The Iceberg story- updated 2/23/07

Re: Weekend hunt at the Iceberg with Mirage and Nate-57 silver,17 Buffalos!!

Danimal said:
Without going into great detail again, it's simple really.
The ACE250, when in pinpoint, is not only working in non-motion, it's TRULY working in all-metal with NO discrimination and achieves greater depth of detection. Basically, I often hunt in pinpoint and once I center the coil on a target I HEAR, I release pinpoint and let the machine try and ID the target.
Sometimes the ACE, in pinpoint, will find a target that when pinpoint in released gets NO ring...nada

Someone somewhere talked recently about modding the ACE with a manual threshhold and GB THAT'S something I am interested in!!

Another thing...when MANY targets are in a small area, running in pinpoint (even with the small coil) allows you to distinguish between individual targets easier.

mountainplayer said:

I was looking for the thread and noticed that Danimal beat me to the reply. Told you he's always willing to help.

At any rate, here's the thread:,52736.0.html

Thanks a heap the both of you for all your help :)
I have noticed that I often pick up a signal in Pinpoint mode that wasn't there before say in Coin Mode and when I release Pinpoint, Coin Mode picks it up....

thanks again

Re: Weekend hunt at the Iceberg with Mirage and Nate-57 silver,17 Buffalos!!

48 hours and counting ;D

Re: Weekend hunt at the Iceberg with Mirage and Nate-57 silver,17 Buffalos!!

This should be a fun Saturday hunt here, but I expect several things already:

for one, I am excited because my 12 yr old son Spencer will be with us, and he has only found one silver coin so far (in his Grandpa's f.yard) and he's looking forward to possibly his first merc, first buff, etc...
Only problem is, his BH Fast Tracker does NOT get along well with my machine, and we have to be about 20-30 feet apart or else my machine goes insane. Maybe I'll spend the first few hours working with him helping him out. That may reduce my finds, but I think it's worth it. he and I will work on our game plan tonight over dinner.

Re: Weekend hunt at the Iceberg with Mirage and Nate-57 silver,17 Buffalos!!

:)15 hours and counting!! :)

Weekly Hunt#4 to the Iceberg-Totals so far-100+silver,20+Buffalos-2 Halfs-Morgan

I am starting a new thread because the old one was too large and took too long for some folks to load. I am SO excited and I may not even go back tomorrow, as my lower back is KILLING me and my right elbow's wasted (is there such a thing as detector elbow?)Anyways, Spencer and I went back to the Iceberg today and were joined shortly thereafter by Bob (Mirage) and Nate. I knew it might be a good day because Spencer and I both dug a Merc within the first few minutes we were hunting. Like a typical 12 yr old though, as my finds started accumulating and he didn't have coins jumping into his pouch, Spencer lost interest and spent the next 4 hrs or so just rummaging around the woods while the three of us hunted feverishly. Eventually, as Bob and Nate prepared to leave (with maybe 2 hrs of daylight remaining), Spencer started again in a new area and began finding silver and his excitement grew accordingly. He ended with 5 silver, including his first Merc (he had three) his first silver quarter and his first silver War Nickle. He also dug a nice religious medal, several cool marbles (they are scattered around the woods here) and an old lipstick case.
I ended the day with 18 silver, which included 8 Mercs, 6 Rosies, two quarters and another silver War Nickle. Today I got one Buffalo Nickle, a 1934 in VF condition.
Between us we dug 32 wheats, including many early dates (1-1910, 1-1912, 1-1915)
I also dug a trade token from the Ivanhoe Restaurant/Theater in Chicago. I saw them online listed as vintage, but am unsure of it's age.
I also dug a cool silver buttonf rom some British Military group with Latin around a picture of a guy on a horse spearing a dragon.
As we were leaving, right at dark, I was passing a spot on a hill where a HUGE old aoak had fallen. I turned my ACE back on and scanned the depression near where the roots were and a LOUD signal rang out. I didn't even LOOK at the ID (it was almost dark anyways) and put the backpack down and fiched out my Lesche and didn't even bother digging a plug, just stuck it about 3-4" back from the pinpoint center and levered back and a BIG dark disk popped right out.
1879 Morgan Dollar, my first silver dollar!!
I can't find my camera, so these pics are with my Dad's, which I am unfamiliar with (sorry)

Hopefully Bob and Nate will post their finds soon...they both did great, and Bob found more big silver!

