The GREAT TREASURE NET "SMOKE-OUT" (November 1, 2007)


Dang you anyhow......

52 years old, been smoking since I was 15. Watched both my parents walk around connected to oxygen in there final years.

Someone asked me once if seeing my folks like that wasn't enough to make me stop...well, they been dead since 94 & I guess not.

Had lung reduction and bullectomy done to left lung in 99...ya think I'd quit after the doctor told me.."When I come back and have my other lung done"?

Recently married a woman that despises cigarettes, wont kiss me within 2 hours of puffing a "coffin nail". Now she wont even sit next to me cause I stink of smoke.

Was gonna quit on my birthday...that came and went.
Was figuring on quitting new years......

But now that I'm back in this hobby after being out of it so many years, and huffing and puffing along trails and thinking about heart attacks and such....

It's like this is a sign for me. I dont want to stop either....I think all that tar is the only thing holding my lung together...the thought scares me to death.

I quit a couple times in the's like my body didnt know how to react to fresh air.
Went to support groups when I was diagnosed with advanced COPD, tried the accupuncture, patches, zyban...hypnotherapy....I'm just a hard-core, stubborn jack-ass.

I gotta do this...I'm dying..literally with every smoke I take.
Works bad enough with all the toxic dusts. your really gonna have to hold my hand......

Count me in for "gonna give it one hell of a try"

Thanks...a good morning eye opener.


deepskyal - You're in.

I've stopped before, I've successfully quit using the patch, and a bunch of times just going "cold turkey"... maybe in the next week you can settle on the best meathod for yourself and make it work...

I always started again - because I wanted to :( Even after getting all the chemicals outta my system. The struggle is in the first few days or weeks (for me anyway) because of HABIT. After that I had to avoid the situations that made me want one, in social gatherings, sitting at the ::) computer... beer... coffee...

Man - it ain't easy...

Do it for you're new bride... sounds like she would appreciate it. ;)


deepskyal and the rest of folks, you CAN do this. My wife smoked for 25 years and quit cold turkey. Not prescription, no patch, no gum, just quit and never looked back. She also told me she couldn't believe how much better she felt after quitting. She became more active and had more energy than ever. Good Luck to all of you, we are pulling for you!


A little joke.

I used to smoke about 20 packs of cigarettes a day.....

Wheezing loudly......

But since I lost one of my lungs....

Wheezing.......respirator noise in the background.....cough

I cut my smoking in half....



Okay, I downloaded the counter...and its counting down to the quit date....6 days..12 hours...19 minutes...

That's freaky...and its just gonna stare at me on the tool bar of the computer, counting down its dirty little numbers... >:(...gonna do it tho...



I gotta jump back in here 'cause this is serious stuff. Of course, when I smoked, I ignored all the scary stuff and pretended they didn't know what they were talking about. You could always come up with "Look at Uncle Charlie, he smoked all his life and lived to be 90." Some people get away with it but many more don't. Many may smoke and live but can't get out and do anything. My doctor told me that Chantix was fairly new but was having about a 75% success rate. If 75% of the folks that have signed up here actually quit, it's time to sell the tobaco stocks. Best to ALL!!


I was expecting maybe a FEW more folks would join in... But WOW!

Thanks for all the support everyone! I think the hardest part is making the commitment - and the second hardest part is the first week. (I am experienced at stopping... not quiting)

You're body will reject your commitment to stop... so I think...

It's really mind over matter...


Re: The GREAT TREASURE NET "SMOKE-OUT" (November 1, 2007)

Just remember-


You gotta really, really want to quit to be successful at it. You gotta have strong willpower and Jim's right about mind over matter. Your brain is gonna keep telling you to light one up, you just have to ignore it do something else or keep busy or something. I used hard candies every time I was craving a smoke. I'm down to a bag a week now. :) This may be the hardest thing you've ever had to do in your life, for some of you. In the long run, it may be the best thing you've ever done too. Good luck to you all once again, i'm pulling for ya.

Re: The GREAT TREASURE NET "SMOKE-OUT" (November 1, 2007)

Good luck to all of you...
and remember... when you wake up Nov've already been smoke free for 6 - 8 hours.. maybe more.. :)

Re: The GREAT TREASURE NET "SMOKE-OUT" (November 1, 2007)

OK,I can't join you guys until probably at the end of the first wk of Nov,but then,only on one condition.And that is;Everyone who is successful at quitting and for all those giving the utmost support on this thread,we will meet at a central location in one year for one helluva party and hunt.All members involved honestly in this thread,list your lcation so a central area can be determined in time for everyone to make their required plans.No Jim,I'm not hijacking your thread,it's all in your hands for the followup and if you want to delete this idea,no problem here.Have fun keeping track.


Re: The GREAT TREASURE NET "SMOKE-OUT" (November 1, 2007)

warsawdaddy said:
OK,I can't join you guys until probably at the end of the first wk of Nov,but then,only on one condition.And that is;Everyone who is successful at quitting and for all those giving the utmost support on this thread,we will meet at a central location in one year for one helluva party and hunt.All members involved honestly in this thread,list your lcation so a central area can be determined in time for everyone to make their required plans.No Jim,I'm not hijacking your thread,it's all in your hands for the followup and if you want to delete this idea,no problem here.Have fun keeping track.


Remember that :) And if more then a few of make it we can certainly entertain the idea! There must be incentives! LOL

Peachy and I were talking about doing something also... so who knows?

Re: The GREAT TREASURE NET "SMOKE-OUT" (November 1, 2007)

This is much needed for long with this anchor dragging me down...I've known I needed to for a long while now. Dig deep everyone.

HH -JD in WV

Re: The GREAT TREASURE NET "SMOKE-OUT" (November 1, 2007)

The Dr. wrote me a presciption for Chantix months ago. I never filled it. I'm REALLY want to do this cold turkey.
Another reason to quit (besides health issues).....
Have any of you had trouble keeping the cigs lit????
Seems I put one down for 2 seconds, and I have to re-light. AND...they've been tasting lousy.........
Look on your pack by the UPC bar code....Do you see FSC ????
fire safe cigarette!!!!!!!!!!!
they're suppose to go out now ::) ::) ::)
And I think that's what's making them taste kinda icky...

Re: The GREAT TREASURE NET "SMOKE-OUT" (November 1, 2007)

Mine doesn't say FSC but they do say Made in Korea. :o So much for the American tobacco companies.

Re: The GREAT TREASURE NET "SMOKE-OUT" (November 1, 2007)

Yes, the new FSC butts are annoying. It actually stands for Fire Safety Compliant. Oh crud, now I've gotta' re-light my smoke. Dang Red Sox won again, so I know I have to be prepared to quit soon.

Re: The GREAT TREASURE NET "SMOKE-OUT" (November 1, 2007)

Stoney...........made in Korea???? but an American name? You buying online? I used to. Marlboro lights are American made. Does your pack NOT have FSC on it????

Re: The GREAT TREASURE NET "SMOKE-OUT" (November 1, 2007)

Ashleen said: Marlboro lights are American made. Does your pack NOT have FSC on it????

No FSC... and they taste yummy... LMAO... ::)

Re: The GREAT TREASURE NET "SMOKE-OUT" (November 1, 2007)

I was going to cut and paste the list of ingredients here, but it was too long. Here's the link if you need a little motivation.

Remember, every time you feel the need to light up you MUST keep your hands and mind busy and distracted.

(keeping a spouse, girlfriend/boyfriend, neighbor lady, milkman, postal delivery person, handy can help overcome the cravings)


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