The Jesse James KGC Connection on History Channel

Alec, the helicopter that buzzed us was white with blue block letters saying "PATROL" painted on both sides of the belly. The pilot was about 60 years old with short gray hair. I have never said that the modern "watchers" of the possible depository sites were KGC-appointed Sentinels. I strongly believe they are a combination of well-funded treasure hunters and high-ranking Masons who know just enough to be potentially dangerous but not enough to retrieve the depository treasures themselves so they rely on the work of those of us who are actually doing the field work to lead them to the precise locations so they can steal it. I'd sure like to hear more of the reasons you were working with Pastore. "Two months" seems like a long time to search for something you don't believe exists.
~Texas Jay

Actually I answered that question in another thread on here somewhere. That was ten years ago back when I didn't know any better and believed the depository myths myself. It was also before I did any research to verify the information Pastore told me about the site. Once I started researching the property, the area (and Pastore) it became clear that this site wasn't what he said it was. I was connected to Pastore's little group for about 9 weeks during which time I made about five trips to the site itself with him and his group. The rest of the time I spent researching and determining he was full of crap. Between that and the way he presented himself I bailed rather quickly. It was about one year later that I had enough research on the KGC to change the way I thought about their alleged treasures.

That site has nothing to do with the KGC as far as I can tell. Could someone who was a member of the group have walked on the property? Sure. Did the KGC leave treasure behind there? No, not in my opinion. I'm no slouch at interpreting symbols and I don't believe anything on the site is connected to any large group from the Civil War. Any "cash shays" that are still out there are outlaw in nature. It was obvious on day one of my search that there had been lots of activity on the property. The carvings told me there was treasure there, at least at one time.

The history of the property tells a very good story. Had Pastore done his research instead of making up stuff to fit his theory he would have been better off and maybe he even could have found a real treasure.

Believe it or pretend not to believe it. That's your choice. I have been a treasure hunter for 40 years and discovered a couple of the locations and their signs we are now working at over 25 years ago, before I even knew the KGC existed. I, my partner, and others on this forum do not have to "prove" anything to you or anyone else. It has nothing to do with paranoia as I have no fear whatsoever of these "watchers". Everything I said is documented and can and will be proven in a court of law if that is ever necessary. SWR, I've got much better things to do than to play your petty information-gathering games so don't expect any more replies from me to your silly, insulting messages.
~Texas Jay

Wow what a great show on the History channel,I bet everyone wants to go out and buy a metal detector now. :hello2: :headbang:

Hello from Texas! :hello: New member here.....been following all these threads for awhile, and it's all very interesting! I am no expert by any means, but one thing I did notice on the History Channel program, was the fact that when they did recover those coins, the guy was rubbing the coins with dirt on them....trying to read a date off them. Now, from what i've read on here and elsewhere, you are not supposed to rub them this way, because you may scratch the coin....possibly reducing the value of the coin. Am I wrong here? :dontknow:

txtea said:
Hello from Texas! :hello: New member here.....been following all these threads for awhile, and it's all very interesting! I am no expert by any means, but one thing I did notice on the History Channel program, was the fact that when they did recover those coins, the guy was rubbing the coins with dirt on them....trying to read a date off them. Now, from what i've read on here and elsewhere, you are not supposed to rub them this way, because you may scratch the coin....possibly reducing the value of the coin. Am I wrong here? :dontknow:
Nope ! You show more sense than the jerk doing the rubbing ;D

I must be doing something wrong. I've been on dozens of actual treasure sites and not once have I been shadowed or buzzed by a helicopter. I'm waiting for that day though, so I'll have a good story to tell. I did have a farmer drive up the other day and check on me because we were in a vehicle he didn't recognize. Does that count?

I've hunted with Alec and I can verify that he's no slouch on reading signs and symbols. You can also take him at his word. I don't trust many people but he is one guy I wouldn't mind watching my back. His one great fault is that he did believe in the KGC mega caches at one time. LOL. Nobody's perfect though.

I think I'm the only treasure hunter out there who hasn't seen the show, but thankfully a friend of mine recorded it and I'll finally be up to speed. I can say that if you have ever dug up a mason jar that has been buried for any length of time you don't just unscrew the top and take out the money. It takes work to get the lid off. It's easier to just break the jar. If there were jar lids found that money had already been taken from, then where were the jars?

