The Many Lost Treasures of Mariposa, CA (Photos Added)

Thanks for the efforts GoldBag, he sure was fond of Briceburg, maybe it would be fitting of a picture of the bridge and the Merced River...JMHO

It just occurred to me that Eagle became what he wrote about for he is truly one of 'The Many Lost Treasures of Mariposa, CA'.

True indeed Calisdad...

Thanks Shep for the tip...

I think you might be right about that Oakview....

Hey Rik, hope all is good with you... I don't think he'd want any typo's either....

I haven't been able to find the time to finish the book up but I plan on doing some serious work with it within the next week if everything goes as I think it will...I'll be back with an update when I can, thanks everyone.

Hey everyone...was just checkin in to see what was going on here on Eagles forum. Those picture posted recently of him detecting and with his dog flash brought back some memories....sure wish Eagle could of made it though a few more are missed my friend.

So I've been putting in as much effort as time allows me too on formatting what Eagle had laid out for his book. Its been a lot of work but I'm pretty close to finishing it up. If I remember correctly with all the pictures and everything its about 240 pages or so. Its still going to be about a month, maybe more to get a digital copy ready. Thats the first step, is to get something in a digital format for everyone who's been waiting on it. From that point I plan on getting it printed up and published some how some way, full color and done right, or to the best of my abilities...

Just so everyone knows...I have not added nor changed anything that Eagle had prepared for his book. I basically have just been trying to organize the stories and size the pictures to the pages, things like that, text size and formatting paragraphs...trying to make it look right. I'm getting ready to go into the spell check stage and I am conflicted on whether or not I should even correct any of his spelling...I almost want to leave it just like he typed it. But then again some things are obviously miss spelled and I know he would fix it himself if he noticed it. I don't know. Just wanted you guys to know that I'm doing my best to keep it exactly as he wrote it.

The book will be called "The Many Lost Treasures of Mariposa Ca" By Walking Eagle

One last thing, I'm going to need a cover for the book...if any of you have any photo's or idea's for the cover that you think captures the essence of his stories please send me a private message.

Thanks for everyones help and support!

I had been helping Eagle with photos and photo conversion in his last few months. I'd be more than happy (honored, really!) to help you out in any way. Even if that's a second set of eyes to go over spelling, formatting, anything at all. Feel free to PM me. I know Eagle really seemed to want to finish his book. If there's anything I can do, please let me know. I absolutely will want a finished copy.

Hey everyone...was just checkin in to see what was going on here on Eagles forum. Those picture posted recently of him detecting and with his dog flash brought back some memories....sure wish Eagle could of made it though a few more are missed my friend.

So I've been putting in as much effort as time allows me too on formatting what Eagle had laid out for his book. Its been a lot of work but I'm pretty close to finishing it up. If I remember correctly with all the pictures and everything its about 240 pages or so. Its still going to be about a month, maybe more to get a digital copy ready. Thats the first step, is to get something in a digital format for everyone who's been waiting on it. From that point I plan on getting it printed up and published some how some way, full color and done right, or to the best of my abilities...

Just so everyone knows...I have not added nor changed anything that Eagle had prepared for his book. I basically have just been trying to organize the stories and size the pictures to the pages, things like that, text size and formatting paragraphs...trying to make it look right. I'm getting ready to go into the spell check stage and I am conflicted on whether or not I should even correct any of his spelling...I almost want to leave it just like he typed it. But then again some things are obviously miss spelled and I know he would fix it himself if he noticed it. I don't know. Just wanted you guys to know that I'm doing my best to keep it exactly as he wrote it.

The book will be called "The Many Lost Treasures of Mariposa Ca" By Walking Eagle

One last thing, I'm going to need a cover for the book...if any of you have any photo's or idea's for the cover that you think captures the essence of his stories please send me a private message.

Thanks for everyones help and support!

If money is an issue to publication, how about pre-selling ? I'll take 2.

Count me in as well, ill take a copy for myself and my father (there arnt many books the man will read but im sure he wont be able to put this one down).

