The Knights Templar connection to Oak Island Challenge

My friend Loki, all this is circumstantial speculation and if 'hard evidence that the Cathar families were related to the Templars" does actually exists, please cite and present the source of this hard documentation.

The story of the Church of St Mary Magdalene of Rennes le Chateau that originated with Parish priest Father Berenger Sauniere is highly suspect of his discovery of four coded parchments in a column, and has led to questioning the origin of the money for restoration of the church, be it a discovery of a Visigoth treasure, payoffs from a secret society to kept the Grail's location secret to the Priory of Sion or the Templars talking the Grail to Oak Island.
Incidentally, no has seen these four parchments, nor is their location if they ever actually existed, is known.

Now about Otto Rahn:
It is highly suspicious that Rahn died just a few weeks after "resigning" from the SS considering the blood oath of fealty made by Himler's Black Knights, and the same month that Rahn's colleague, Karl Maria Willigut, was forced to resign his commission and was placed under the "protection" of the Gestapo.
*NOTE* One did not "resign" from the Order of the SS except by death.
"It is surely no coincidence that his (Rahn) death occurred on the anniversary of the fall on Montsegur, the aesthetics mountain stronghold in southern France, which occurred on 14 March1244"- Paul Roland/ THE NAZIS AND THE OCCULT

Where is the proof that the "HOLY GRAIL rests near Annapolis Basin, Nova Scotia after passing through Oak Island in 1308?
When making a statement as this, you should be able to provide hard backup evidence to support that statement, otherwise it is baseless speculation.

The parchments, or at least two of them, the genealogies, are in a bank vault in Charing Cross, London. The fall of Montsegur was on March 16, 1244, not 14, and your right his death was highly suspicious. Something else that is seldom mentioned is a sketch of the tombstone that the Shepherdess Parchment is derived from that was supposedly done in 1905 but has been questioned. I have a copy of same sent to me by SESA the historical organization that the person worked for who did the sketch dated 1905, which proves beyond a doubt that the text used to decode the famed Shepherdess Code was not a hoax as has been suggested.

There is hard evidence of the relationships you mention, and its easy to find, just search Templars of the Languedoc! if that doesn't work I will post it for you.

I believe I stood on the site of the Grail near Annapolis Basin in 2009, following very easy to follow clues. Since then I have been writing various sites to get someone to give permission to actually research the location, I could describe it if required. As for 1308 on Oak Island, I use the Coconut fibre for evidence until actual proof comes along. By arguing these points on forums I keep the subject alive maybe to eventually get the attention needed, so thanks!

Cheers, Loki

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I believe I stood on the site of the Grail near Annapolis Basin in 2009, following very easy to follow clues...
As for 1308 on Oak Island, I use the Coconut fibre for evidence until actual proof comes along...
There is another TN poster who claims to have discovered a cipher in the Declaration of Independence that stats that the American Founding Fathers removed the alleged Templar treasure pre Revolution bringing it to Virginia.
If that version is true, it was not at Annapolis Basin in 2009.
At least you admit that Coconut fibre is NOT actual proof or evidence of Templar presence on Oak Island. :thumbsup:

There is hard evidence of the relationships you mention, and its easy to find, just search Templars of the Languedoc! if that doesn't work I will post it for you...
Post it if and only if it is from a documented legitimate source which is not Baigent & Lincoln's HOLY BLOOD, HOLY GRAIL or Picknett & Price's THE TEMPLAR REVELATION.

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There is another TN poster who claims to have discovered a cipher in the Declaration of Independence that stats that the American Founding Fathers removed the alleged Templar treasure pre Revolution bringing it to Virginia.
If that version is true, it was not at Annapolis Basin in 2009.
At least you admit that Coconut fibre is NOT actual proof or evidence of Templar presence on Oak Island. :thumbsup:

I have noticed that you don't read too well, btw, why do you spell Himmler the way you do?

Post it if and inly if it is from a documented legitimate source which is not Baigent & Lincoln's HOLY BLOOD, HOLY GRAIL or Picknett & Price's THE TEMPLAR REVELATION.

I actually wrote that you could look it up online yourself, evidently that is not your intent!
It would not be from either of those sources, it is from property deeds and known Templar houses and donations to the order and such. But I don't think you are really into this discussion so have a nice day!

