"The Lue Map and the Nazi Connection -3"

I do find the the pillars on the right interesting. Just the dark staining of the first pillar and the third pillar on the right side of the photo. I am guessing they are strained black like that from the oils and dirt from people's hands touching those to pillars as they enter? Don't know,just found the black staining on those seem to stick out.
It’s very good that you are doing your homework and have read the biography of Wilhelm Canaris and about the Holy Fire. Then you know, among other things, that Canaris was a deeply religious person, although he did not give preference to any particular religion, but he was very impressed by Christianism and on this topic he could happily talk for hours with a grateful listener.
And of course you found out what happened on April 19, 1579 at the ceremony of the descent of the Holy Fire? But it was after this event that the status quo arose. I hope that you know what will happen to the world if the Holy Fire does not descend?
The column on the map of Lu, it’s not just that, it’s not just any kind of column, it’s the only one in the world, marked by divine power and split by lightning) the column is a warning, adherence to the status quo, following a certain established order and not observing this order will lead to tragedy.

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Well, okay, let's continue. In the figure, as for the lines related to the rays of the sun, not all of them are like that. The lines that I indicated with arrows with a question mark, these lines simply represent the symbol that I colored, it reminds us of an arrow from a bow, where the red color is the tip of the arrow. Did you know that in the days when the main weapon was the bow, arrowheads had different and special purposes, that is, there were specialized arrowheads? So if not, ask. This photograph shows a very distinctive and very rare arrowhead. I looked through many of their options in all sources and finally came across this one, one on one. If you are interested, try searching the internet yourself and if you come across it, we will quickly continue the topic with you.
For starters, this isn't the LUE map. It's been added to and heavily edited compared to the original.

Randy Why bother with those minor details when its all a flight of fantasy to begin with? Some people with egocentricity have zero distinction between facts and assumptions?

I asked a legitimate question the op just evaded the question. So its waste of time commenting.


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Randy Why bother with those minor details when its all a flight of fantasy to begin with? Some people with egocentricity have zero distinction between facts and assumptions?

I asked a legitimate question the op just evaded the question. So its waste of time commenting.

I didn't share that fact for his sake. ;)

Randy Why bother with those minor details when its all a flight of fantasy to begin with? Some people with egocentricity have zero distinction between facts and assumptions?

I asked a legitimate question the op just evaded the question. So its waste of time commenting.

Hello dear Crow. Well, let's take it in order, where in your comment #10 was the question asked?
And why was there a disrespectful statement?

For starters, this isn't the LUE map. It's been added to and heavily edited compared to the original.
If you carefully read my threads, then I already wrote there that there were initially at least two options for the map, drawn by the author himself, but there were other options with variations.

Okay just a plain answer from you how did this nazi gold come to America and when what year?


Okay just a plain answer from you how did this nazi gold come to America and when what year?

So, you are unfoundedly (responding to Randy Bradford’s comment) accusing me of ignoring your direct question and therefore being a self-centered person? I think I always addressed you respectfully or not? I have the impression that you may be from the category of those people who, even if shown a real object, will declare that it is a deception and a fake.
It's funny that the "Lu card" has acquired similar properties and questions as in the question of religion - does God really exist or not? Does Lu Map Treasure Exist or Not? In both cases there is a similarity, it has not yet been proven or refuted 100%, many deny it, many believe it. And in the case of Lu's card, there are both. One way or another, enthusiasts are still trying to unravel the drawing and are looking for this treasure.
And I’ll answer your question this way: “Operation Red Tail” (to destabilize the US economy and prevent participation in World War II), began on 04/09/1939. Gold was transported on submarines.

So, you are unfoundedly (responding to Randy Bradford’s comment) accusing me of ignoring your direct question and therefore being a self-centered person? I think I always addressed you respectfully or not? I have the impression that you may be from the category of those people who, even if shown a real object, will declare that it is a deception and a fake.
It's funny that the "Lu card" has acquired similar properties and questions as in the question of religion - does God really exist or not? Does Lu Map Treasure Exist or Not? In both cases there is a similarity, it has not yet been proven or refuted 100%, many deny it, many believe it. And in the case of Lu's card, there are both. One way or another, enthusiasts are still trying to unravel the drawing and are looking for this treasure.
And I’ll answer your question this way: “Operation Red Tail” (to destabilize the US economy and prevent participation in World War II), began on 04/09/1939. Gold was transported on submarines.
Operation "Red Tail" was initiated by Hitler himself, but at the suggestion of the "Sly Fox" - Admiral Canaris (who developed this operation and masterfully brought it to its logical, personally desired end). Thus, in my opinion, he predetermined the outcome of the Second World War (I doubt that the world would have resisted Hitler if the United States had not participated in this war, but Hitler’s plan was quite realistic; by that time the United States had not yet recovered from the “Great Depression” "and the fall in gold prices on the stock exchanges could well throw the United States back into crisis) and, moreover, he realized his childhood dream. (read my first thread on this topic in artistic digressions)
Subsequently, when he was arrested in connection with the assassination attempt on Hitler and was to be executed, he chose the date of execution himself in his last wish: 04/09/1945, symbolically in memory of the successful operation.