According to Ganis in the 1879 photo of the James Gang at the barrell factory shows Frank James and Lorenzo giving the KGC sign of greeting. Anyone know where he got this information? We have the signs, grips, tokens, and passwords of the KGC, OAK, and the SOL from the exposes done in the 1860s but none of them match. It is close to the sign members made when they entered the castle but its not the same. Anyone have his book?

What about the other people in that photo? Lots of them had their arms crossed and different fingers folded back, were they giving some secret sign too? They didn't mention them because then it would point out how stupid that theory was.

Discovery Channel ‘Ghost Lab’ in Enid to look for spirit of John Wilkes Booth

By Kasey Fowler, Staff Writer
Stars of a Discovery Channel television show are in Enid searching for the ghost of John Wilkes Booth.
Brad and Barry Klinge, stars of “Ghost Lab,” along with their investigative team, Everyday Paranormal, came to Garfield Furniture to search for the presidential assassin, ac-cording to Alan Lagarde, one of the executive producers of “Ghost Lab,” which will air this fall. Their investigation started Thursday and continues today.

“We are conducting a paranormal investigation,” Lagarde said. “This episode is related to the possible ghost of John Wilkes Booth.”

According to local legend, a man claiming to be Booth died in the Grand Avenue Hotel, which now houses Garfield Furniture.

David E. George, a house painter from Texas who frequently quoted at length from Shakespeare’s plays in Enid bars, ingested strychnine, a powerful poison, on Jan. 13, 1903, in one of the hotel’s up-stairs rooms and died writhing in agony.

Before he breathed his last, he told a physician who had been summoned to the hotel he really was Booth, the assassin who killed President Abraham Lincoln 38 years earlier. The owner of Pen-niman’s Funeral Parlor kept the unclaimed remains and would tie the embalmed and fully dressed body to a rocking chair and display it in the storefront window with a newspaper laying across its lap.

For a number of years the body was displayed at amusement parks and carnival sideshows in many states, before finally disappearing.

The Klinges brought their “ghost lab,” a 24-foot car hauler capable of providing 200,000 watts of electricity to Enid. It contains audio, video and photo analysis stations; flat screen televisions; an interactive touch screen smart board; surveillance video cameras capable of shooting 300 feet away in total darkness with 180 degree peripheral view; temperature/ humidity/dew point data loggers; various digital cameras, including thermal imaging cameras and audio recorders; and more than 8,000 feet of video cable.

This on-site, high-tech lab enables investigators to analyze data on the premises in real-time, helping them to more narrowly focus their investigations on known paranormal hot spots.

“They are a pretty high-tech group. We bring an investigative science lab with us on the road. They can talk to the people in the lab when they are inside. They can get their footage back to lab immediately,” Lagarde said. “They have thermal imaging and electrostatic equipment. They have monitoring systems that monitor the entire time they are here. It will monitor things like moisture, temperature and movement.”

Besides the technology, the group will try to have items to help the ghost feel more comfortable.

“They will be in there and they reach out to the possible spirits in there,” Lagarde said. “They will have specific things that might be familiar to the ghost, or they might speak to them as if they are in the era of the ghost.”

The Klinges also may try to simply speak to the ghost, but, according to Lagarde, people may not be able to hear if the ghost responds.

“When a ghost tries to respond it may come back in a frequency you can’t hear with your ear; it may be in a frequency that only a recorder can get,” he said. “A normal person may not hear it right away, but when the background noise is taken out pretty amazing things can happen.”

Lagarde said the owners of Garfield Furniture and others in the community have been friendly and helpful.

“The people at Garfield Furniture, they were very friendly and hospitable and this came together very quickly, in the last few weeks,” he said. “When we got the information and we found out, we wanted to do it. We were in Dallas and we figured that was the closest we are going to be to Enid. People have been really friendly and receptive, from booking hotels and setting up food, and the owners of the store have been fantastic.”

Some of the locations the Klinge brothers will investigate on “Ghost Lab” are: Tombstone, Ariz., home to some of the most violent deaths in history and a hotbed of paranormal activity; Shreveport (La.) Auditorium, where Elvis got his start and may not have left the building; and Granbury Opera House where, according to legend, Booth changed his name to John St. Helen and performed Shakespeare after assassinating Lincoln.