Cheers, Loki

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There is another TN poster who claims to have discovered a cipher in the Declaration of Independence that stats that the American Founding Fathers removed the alleged Templar treasure pre Revolution bringing it to Virginia.
If that version is true, it was not at Annapolis Basin in 2009.
At least you admit that Coconut fibre is NOT actual proof or evidence of Templar presence on Oak Island. :thumbsup:

The Code in the DOI tells you what to use to locate the Holy Relics, Ark of the Covenant. The Holy Grail depends on which one you are searching for? There is a GOLD CUP OF CHRIST in the first sixty five letters of Genesis, the First Book of Moses. Those sixty five letters not only tells you where the Ark of the Covenant is located today but it also gives the near Latitude and Longitude. All the information to find the Holy Relics is also on the US Treasury Seal on the back of a US One Dollar Bill.

...The code points generally to Nova Scotia or Acadia, don't forget the painting that the Monument is based on.
The reason I am sure of this is because by using a more accurate code also mentioned in the "Shepherdess Parchment" from Rennes le Chateau, I stood on what I believe to be the actual site near Annapolis Basin!
The Shepherdess Parchment, and the other from Rennes le Chateau and the translations:
Does this code lead to a site near the Annapolis Basin in Nova Scotia...
or does one decode one's preconceived expectations of what the code reveals?

Lol! Yes, there is a lack of proof of the Templars sailing to Nova Scotia (although I know they did) of which I am trying to change.

I was going to reply to an earlier post of yours, but I was skimming ahead and then I saw this, and then I had to stop and reply.

I can't read your mind, just what you write, so I have to base my opinion on what you're writing, and you wrote this. Do you understand what you just wrote here?

I was going to reply to an earlier post of yours, but I was skimming ahead and then I saw this, and then I had to stop and reply.

I can't read your mind, just what you write, so I have to base my opinion on what you're writing, and you wrote this. Do you understand what you just wrote here?

I do, but admittedly it was poorly written. What I meant was, I know the coconut fibre is only circumstantial evidence of the Knights Templar visiting Nova Scotia and not actual proof, followed by, and I am trying to find that proof.

Cheers, Loki

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...and that friend Loki, is all there will ever be.

The Shepherdess Parchment, and the other from Rennes le Chateau and the translations:
Does this code lead to a site near the Annapolis Basin in Nova Scotia...
or does one decode one's preconceived expectations of what the code reveals?

There are several things neither you nor the writer of the report you posted know about the Parchments or the Code. There were only three parchments discovered, the Dagobert and Shepherdess were on either side of one of them, the other two were very important genealogies and were later bought by British agents and are now in a bank vault in Charing Cross, London/ The solution and the code were both written by the same individual/ In the Tombstone itself, which nobody of present times has seen there are obvious and purposeful errors required to make the code work, there is an existing copy of the Tombstone made in 1905 by an intern of SESA of which I was sent a copy by SESA, proving there was no 20th century hoax/ The paintings mentioned in the report you posted are the wrong ones, the "no temptation" refers to the Poussin, not the Teniers and the Teniers has been posted on this forum several times/ Blue Apples or Pommes Bleues, refers to a report by Adam of Bremen from the year 1075 give or take a year or two, that is in the Vatican Library!

Cheers, Loki

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The point to this, Loki, is that there are many different versions on what these parchment codes reveal- which is the correct message among all of these variations is highly dependent on one's point of view perception.

The point to this, Loki, is that there are many different versions on what these parchment codes reveal- which is the correct message among all of these variations is highly dependent on one's point of view perception.

You must know I don't agree with you. The story is actually similar to a jig-saw puzzle, but not one with 995 pieces. Although this is what most expect, a complicated puzzle with difficult to find little pieces of nearly the same color and shape.
It is more like a 6 year old's puzzle with only 7 or 8 very large pieces and very easy to put together even with a child's hand, which of course even a caveman could understand.
For instance, do you know why the text from John was chosen for the Shepherdess (or Great) Parchment?

Cheers, Loki

...and how does that provide any information that the Templars dialed to Oak Island, created the treasure shaft for the Grail?
It doesn't, does it.

Please reread post #110!
Once again, coconut fibers DO NOT nor CONFIRM that the Templars sailed to Oak Island with the Grail and other treasures.
So far you have pasted random pieces of actual history, people, and events and created a collage to support yor pet theory boned on the page by coconut coir.

Once again, coconut fibers DO NOT nor CONFIRM that the Templars sailed to Oak Island with the Grail and other treasures.
So far you have pasted random pieces of actual history, people, and events and created a collage to support yor pet theory boned on the page by coconut coir.

But like I wrote, "its so easy even a caveman can understand it"!

Cheers, Loki

A cute reply that doesn't make the Templar's at Oak Island tale true, just another sidestep dance due to lack of actual evidence...
...or are you now claiming that it is so easy a caveman dug the Oak Island pit?
...or has someone been smoking too much coconut coir that makes it easier for a caveman to understand it?

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