Oh..and BTW, I have heard it from Bob, Nate and others that I REALLY shouldn't be polishing my silver...and I KNOW that better coins as far as dates, etc, should be left as-is...and I am NOT going to polish the Morgan, so tonight all today's silver were left unpolished.

HH all!


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Re: Return to the Iceberg on Saturday-Pinch Me I am dreaming!!

Quote from Mirage on old thread:

"Most excellent recovery dude! That is awesome. Makes my big silver look like chump change.

You know I went over by that area but didn't check that tree because you had previously mentioned that you checked it. I should have known better. It's really hard cause there are other "virgin" spots at this place and you hate to check over where someone else has been.

It really is neat to see this kinda stuff pop up. Makes you think of the possibilities.... Man, I want that V-Nickel.


PS - Major thread lag. Looks like you gotta start a new thread or edit/delete some pics."

Bob...The first time I checked that tree, I don't know why but I actually checkked IN the depression (as if someone dropped coins during pre-historic times when that sucker sprouted)..LOL
This time my intention was to check above the tree area towards the top edge of the hill...never made it that far.
Also, your big silver is NOT chump change. I'd say between the two halves, they outweigh the Morgan ;D

Re: Return to the Iceberg on Saturday-Pinch Me I am dreaming!!

Danimal Awesome spot ... LoL .. the obvious eh? Those are some great digs. And that Morgan WoW that is sure a dream to see coming out of the ground. I don't know if that was a research spot or stumbled upon. However it went down, it sure was one sweet discovery.

Congratulations on that great pile of digs. Once you are finished, since I am sure there is probably more there, please give us an update post with final numbers from that wonderful spot.

Thank you,


Re: Return to the Iceberg on Saturday-Pinch Me I am dreaming!!

That Morgan is truly an awesome find! Earlier that day we were laughing (or should I say I was) about the thought of finding a Morgan at that spot. It doesn't seem so impossible now that I really think about it. Yes, the higher denomination silver that we're recovering is just great. Can't stop thinking about this site now! lol I'll post my pics soon.

Re: Return to the Iceberg on Saturday-Pinch Me I am dreaming!!

Well you know how it goes...I loaded up on Ibuprofen Sat. night and fueled the tank with a few beers and looked forward to a good night's sleep with visions of silver coins dancing in my head.
Woke up at 10, and went and saw Spencer sawing wood and twitching all over, in the middle of deep sleep. I then thought of the relaxing day ahead...maybe a nice long hike with the dog and Spencer, followed by more beer and the Browns game.
Suddenly, Spencer pops up outta bed at 11 and says 'let's go get em!"
I said "you gotta be kidding me!" and, seeing he wasn't, started prepping gear and packing lunch. Since it's a good drive and since I had to have him home to his Mom in Cleveland at 6pm, I knew it would be a short hunt at the Iceberg. We arrived at 12:30 and hunted till 4:15.
Spencer was so thrilled with his finds he took them to show his Mom, so I won't be able to post pics until Tuesday when I see him next ("shared parenting" sux). He asked me to list what he found today though. We both worked a slightly different area, but really, most all these finds at the Iceberg have been found within maybe an acre of each other. My guess is now that there must have been a concession stand or something here judging by the sheer number of coins and also plenty of rusty nails. No foundation is evident thus far.
I found this afternoon:
*1908 V Nickle!!...only my second V, but in MUCH better shape than the one I found 5 months ago. The soil here is VERY nice to nickles.
*2-Buffalos, one undated and one 1917D in F condition...kinda a good date, worth perhaps $35.00
*3-War nickles, 2-1943Ps, one 1943S
*1939 silver Canadian dime (my first)
*1957 Rosie
*1940 Jefferson Nickle in great shape
*7 wheats
*neat play quarter with horse heads logo
Spencer's finds:
*2-Mercs, a 37 and 40
*2- Buffalos, 1917 and 1920
*2-War Nickles, both 1943P
*8 wheats

this place is like no other I have seen or read about, outside of stories in old W&E magazines I bought on Ebay!!

We'll keep working her until she quits coughing up coins!
HH all!


