THE IRON BOX: Now its mentioned, now its not

Crypto...if you didn't hadn't "already been told" what C2 said and you set out to decode it just as the author described, guess what, it won't work! Why do you think the author did this? Do you think it was a publishing error on his part? Or, do you think it was on purpose, as in, "Hey, wait a minute, the author is clearly kidding, this won't work like he said it would?" :laughing7:

Was just setting in. Now it appears to have taken up permanent residence.

Ware the golde bug!

How much more proof do you need? The story contains some obvious inaccuracies and impossibilities, the remaining ciphers can't contain a grammatically correct clear text, C2 only works after making some corrections, the author cleverly avoided claiming that his story was true, there is ZERO provenance to anything regarding the grand adventure, etc., etc., etc. 132 years and thousands upon thousands of researchers later and still absolutely nothing.....not one shred, anywhere. Why do you think that is?

What you're doing is manufacturing conditions and circumstances that can be forced to fit into the narration, there is nothing in the narration that can be directly attached to actual events, etc. You're leading the narration instead of the narration leading you. You will never arrive at a grammatically correct solution to C1 without some major alterations of your own choosing. Why do you think this is?

It can't be real said everyone who could not break the ciphers
. I see now why you guy's say its not real. Some of the people I know did not go down that road. Like he said, he did not know it was impossible to do it until he had already done it. The ciphers are real that is for sure. A bunch of guys on a message forum or anyone ells can't tell me any different.

Of course the ciphers are real. We know they were printed but-------------Have you seen and verified the decipherment as REAL.

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It can't be real said everyone who could not break the ciphers
. I see now why you guy's say its not real. Some of the people I know did not go down that road. Like he said, he did not know it was impossible to do it until he had already done it...
...and WHO done it, AND how do you know that they did?
All the proxies keep making this claim without providing anything to back up this statement.
All just wasted back patting words lacking real substance keeping hopes alive.

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It can't be real said everyone who could not break the ciphers
. I see now why you guy's say its not real. Some of the people I know did not go down that road. Like he said, he did not know it was impossible to do it until he had already done it. The ciphers are real that is for sure. A bunch of guys on a message forum or anyone ells can't tell me any different.

Crypto.....consider this.....the author "supposedly" presented the real codes, the real letters, all supposedly word for word, code for code, but he didn't have a copy of the DOI that worked, the one he used, to share with his readers? :laughing7:

Also, Beale's quest was so darn important that he even enlisted a third party, Morris, to make absolutely certain that the treasure was in safe hands in case something happened, Morriss then able to "easily" see the affair to it's finish. And yet, Beale gives Morriss two ciphers that have absolutely ZERO chance of ever being decoded with intelligible clear text. :laughing7:

How many ways can you say, "Hoodwinked?"

There is a difference between just "saying" something never existed and not even having a shred to establish that it ever did. There is also a HUGE difference between following real facts and clues that actually exist and manufacturing fantasy facts and clues and characters in an attempt to prove that something existed. :icon_thumleft:

There is a thread where you can post actual points of provenance in support of this mystery in these forums, there's a good reason why nobody has accepted that challenge, because there is none. :icon_thumleft:

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Of course the ciphers are real. We know they were printed but-------------Have you seen and verified the decipherment as REAL.

Being "printed" doesn't mean "they are the real deal." :laughing7: If this was the case then every work of fiction ever printed, and every detail in them, would be real. Those ciphers are only real to the people who are gullible enough to believe in such fantastical events and then place their blind faith in them. This is what the author was aiming for, a true student of human nature. :thumbsup:

Crypto.....consider this.....the author "supposedly" presented the real codes, the real letters, all supposedly word for word, code for code, but he didn't have a copy of the DOI that worked, the one he used, to share with his readers? :laughing7:

Also, Beale's quest was so darn important that he even enlisted a third party, Morris, to make absolutely certain that the treasure was in safe hands in case something happened, Morriss then able to "easily" see the affair to it's finish. And yet, Beale gives Morriss two ciphers that have absolutely ZERO chance of eve being decoded with intelligible clear text. :laughing7:

How many ways can you say, "Hoodwinked?"

There is a difference between just "saying" something never existed and not even having a shred to establish that it ever did. There is also a HUGE difference between following real facts and clues that actually exist and manufacturing fantasy facts and clues and characters in an attempt to prove that something existed. :icon_thumleft:

There is a thread where you can post actual points of provenance in support of this mystery in these forums, there's a good reason why nobody has accepted that challenge, because there is none. :icon_thumleft:

Hey..... I accepted your challenge.....
Oh wait ,you mean pointS. Plural.

Hey..... I accepted your challenge.....
Oh wait ,you mean pointS. Plural.

So the story is true because Virginia existed? :laughing7: But you make a good point.....that's one detail that is true. :laughing7:

This thread started with the Iron Box, it was mentioned in some accounts and not in others, this is not a proof of validity or not, some felt the box was important and others did not. Its like listening to a car guy give you all the details of his car and all you wanted you know is the one detail he doesn't give you, the "color"

That's not my job to defend any book that documents the historical event. And no one here has the authority and stature to say the Beale papers never existed as true historical events...
Then why do you continue to post claims that the Beale Papers document a true historical event?
Do you possess some secret arcane knowledge that has remain hidden from the world for 130+ years revealed only to you?

This thread started with the Iron Box, it was mentioned in some accounts and not in others, this is not a proof of validity or not, some felt the box was important and others did not. Its like listening to a car guy give you all the details of his car and all you wanted you know is the one detail he doesn't give you, the "color"

That's because there's absolutely no evidence whatsoever that there ever was a box.

It can't be real said everyone who could not break the ciphers
. I see now why you guy's say its not real. Some of the people I know did not go down that road. Like he said, he did not know it was impossible to do it until he had already done it. The ciphers are real that is for sure. A bunch of guys on a message forum or anyone ells can't tell me any different.
WHO told you that the Ciphers were real...?

Some of the people I know did not go down that road.

Exactly! Instead of establishing any factual provenance they've carved and created their own roads, just as many-many others have done before them in order to keep the blind hope and infatuation alive. This shouldn't be mistaken for faith as even faith has to have some measure of provenance, here we still none. :icon_thumleft:

... If we look back for a moment we see the author with box. Mr. Ward receives the manuscript. A box and items left by Beale remain with the unknown author...
The only mention of the iron box and ciphers is in the first person hearsay description by the "unknown author" character in the Beale Papers, just another reticulated literary device to capture the unwary reader into believing the treasure story is true, and amazingly, it still draws in believers to this day who accept this tale without any doubt, even though there is a complete lack of collaborating evidence outside of the Beale Papers.

... Some of the people I know did not go down that road...
We are aware of that.
They took the obvious detour down the rabbit hole to the yellow brick road made a left turn at the lost highway that took them back to the rabbit hole in a never ending Mobius trip.

There-by getting ADVANCED Cognitive Dissonance & PTSD...

They should have employed Old Southern Bubba Power Intuition...

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