Hola amigos,
Don Jose, el Tropical Tramp
Ok, Ok, the husky is in, but that, that, (?) beard has to go sheesh !
The area around Tayopa is quiet, it is not on the main route of the narcos feeding the gringos
drug dependency. As a matter of fact it is at the actual 'end' of a 55 kilometer( 35 mile), 5 #
bag of hard candy road, which can be covered in only 5 -6 hours in good weather. See Headquarter's
building attach. and southern view from Tayopa.
The initial program may cover the main deposit, leaving the actual opening of Tayopa for later
for many reasons.
I may start on my Escondida / Magia mines for financing the Tayopa expedition by combining
them with a friend of mine's nearby mine and mill site. La Sabina. He has 300,000 meters of
2-9 gram tailings as well as his gold mine.
Both are on a state maintained all weather paved road down on the flat lands with hi power lines
at site and only 50 meters away at La Escondida.
Labor is 5 miles away. 30 miles to a RR shipping center, 50 miles to a large modern city, Obregon.
Initial work could be on the tailings. the Escondida ore runs $ 1,000 - 4,000 a ton.
Intersted Oro? (make him go to work Beth) But bring the neck scarfs.
Don Jose de La Mancha
p.s. Jales are dump rock.
I am very glad to hear that labor is at least 5 miles away, though it would be comforting if work were MUCH farther away from me, five miles is as close as I care to get to any kind of LABOR!

I might get a blister! Ouch!

Interested, well gee I don't know, with the ore running a
mere $1000 to $4000 per ton, a guy might not make a million dollars an hour without breaking a sweat!
Not to get off-topic on this, but I would like to know what the Escondida ore is like; is it siliceous (quartz), it is decomposed at all (which would make for easier work in breaking it out, as well as breaking it down for processing) what are the gangue minerals for starters? What about the type of excavation you believe will work best, as in, do you think sinking a shaft would be better or perhaps driving a drift into it, or "step" excavation to later enlarge into a 'pit' type of mine etc? You don't have to be too specific if you don't care to make this info public, and should you change your mind about how to proceed at any point along the way, you can be sure that I will be quick to say "I told you that would not work" and get in a huff.

<Just kidding of course, I know that it is wise to change plans if it turns out that the original plan is not working out well>
How did you discover Escondida in the first place? Were you following up clues or a waybill, map etc or were you scouting for something quite different and the discovery was rather accidental? Did you notice a 'gossan' or bloom of discoloration on the surface rock, or happen to find interesting float that led you to it, or perhaps were tracing back colors you panned somewhere downstream/downhill of the mine?
How is that for pestering you with a bunch of silly questions amigo?

I hope you will continue to expand on your history and the full story of Tayopa, Escondida and the other famous lost mines la Gloria Pan, Lluvia de Oro, Cienega etc. I look forward to your replies, and thank you in advance.
***PS I can't make any promises about shaving closer; since going on fish-oil capsules the old whiskers have become incredibly tough. Beth got me an old-fashioned straight razor which seems to be the only thing that will cut them, and I am a-skeered of sharp edgy things so don't like to step any closer to the razor than is absolutely necessary. Besides, it helps filter out any kamikaze-type insect life that took a swan dive in one's cup of java, so has some advantages.

It also helps to conceal the features of my face, which have proven to be so overly-attractive to members of the opposite sex that they have frequently revealed their becoming instantly love-struck by loud peals of laughter and pointing. We all know that is very much the same thing as Elvis had to suffer with, so it helps keep such ardent passions from inflaming by simply allowing the facial hair to conceal as much face as possible.
Sheesh - next you will be telling me to "get a haircut, and get a REAL job" as the song goes!