The new 13-part “Ghost Lab” will premiere 9 p.m. Oct. 6 on Discovery Channel.

That episode played a few nights ago and they got a noise that they kept claiming was saying, "I am John Wilkes Boothe". But, it sounded more like a wavering sound. Hell, I've heard a guitar player make his electric guitar "talk" plainer than that.

These 2 brothers come across like a couple of beatnik bikers playing around. They seem to put more effort into "proving" a ghost than in really looking for anything else that could explain the situation. And their high-tech trailer is truly overkill.

I'll watch them if there's nothing else on TV, but TAPS is still the real deal as far as I'm concerned.

Texas Jay said:
Alec, the helicopter that buzzed us was white with blue block letters saying "PATROL" painted on both sides of the belly. The pilot was about 60 years old with short gray hair. I have never said that the modern "watchers" of the possible depository sites were KGC-appointed Sentinels. I strongly believe they are a combination of well-funded treasure hunters and high-ranking Masons who know just enough to be potentially dangerous but not enough to retrieve the depository treasures themselves so they rely on the work of those of us who are actually doing the field work to lead them to the precise locations so they can steal it. I'd sure like to hear more of the reasons you were working with Pastore. "Two months" seems like a long time to search for something you don't believe exists.
~Texas Jay

What exactly is a high ranking Mason?

Notice I said "According to Ganis", I don't believe the KGC existed after the war. I'm just curious to see what Ganis' evidence is about that being a KGC sign. If it is a sign it doesn't match any of the known KGC signs.

There are people in this forum that believe there are masons higher than the 3rd degree master mason, they don't realize a Scottish Rite 33rd degree mason or a York Rite Templar is not higher.

:icon_thumleft: Shortshack... AGREE! W. C., the 3rd degree Master Mason IS the highest; without it, you can't be RAM, KT, SR, 33rd, or SHRINE. ;D :coffee2: :read2:

Exactly my point, but some on here think there is a higher "rank" . And the "higher ranking" Masons are trying to start a NWO for the Antichrist or whatever by stealing vast sums of "lost treasures" that someone else spent years and thousands of dollars researching to finance the takeover. Yet couldn't find there own ass with both hands. So what are they saying about us "lower ranking" Masons? The Master Masons, or 3rd degree. That we are soldiers in the Antichrist's army, but are of such low intelligence that we couldn't find our ass with both hands, two mirrors and a helper? Every damn conspiracy theory that comes down the pike, from hiding the holy grail and the ark of the covenant, to the french revolution to JFK,s assassination to 911 to the recession we are in now and everything in between has the Masons involved at the heart of it. I for one am sick of hearing it. From now on, before you start bashing us or trying to somehow tie us into your little conspiracy theory, how about checking into being brought from darkness into light? You just might learn someting about yourself and maybe a little about some of those mysterious symbols that seems so important to the treasures that you seek. I am a Mason and proud to be a member of the craft.


Or is that just your conspiracy theorist thought process trying to read soomething into my post that just isnt there?

Hmmmmm........Looks like a conspiracy to me


Wow, this is entertaining...... I haven't read a debate this hot since the Beekrock threads. :read2:

Again with the conspiracy theorist thought process, side stepping the question as usual. I will ask again, s-l-o-w-l-y so you can follow,'t....believe.....there.....was....a.....KGC.....treasure.....or....any.....other.....for....that....matter...?

And to answer your question, neither.First relax, close your eyes take a deep breath, or two and get the conspiracy theory thought process out of your head then click on the profile link to the left. If that doesn't clear it up for you, you didn't clear your mind first. Go back to step one and start over.


Most of my heroes have been masons. Such as Washington, Franklin, Revere, Lafayette, Audie Murphy, Sam Houston, Davey Crockett, William Travis, Gen. Macarthur, John Wayne, etc....

I am researching the masonic connection with the KGC. I took a list of known KGC from the Texas castles to the Grand Lodge of Texas to see how many were masons. The results were that most were not, although 2 KGC members became Grandmasters of Texas. General George Bickley in a prison letter from the doctor treating his wife is alluded to as a brother mason but I have searched Texas, Ohio, Virginia and Florida for his masonic record and no one has him in their returns or indexes.

Last year I signed a application for a young boy to get treatment for no charge at the Scottish Rite Childrens Hospital, thats why I became a mason many years ago. To help people when they need it.

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