the townsfolk, then forced into a chair, where several men restrained him while one of them went to summon the Sheriff.
A little segue here: During the course of my research, I found that Mariposa had a “secret”. It seems that every store in town was connected by way of tunnels. There was even one that went up the hill to the jail. (lol) It was pretty much of a joke that everyone knew that when the deputy appeared in John C. Freemont’s head-quarters, (the Gold Coin Saloon,) that he was getting a bottle for the “high” Sheriff, by way of the “secret” tunnel to the jail. (lol) I said HAD a “secret” in jest, because the whole town knew about the tunnels.
But; I also found that today, (or at least up to 1990,) this little “secret” still existed. But, now, it’s even more of a “secret” than it was back in the 1800s. So, if you ever happen to be in a basement in town, be careful of what you say, for in Mariposa, the walls might truly have ears. (lol)
Hmmm, I’ve been in the “main tunnel” here in Bakersville, where I found that even this Metro is honey-combed with tunnels. It’s occurred to me that an enterprising researcher/author could probably write a well received book about tunnels under the streets of California cities. (lol)
Meanwhile, back at the saloon, the Sheriff arrived and intensive questioning of the prospector began. From what I gathered, he was slapped around a bit and even threatened with a “necktie party”, but, the only thing gleaned from the questioning was that everybody called him “Squeeky”, and, he found the coin near the ford as he was coming to town.
The upshot of the investigation was; after a lot of cussing and threatening, “Squeeky” was escorted to the Northern end of town where he was released and told, if he ever showed his face in Mariposa again, he would be hanged on the spot.
Hokay, now don’t go away. There’s a lot more to this story!!
To be continued……..