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Back from the Berg - 10 more silver

Saturday was a great day for hunting and the finds were good as well. Scored my second Walking Liberty Half. ;D
Also found some decent mercs, a couple silver rosies, 22 wheat pennies, lots of marbles(Dan says I am always loosing them) and two buffalo nickels. I was a little disappointed with the Buffalo Nickels as both were without dates. :P Couldn't get back Sunday as family duties bekoned.




HH all. Good luck.


Re: Return to the Iceberg on Saturday and Sunday-Iceberg tops 100 silver!!

First off - Smokin finds!! ;D ;D But.....don't let Nate sway you to not polishing your finds.... Silver Rosies and most Mercs look better cleaned(even polished) and really do not loose any of their value. I thought your Buffalos turned out great with the Blue Majic.

So when are you going to teach me how to find V-nickels? :D I'm telling you I need a different detector or maybe a better spot. I did find 6 jefferson nickels Saturday. One was a 1939, four were forties and one a 1960. Guess I'm just off about 25 years. ::)

Re: Back from the Berg - 10 more silver

First of all I'd like to say that since meeting you here on TN I have greatly enjoyed yours and Nate's company and help!
I would also like to say that the quality of your find photos has inspired me to do a better job on my pictures.
Something says that you have enjoyed my pictures as well (the wheat-arch lol)

Great digs, and sorry you couldn't make it today to the 'Berg, but there seems to be plenty more there waiting. Let's discuss next weekend's attack. I have ALL kinds of whacky ideas!!
And at least you FOUND your marbles after losing them.

My finds from the Iceberg on Sat. - 10 silver

Hey guys, we had a great day at the "iceberg" on Saturday. My finds for the day (10 silver) include 5 mercs, 2 silver rosies, 2 silver silver quarters, and a war and a buffalo nickel. Also eyeballed 5 marbles, and got 14 wheats. Only got 5 coins that weren't silver or wheats. Oh, and I'm almost positive I found a steel 1943 cent. The thing looked just like a rusty washer when I found it but after I washed it, you can make out a rim along the outside of it. It's just a tad bigger than a penny but that makes sense with all the rusty buildup on it. Anyway, can't wait for the next time to have the Iceberg again! HH!


The proposed steel cent is on the left.



Re: My finds from the Iceberg on Sat. - 10 silver

Hi Nate

Wow, you guys really killed em at the Iceberg,
keep going there and getting all those great finds, congrats!!


Re: My finds from the Iceberg on Sat. - 10 silver

Love that Buffalo Nickel. ;D ;D I sprinted ahead early in the day but you caught me at the end. I do think it is(was) a steel penny. Lots of 40's stuff so wouldn't be surprised.

Yeah, hard to wait for the next hunt....Dan's Morgan dollar really got me pumped!


Re: Return to the Iceberg on Saturday and Sunday-Iceberg tops 100 silver!!

Dude, that is sweet knowing that a V nickel has now surfaced. Good to see you both had a solid hunt. You know, it's like I really can't take in and comprehend all the excitement at once, until I'm at home, wishing I was hunting again, because it's like I'm in a trance, or a dream, when at the Iceberg.
Dude- on cleaning the silver, I was actually tempted to just touch up a few of my mercs with some polish or something. I hardly EVER clean silver unless it looks disgusting, but you know, as long as it's light and all, I guess it can't hurt. I just wouldn't do it to every one. So yeah whatever seems best.

Re: Return to the Iceberg on Saturday and Sunday-Iceberg tops 100 silver!!

Here's a few better pics, including one of Spencer yesterday, and closeups of the V Nickle.

I will someday tell you the secrets of finding gold rings and V nickles Bob ;D


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Re: My finds from the Iceberg on Sat. - 10 silver

GOD yeah. I couldn't wait to get back out there either if it was me. You guys have really done very well there. And I see that you got some nice marbles as well. Think someone was trading marbles for silver up there and both of them just forgot to take either home LOL.

Congratulations great haul,


Re: My finds from the Iceberg on Sat. - 10 silver

WoW Nate!!! :o What a day!

Awesome on the finds!!!!

Congrats! Nana :)

Re: Back from the Berg - 10 more silver

those marbles are nice, mostly ravenswood novelty and looks like a couple allies. those are usually classed as west virginia swirls. they are from the same dates as the coins 30-40s. theyre not too rare but at a show id put em in dollar each bin and would probably sell em..on ebay that lot you showed could easly open for $10.

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