Lanny in AB said:
Hi there Eagle--just dropped in to see what's new. Sound's like artist is one of the many facets of your character; in fact, just what don't you do?
All the best--I truly enjoy reading your informative posts,
AAAAAH, Darn, you got me! I won't know until I try. Once I find something I can't do, I'll surely let you know.
It's my mind Lanny, it has to keep active. So, my interests are varied and many. Plus, like everyone else, I'd love to make that big strike one day. I don't want to be filthy rich, I'd probably be happy with 100 lbs of gold.
Anyway, (back on the ground,) my mind grabs things that most people don't even notice, for instance;
While dredging, have you ever used a chisel and single-jack under water, to open a crevasse? And, if so, have you ever missed the chisel and got your finger(s) instead? Well, I have been known to do so from time to time. And, when the water is really cold, it HURTS!!!!
So, one day I was in my body shop and using a Morgan Knocker to pull the end of a bumper back into place. (In case you’re not familiar with a Morgan Knocker, it’s an 18 lb slide hammer on a length of heavy ¾” steel pipe. The “hammer” travels about 14” before it hits a stop. Actually, it’s just like a dent puller, but, a lot heavier.) So, here I was, slamming away at this bumper end and “flash”. I thought, “Hmmm, if I can pull with this, there’s no reason why I couldn’t push with it.
So, after my help left, I went out behind the shop to the scrap pile, and found a light truck axle. I used the grinder to shape the ends. One like a standard knife edge chisel, and the other end to a point. Then, since this was just an experimental job, I found two large nuts that would slip on the axle. First, I slid the “slide hammer” onto the axle, and then I welded the nuts on. O.K., it worked pretty well. On a finished model, I’d figure out a way that I could take the “slide hammer” off without ruining the axle. Now, all I had to do was get back to the river and give it a go.
And that’s it, another invention was born. No more bruised or skinned knuckles. (lol)
You’re welcome to use this to make your own if you want to. No charge. (lol)