The Many Lost Treasures of Mariposa, CA (Photos Added)

Found this thread last week via the Gold Prospector's forum. Completely enveloped in the stories and banter. What a great man Eagle is/was. Currently downloading the PDF, thanks to Chupacabra. If there ever is a hard-bound version, I hope to be notified - I've got an empty slot in my bookcase just for it.

Take care all!

i originally posted this on the introduction thread, and well i think it would be appropriate to post it here.

hello all. i am happy i found this site, for sure. however i make my entrance into this fine community with a heavy heart. i stumbled across you, while researching my local gold getting grounds ie mariposa/merced river area California, mothe load. well as you can imagine i found and fell in awe with EagleDown! i have hung on every word with true motivation to go find what i know is waiting for me to discover. to say i was excited to somehow manifest a day, a moment to shake his hand and listen to the multifaceted wisdom he exuded with such purity. the world needs beacons of his brightness, to show us a rarely seen example of humankind. that of the heart of a eagle and as true as the softness of down. Eagledown i look forward to walking in your footsteps and i will keep an ear open to your voice whispering to me in the wind.

now about me, i love long walks on the ........ really what i want to say is i love nature, like adventure, like discovering, like problem solving so yes i think i am a prospector by nature. i was born to find cool things. to unearth the past. so i may blaze a trail into the future. i want to dredge but never have yet. i have a gold bug 2 and have found nothing but trash yet. i have a sluice box and i have found gold with it but i ended up selling it and my wife's wedding rings on time 15 years ago when we really needed some money. i also sold my number one Alaskan gold nugget i drew in a raffle on italian bar with the LDMA that time. i am eager to learn, and i look forward to finding Treasure.

ps if anyone is in the mariposa/mered river area and would be willing to show me some fun stuff let me know. thanks.

Thank you! I treasure the conversations I had with Eagle!

This is wonderful, thank you.

I'd love to get that book of all Eagles stories. I want to read them all again soon

I still want a book, but it will have to wait untill April before I can buy it. Thanks, ranger 11.

Going to briceburg soon!

Serpentine sounds like the rock you were carving. Have read up to about page 15 so far! Lots left to go! Great read!

Once I seen this I down loaded it too. I like the color photos and this is the method I prefer with my own books since full color is great for maps.

I cant stop reading wowza

I will make the book available but you need to down load it to keep it I won't leave this open permanently
Many thanks Chupacabra,

Thank you for sticking with Eagle and Honoring him posting the file.
I downloaded it, and now have Eagle with me to hear his wisdom.
He has become a staple in my prospecting diet, to be consumed for many years to come.
I truly "got to know him" without ever meeting him.

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Hello folks,
I learned, after reading some of his earlier posts, that Eagle passed away, and I seriously soaked up those first posts like a dry sponge would suck up water in the hot dry desert.

As a complete stranger to the thread It still hit me like a sucker punch to the chest to realize that the man that I had gotten to like so much in such a short time had passed away even before I started to read here.
It was an uncanny and erie thing to experience, and it indeed attributes to his powerful spirit and personality with which he continued to captivate my interest and liking for his easy style and demeanor.

I was sort of lost for a day or two to try and work through that "Terminator type of reality, non reality" phenomena. It is interesting to know that he is still "real" to me and that is very much alive when I read through his writings, even though I never even met him or even knew him before be passed on.
It just confirms to me the fact that for the most part, a righteous, kind and gracious person will have his name remembered for a long time versus a low down bad caracter, whose name will soon fade out of our collective conscious.
This may not hold true in all cases, but in general, that's how it seems to work.

I feel priveliged having been captured by the amazing spirit that is Eagle, and have felt the real man as if he were living.
I wanted to share this as an expression of my respect for this man who would surely have been my dear friend and source of wisdom.

My two cents worth. eyeball.

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