So how many tons this alleged gold was brought to united states?

You are not original in your questions. I don’t like to repeat myself, but I have to, since there is a kind of “running in circles” going on. - “In order not to ask me the questions that I have already answered, do not consider it a great effort and read all my previous publications carefully.”
Best regards, Sergey 3.

Sergey 3

Regardless of what of I think your claims I am still open for discussion on the Lue. I had stated several times I have no opinion either way, nor any vested interests. You can take this constructive criticism I see you making bold big claims without any facts to back them.

I love all treasure legends the good and even the bad ones, as if anything they make a good fireside story? Treasure legends are mind candy and fun to speculate on. Some being more true than others. Not shame in that. Good on you for making an attempt. I admire anyone having a go.

But there is dark side to treasure legends amigos people become so self obsessed they use conformation-al bias. Its easy to fall into the belief you have made a big discovery and delude yourself into thinking that. Hey everyone goes through that when first researching treasure legends. I am not ashamed to put my hand up. But I learned that hard hard lesson many years amigo.

You moaned that no one was showing interests in your posts? Once some one asks for those for those awkward facts you get all defensive. That said I do not expect you to give away location or even how you solved it. Good on you if you have!

But it is evidence, real evidence that there is treasure to begin with would impress not just me but everyone here on TNET? In fact that would be major discovery indeed. You name dropped a dead Nazi Admiral Canaris who masterminded to Bankrupt the us economy?

This is not a new idea the earliest mention of could find of claims of Nazi collection to the lue was by Richard Walburn about 1997. There could be earlier accounts. Randy or Old Bookaroo are you around?

Okay letS look at him. Wilhelm Franz Canaris (1 January 1887 – 9 April 1945 is I agree a real interesting if some what ill-fated character from WW2 who planed Operation Pastorius in was staged in June 1942 . And indeed On 28 June 1941, following a two-year investigation, the FBI arrested Duquesne and 32 Nazi spies on charges of relaying secret information on U.S. weaponry and shipping movements to Germany! Canaris was behind that Okay?

Yet but where is the evidence he authorized this military operation you tentatively call 'Operation Red tail?' to bury gold. to Bankrupt the us economy?

LUE nazi gold

I have read through your hypothesis and you know what is missing? evidence? you provide no real references to back up your claim. When some one questions some thing you claim you dismiss as them as going in circles. You tell a stray amigo but lack any key details.

This is red flag amigo any potential backer or partner. People who dismiss some one asking a legitimate question. That is what egocentrics do.

On the above link side thing green on a white background is painful to for the eyes to read.

You claim in one part 14 tons of gold then claim 100 tons of gold? I am confused amigo. I ask again how many tons was brought into united states for clarity?

A very simple question amigo.


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Sergey 3

This is not a new idea the earliest mention of could find of claims of Nazi collection to the lue was by Richard Walburn about 1997. There could be earlier accounts. Randy or Old Bookaroo are you around?

You're spot on Crow. There was no LUE/Nazi connection prior to Richard Walburn. He introduced that idea out of thin air and then conflated it with the 17 Ton Trabucco treasure from the 4 Corners region. LUE caches that have been reported have all been found on the complete other side of NM near the Colorado border (on both sides of it actually). Karl von Mueller wrote dozens of pieces about the LUE and never once suggested there was a Nazi connection. Since he claimed to have made a LUE discovery of his own at Black Lake, I'd say he'd know what he had on his hands better than anyone. Even if you think Karl was lying, there's not one thing before Walburn to suggest the Nazis were involved, PERIOD.


Sergey 3

Regardless of what of I think your claims I am still open for discussion on the Lue. I had stated several times I have no opinion either way, nor any vested interests. You can take this constructive criticism I see you making bold big claims without any facts to back them.

I love all treasure legends the good and even the bad ones, as if anything they make a good fireside story? Treasure legends are mind candy and fun to speculate on. Some being more true than others. Not shame in that. Good on you for making an attempt. I admire anyone having a go.

