The Many Lost Treasures of Mariposa, CA (Photos Added)

well the book may still get finished I am going to ask gold bag as well as his good friend Roger if they would like to collaborate to finish putting it together as he was almost finished writing and just needed to pay for publishing last time I was at his house so we will see if Goldbag Roger and myself can put that together as I am sure all his loyal readers would love a piece of Eagles memory The thing I am most sad about is that last month when I saw Eagle we were supposed to go out last weekend and his exact words were "The last thing Im going to do before I die is strike it rich" and he didnt get the chance to finish that goal that is what most saddens me.

In my eyes, Eagle DID strike it rich! With the many friends he gained. His storytelling, and the sharing of his lessons learned in life, made him a very wealthy man!
I never got to meet him, but I will always remember the things he said about seeing what the average man misses.
I believe that once his ashes are carried along the Merced, he will be able to guide us all to the treasures that are still hidden!

Eagle, my heart is heavy for never having met you. Yet we became fast friends as I read your posts. Mariposa has lost a great treasure. Be at peace and may you find that yellow metal wherever you are. Blessings!!

Very sad news. He shared his stories unselfishly and honestly and lived an incredible life. Truly, a man to respect.
To his good friends on this forum, I am sorry for your loss. I am glad that I got to know him a little bit from his writings. He enriched my life and I am sure will continue to do the same for countless others.

Rest in Peace Dear Eagle. You have been an inspiration to many and have touched our hearts in so many ways. You will be missed... Mayor

I never met you Eagle, but I know you through all your wonderful stories. Your legacy will live forever.

well the book may still get finished I am going to ask gold bag as well as his good friend Roger if they would like to collaborate to finish putting it together as he was almost finished writing and just needed to pay for publishing last time I was at his house so we will see if Goldbag Roger and myself can put that together as I am sure all his loyal readers would love a piece of Eagles memory The thing I am most sad about is that last month when I saw Eagle we were supposed to go out last weekend and his exact words were "The last thing Im going to do before I die is strike it rich" and he didnt get the chance to finish that goal that is what most saddens me.

let us know if there is anything we all can do to help with getting this done. i would have liked to look into setting up some kind of memorial for ol' eagle down on the merced but completion of his book will be a memorial we wont have to drive 8+ hours to see.

Eagle, your generous heart and kind spirit will be missed along with the sharing of your adventures! Fly high brother!

I first "met" EagleDown way back in May 2010 by reading what I believe was his first post here on TN. It was a hilarious joke that he posted in the Comedy Central section. Here is a link to it for those that have not read it (or those that want to read it again) A few days later, he posted this one I was not even drinking beer at the time but I am sure that some came out my nose because I was laughing so hard. Not long after that, he started this thread and I was hooked. I remember checking in almost every day to see what new stories he had. I never had the chance to meet him in person but I feel blessed that I had the opportunity to get to know him in his writing here.

I would like to make a small donation to help the family or to help with the cost making his book a reality. If someone is taking up a collection, please let us know where to send the money.

My cell phone lit up late this afternoon telling me I had a call from Eagle. I thought "Wow, I wonder what he is up to!" It had been a few months since I last saw him at the Coarsegold Peddler's Fair Memorial day weekend at the start of summer. My son was with me and we had enjoyed chatting with him for a bit before we parted our ways. I thought of our trip to "The River" a few months prior when it was so cold. My heart dropped when I heard a woman's voice "Are you a friend of Walking Eagle?" "Yes I am" I replied as my heart continued to drop...She explained that our dear friend had passed away....

I am so sad right now that this generous, gentle soul has departed from among us. I agree with the brother a few posts prior to this when he said something like it would have been a greater tragedy NOT to have known Eagle. Farewell my friend, I am glad the Lord gave me the honor to hang out with you a bit and share some life together. May you rest in Peace....

To all concerned who might be able to bring it to pass, PLEASE see if you can finish his book! That indeed would be a great memorial to him and it would help keep him in our hearts all the more! Also, I would love to see some sort of physical memorial on the Merced river for Eagle. I think across from Hermit Pete's place would be fitting. I believe I heard from Kat (too shook to ask) when she called me. She was calling people on his cell phone to let them know. She asked for my address and said she will send details of Eagle's arrangements. I will pass them on if they aren't posted here first. Dale

Eagle will be sorely missed.

I found this thread about a year ago.
Read through it, sometimes until 5am, time to go to work!
I started re-reading again about 2 weeks ago, today I jump back and find out Eagle passed.
He will be sorely missed.
I definitely want THE book.


I'll keep my eye out for you, my brother, when I walk the silent paths under the vast blue heavens of the great forests of the majestic mountains. I'll look for you whenever I dip a pan in the crystal streams of the rushing waters you loved so much, and I'll watch closely for you looking over my shoulder Eagle when Mother Nature gives up a nugget or two of her precious gold. . . .

All the best,


Yup, that hit me hard today. When I was out prospecting on Sunday, I heard an eagle directly above me heading further up the mountain. I said, "Well, hello to you too.". Our Brother will always be with us.


I got hooked on TNet because of Eagle and others. Just like several others, we looked forward to new stories about Merced or Mariposa.
Gentle sole for sure. We've chatted for the past couple years and tried to do a couple hunts together, but never happened. In fact I was hoping to visit him this month. Taking wife and I for a long over due vacation. Plus could prospect in gold country. Now it seems I'll not get a chance to meet him personally. I know he'll be helping us in our quest for the sassy gold. Lol.

I do hope the book can get published and I hope to hear about any services or possible memorial for him on Merced. Maybe we could do an annual trek and prospect in memory of him and tell stories around the fire.

Maybe we could do an annual trek and prospect in memory of him and tell stories around the fire.

That is something Eagle would honor and cherish. Great idea! Perhaps those of you who are familiar with the Merced and other areas there could show TN members around from out of state; like me, lol.

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I have not been on the thread for a couple of months, and just got back on today only to discover the sad news about EagleDown. I am so bummed, even tho I never met him, I felt like I knew him! This is like finding out one of your best friends has passed on- I am so sad!

Not sure if anyone else lives near by but today at Cal State San Bernardino they are having a weekend long celebration of native American Heritage and I instantly thought of eagle. I can hear the chanting while I watered the lawn. An annual trek would be great but it would be even greater if we could visit the sites that eagle discovered/rediscovered. That way we could really walk with eagle (so to speak).

My college had something recently on natives around here and I'm in a native American studies class. Both make me think of Eagle a lot

I was thinking of some of his stories of lost finds from years ago. In fact he was looking for that mine mentioned in way earlier pages. Not certain if he found it. Definitely would be nice to walk in his footsteps.
Truly bummed, because I went to my email address and got my last message from him. He was working on medical stuff for me to research and was going to send me another message. Obviously he never got to.
I've heard people say there's not enough time because they're retired. Lol. He was such an active man.
So if we do try to do an Eagle trail hike, I do think he'd look down on his fellow prospectors. Just got to remember the bonfire. That's one of the things he asked for when we'd meet up. Still another thing I missed out on.
I would like to get to the mother lode country soon. I need a vacation. Lol.

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