Im only on page 3 as I just found this thread and have been reading for an hour or so and need to stop to try to get some sleep, but I will be reading this till the end as soon as I possibly can..

I truly dont even know how to say this, as almost trying to keep the tears in as im typing.. It reminds me of listening to my grandfather tell stories of what once was, something I was captivated by his whole life and hold dear to my heart.. Stories of how things were in a much better time when the simpler things meant more than they ever could today. People use to live life, experience things that we can only imagine about today, even some of the simplest things that most everyone today takes for granted. The fact that Eagledown would share this journey with us speaks for nature of the people or a generation that once was something much more than the empty digital world we live in today. I am truly grateful to find your thread eagle, thank you for your sharing your wonderful life with the rest of us it im truly blessed to have stumbled onto your thread, rest in peace my friend.

I share the same thoughts AsmBandits. I'm honored to have crossed his path. The link in my signature will lead others here in the future so that they too can experience Eagle's adventures. -Luke

I will pre-order 1 as well! Thank You for making this happen!!!

If you are still looking for a cover, what about a large eagle feather and a couple of gold nuggets? Simple and classy.

Hey everyone...was just checkin in to see what was going on here on Eagles forum. Those picture posted recently of him detecting and with his dog flash brought back some memories....sure wish Eagle could of made it though a few more are missed my friend.

So I've been putting in as much effort as time allows me too on formatting what Eagle had laid out for his book. Its been a lot of work but I'm pretty close to finishing it up. If I remember correctly with all the pictures and everything its about 240 pages or so. Its still going to be about a month, maybe more to get a digital copy ready. Thats the first step, is to get something in a digital format for everyone who's been waiting on it. From that point I plan on getting it printed up and published some how some way, full color and done right, or to the best of my abilities...

Just so everyone knows...I have not added nor changed anything that Eagle had prepared for his book. I basically have just been trying to organize the stories and size the pictures to the pages, things like that, text size and formatting paragraphs...trying to make it look right. I'm getting ready to go into the spell check stage and I am conflicted on whether or not I should even correct any of his spelling...I almost want to leave it just like he typed it. But then again some things are obviously miss spelled and I know he would fix it himself if he noticed it. I don't know. Just wanted you guys to know that I'm doing my best to keep it exactly as he wrote it.

The book will be called "The Many Lost Treasures of Mariposa Ca" By Walking Eagle

One last thing, I'm going to need a cover for the book...if any of you have any photo's or idea's for the cover that you think captures the essence of his stories please send me a private message.

Thanks for everyones help and support!

Mariposagoldbag, I would preorder a copy as well to help with the publication costs. Let us know if this is something you would consider doing. Thanks for all of your hard work to get Eagle's book finished!

Hey everyone! I'm getting really close now to finishing up on his book. To be on the safe side give it another month, but I would like to get it done sooner if I can. I really like the idea of the Eagle feathers and the gold nuggets...and I still need a cover so I might incorporate that idea in it! Thanks! Once I get it done I want to make the digital book available to all of Eagles friends here on treasurenet. Also, with the digital book in all of you guys hands maybe you guys can let me know if there is anything in the book that I need to fix or change before we actually get it published and printed. Give me a little more time, its pretty much ready as it is but I need to make the cover and go over the whole thing a few more times... Thanks everyone, be back soon!

Hey everyone! I'm getting really close now to finishing up on his book. To be on the safe side give it another month, but I would like to get it done sooner if I can. I really like the idea of the Eagle feathers and the gold nuggets...and I still need a cover so I might incorporate that idea in it! Thanks! Once I get it done I want to make the digital book available to all of Eagles friends here on treasurenet. Also, with the digital book in all of you guys hands maybe you guys can let me know if there is anything in the book that I need to fix or change before we actually get it published and printed. Give me a little more time, its pretty much ready as it is but I need to make the cover and go over the whole thing a few more times... Thanks everyone, be back soon!

Thank You so much for doing this!!!! You are a true blessing!