But there is dark side to treasure legends amigos people become so self obsessed they use conformation-al bias. Its easy to fall into the belief you have made a big discovery and delude yourself into thinking that. Hey everyone goes through that when first researching treasure legends. I am not ashamed to put my hand up. But I learned that hard hard lesson many years amigo.

You moaned that no one was showing interests in your posts? Once some one asks for those for those awkward facts you get all defensive. That said I do not expect you to give away location or even how you solved it. Good on you if you have!

But it is evidence, real evidence that there is treasure to begin with would impress not just me but everyone here on TNET? In fact that would be major discovery indeed. You name dropped a dead Nazi Admiral Canaris who masterminded to Bankrupt the us economy?

This is not a new idea the earliest mention of could find of claims of Nazi collection to the lue was by Richard Walburn about 1997. There could be earlier accounts. Randy or Old Bookaroo are you around?

Okay letS look at him. Wilhelm Franz Canaris (1 January 1887 – 9 April 1945 is I agree a real interesting if some what ill-fated character from WW2 who planed Operation Pastorius in was staged in June 1942 . And indeed On 28 June 1941, following a two-year investigation, the FBI arrested Duquesne and 32 Nazi spies on charges of relaying secret information on U.S. weaponry and shipping movements to Germany! Canaris was behind that Okay?

Yet but where is the evidence he authorized this military operation you tentatively call 'Operation Red tail?' to bury gold. to Bankrupt the us economy?

LUE nazi gold

I have read through your hypothesis and you know what is missing? evidence? you provide no real references to back up your claim. When some one questions some thing you claim you dismiss as them as going in circles. You tell a stray amigo but lack any key details.

This is red flag amigo any potential backer or partner. People who dismiss some one asking a legitimate question. That is what egocentrics do.

On the above link side thing green on a white background is painful to for the eyes to read.

You claim in one part 14 tons of gold then claim 100 tons of gold? I am confused amigo. I ask again how many tons was brought into united states for clarity?

A very simple question amigo.

Thank you for your frankness, everything was expressed quite politely on your part. But let me ask, where in my stories did you catch the statement about a specific volume of gold? Yes, at the beginning I was retelling only the information that was published earlier in the accompanying note to Lu’s map. It seems they were talking about fourteen tons of gold. But I myself critically perceived this information and expressed a different opinion (note, I did not claim, but expressed the opinion that, at a minimum, for such an operation at least 100 tons of gold were needed to begin with) But, of course, in order to flood the market with gold, they were used not only submarines, there were also completely legal companies, such as the company Steelcase, which produced office furniture and fireproof safes and with connections around the world, plus they were also involved in the construction of hydroelectric power plants. Frank Ilod Wright had extensive connections and could unofficially transport gold by other means of transport, surface, air, etc. Gold was also transported through Canada. But in fact, it is unknown how much Canaris managed to transport; he hastened to complete his operation and for this he did (as it is now fashionable to say, an insider stuffing through his friend). But my personal opinion, judging by the map, is that there are only 28 tons in the storage facility.

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You're spot on Crow. There was no LUE/Nazi connection prior to Richard Walburn. He introduced that idea out of thin air and then conflated it with the 17 Ton Trabucco treasure from the 4 Corners region. LUE caches that have been reported have all been found on the complete other side of NM near the Colorado border (on both sides of it actually). Karl von Mueller wrote dozens of pieces about the LUE and never once suggested there was a Nazi connection. Since he claimed to have made a LUE discovery of his own at Black Lake, I'd say he'd know what he had on his hands better than anyone. Even if you think Karl was lying, there's not one thing before Walburn to suggest the Nazis were involved, PERIOD.

Quite right Randy. I traded several emails with Walburn back in the 1990s and his theories then were original. He went by the handle RWLUE. More recently, the late Joseph Curry (posting on TNet as Real of Tayopa), in his 90s, also tried to breathe life into Walburn's Nazi theories. Submarines were his main focus, as I recall. Curry's arguments didn't gain much traction.

Interestingly, I first contacted Walburn about his primary focus with the Montezuma Treasure allegations in the Kanab, UT area. He was working on some sort of high tech device that would detect caves. I don't know when or how his LUE and Nazi gold ideas took root. Cave detection, I guess. LUE didn't have a proven home then, so I guess he gave it one in Utah.

As I recall, some other Utah treasure hunters also jumped on the Nazi band wagon following Walburn. I could be wrong, but I recall some sort of secret construction camp was discovered near the Four Corners that allegedly contained evidence of a Nazi connection. I don't remember what the evidence was, but the Utah boys figured it had to do with the various high profile treasure tales in the area, Nazis, Trabuco, LUE - take your pick.