Never in the history of this thread has it gone over a month with no posts. Has anyone been out hunting any of Eagles spots? No body has found anything? How is everyone been doing?

We Native Americans, or First Nations People, have a long tradition of knowing ourselves deeply connected to the elements around us. We come from you. We are part of you. We return to you.
Native American prayers often make use of the cycles of nature. The cycles of seasons. The cycles of planting and harvesting. The cycles of birth and death and rebirth all around us.

When we open our eyes and see. When we open our ears and hear. When we we slow down to be quiet.

Most of us believe that the souls of the dead pass into a spirit world. There they become part of the spiritual forces which influence every aspect of our lives. Sometimes we believe in two souls: one that dies with the body dying. One that wanders on and dies eventually. Native American prayers often speak to these souls directly.

Our rites for the dying are meant to help the dying on their journey into the afterlife.

Four directions, eagle feather, dream catcher, circle, native american, first nation
Death for us is a vital tool in the cycle of life. Death is like the top of a mountain. It is a point where all knowledge gathers. Where all knowledge can be drawn to.

When death in any form is achieved, there is a new beginning. It can now build, in it's new growth, upon the knowledge drawn from the past. Native American prayers draw some of their strength from that knowledge.

We know ourselves held by the Four Great Powers of the Medicine Wheel:

The East is the Place of Illumination, where we can see things clearly, far and wide. Its season is winter. Its element is earth. Its color is yellow.

The South is the place of Innocence and Trust. Its season is summer. Its element is fire. Its color is red.

The West is the Looks-Within Place, which speaks to our introspective Nature. Its season is autumn. Its element is water. Its color is black.

To the North is found Wisdom. Its season is spring. Its element is air. Its color is white.

Our Native American prayers often speak from the wisdom of the medicine wheel.

We Native Americans, or First Nations People, have a long tradition of knowing ourselves deeply connected to the elements around us. We come from you. We are part of you. We return to you.
Native American prayers often make use of the cycles of nature. The cycles of seasons. The cycles of planting and harvesting. The cycles of birth and death and rebirth all around us.

When we open our eyes and see. When we open our ears and hear. When we we slow down to be quiet.

Most of us believe that the souls of the dead pass into a spirit world. There they become part of the spiritual forces which influence every aspect of our lives. Sometimes we believe in two souls: one that dies with the body dying. One that wanders on and dies eventually. Native American prayers often speak to these souls directly.

Our rites for the dying are meant to help the dying on their journey into the afterlife.

Four directions, eagle feather, dream catcher, circle, native american, first nation
Death for us is a vital tool in the cycle of life. Death is like the top of a mountain. It is a point where all knowledge gathers. Where all knowledge can be drawn to.

When death in any form is achieved, there is a new beginning. It can now build, in it's new growth, upon the knowledge drawn from the past. Native American prayers draw some of their strength from that knowledge.

We know ourselves held by the Four Great Powers of the Medicine Wheel:

The East is the Place of Illumination, where we can see things clearly, far and wide. Its season is winter. Its element is earth. Its color is yellow.

The South is the place of Innocence and Trust. Its season is summer. Its element is fire. Its color is red.

The West is the Looks-Within Place, which speaks to our introspective Nature. Its season is autumn. Its element is water. Its color is black.

To the North is found Wisdom. Its season is spring. Its element is air. Its color is white.

Our Native American prayers often speak from the wisdom of the medicine wheel.

Your captivation of emotion within your words is felt. Your Wisdom from generations before you is visualized. Thank you for sharing these words that have penetrated my soul.

Hi everyone sorry for taking so long to get back on here. I have a digital version of Eagles book ready for all of his friends here who are interested. I'm going to upload it to one of these free uploading services so if you would like to download it please send an email to...

You will receive an automatic response with the link to the book.

I will not likey be reading the emails so if you have a message for me please send it via private message here on tnet.

Please let me know what you guys think of the job I did on putting it together. I know there are something's that will have to be improved before actually printing the book, all input is welcome.


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Thank you! Email sent!

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