On a side note, some nefarious allegations from one of the Utah treasure forums surfaced about the same time concerning an important German royalty person who owned land in Utah back in the WWII era. That German was supposedly an ancestor of one of the Utah TH community members whose name, I think, was Randy something. Not you, Randy Bradford, but some other Randy. Anyway, German = Nazi, I guess.

A good treasure legend - any treasure legend, any general location - can be conflated with the LUE. Lots of them have been alleged. That's why I dismiss putting energy into the topic, other than as entertainment. Others' mileage may vary.

You're spot on Crow. There was no LUE/Nazi connection prior to Richard Walburn. He introduced that idea out of thin air and then conflated it with the 17 Ton Trabucco treasure from the 4 Corners region. LUE caches that have been reported have all been found on the complete other side of NM near the Colorado border (on both sides of it actually). Karl von Mueller wrote dozens of pieces about the LUE and never once suggested there was a Nazi connection. Since he claimed to have made a LUE discovery of his own at Black Lake, I'd say he'd know what he had on his hands better than anyone. Even if you think Karl was lying, there's not one thing before Walburn to suggest the Nazis were involved, PERIOD.

Hello to you, too. If you read my first text on this topic, you may remember. The Lu card has three degrees of protection against decryption, and the strongest of them is the first degree. The first degree of protection is psychological (Canaris was an outstanding psychologist and he was also the best hoaxer and the most virtuoso specialist in disinformation), which says: No one will ever take it (the card) seriously, and if someone does manage to take it seriously, then whoever can decipher it, no one will ever believe him and they will call him a liar, a dreamer, a madman, or, in extreme cases, as in mine, an egocentric.
And here is my statement in this case. None of the previously announced “decipherers” came close to solving the location of Lu’s treasure, which is simply unambiguously described by a map and indicates the exact location (one single thing, with an exact geoposition). And now you can “throw stones in my garden.”

And one more, very significant nuance, I already briefly mentioned it earlier. No English-speaking person whose native language is English will be able to solve the map. Why is this so? Does anyone have any interesting versions?

The first degree of protection is psychological (Canaris was an outstanding psychologist and he was also the best hoaxer and the most virtuoso specialist in disinformation), which says: No one will ever take it (the card) seriously, and if someone does manage to take it seriously, then whoever can decipher it, no one will ever believe him and they will call him a liar, a dreamer, a madman, or, in extreme cases, as in mine, an egocentric.
At the end of the day whether you're taken serious or not is irrelevant...there's only one way to verify your conclusions and that involves some digging and a pot of gold. Without that, any theory is as good as the next one. For my part, I'd be pretty happy with a bunch of gold and people that didn't believe me...in fact, I'd call that an ideal situation.

You're spot on Crow. There was no LUE/Nazi connection prior to Richard Walburn. He introduced that idea out of thin air and then conflated it with the 17 Ton Trabucco treasure from the 4 Corners region. LUE caches that have been reported have all been found on the complete other side of NM near the Colorado border (on both sides of it actually). Karl von Mueller wrote dozens of pieces about the LUE and never once suggested there was a Nazi connection. Since he claimed to have made a LUE discovery of his own at Black Lake, I'd say he'd know what he had on his hands better than anyone. Even if you think Karl was lying, there's not one thing before Walburn to suggest the Nazis were involved, PERIOD.

Gidday Randy

First of all I should state I do not know Richard personally. I believe he was present here on the very early days of treaurenet. I am not sure I think he passed away. I do not know what information or sources he had.

I recall he might of wrote for treasure hunting magazines? but on another treasure related topic he wrote completely inaccurate information. However giving him leeway as it was the time before internet days access to information was hard. But regardless his work on that topic was full of holes.

Terry carter posted on you tube correspondence about the LUE. Walburn

It has been claimed the CIA new about this alleged Nazi plot? However there is no trace of any information regarding this in the CIA and FBI archives. The predecessor of CIA FOUNDED IN 1946-1947 Was OSS. The CIA grew out of a wartime agency, the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), which was established to help win World War II. From the onset, the OSS was intended to be a temporary agency with plans to dissolve it upon the end of the War.

In 1946, the State Department, which had taken over the bulk of Research and Analysis Branch files after the war, began releasing records to the National Archives. The largest series consists of intelligence reports relating to political, economic, military, and morale information about almost every nation on the earth. Each series is arranged by document number. Reports and correspondence sent to the R&A Branch would be assigned the next consecutive number. The records are accessible only though a card index developed by the Central Information Division library.

As far as I can tell so far there is nothing that confirm any American knowledge of any plot to bring gold into united states.


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