I met John Clarence, several years ago on a THing trip to NM. Jack, as I knew him was living or staying at Doc Noss' grand daughters home and had a room there that was his research, computer area. I must say that Jack was one of the best researchers I have ever seen. His organization of the documents, photos, interviews, research rare documents was second to none. I have a research library with a partner, Hunter V. Pritchard, my mentor and best friend. The EOE and Treasure Research Library is a dream research resource of THers around the world and I provide research for them, movies and more. It is one of the largest and most complete in the world and has taken us 50 years to put together and many thousands of dollars.
I went to dinner with Jack, some friends and Noss' granddaughter. The dinner was fun but as you know the talk was THing. After dinner I saw Jacks' research. The book was well underway and he wanted me to look at the documents and tell him what I thought of his researched. Jack was very prod of all his research and had ever reason to be so. After an hour I was dumb founded to the total in-dept research he had. He had names, dates, places, documents and stuff I knew was true. Hunter and I had taped interviews of many players in this story years ago when they were alive and what Jack had was something that was so reviling that I told Jack I was in fear for his life. Before retirement from the law enforcement field I was working in the Federal court system with the US Marshal's Service. I have seen a lot of court cases in the Federal System and treasure troves are rare to see. I told Jack that I wouldn't put it past the elite that he was going to name could do bad things to him. I could over stress that bad thing might happen to this research. I suggested that if he had the documents scanned to put those in a place for recovery if something happened to him. I hope he did that.
I got a Gold House release notice a while back and I will download the first book and for sure get the hard copy for the library. Jack said he would sign and get me one but he must be very busy. I have been THing for over 50 years and I will tell anyone that this treasure was real, probably removed by persons in Washington in power, remember power corrupts and the powerful are corrupt, and the Noss family got screwed by our loving government (those in power) and the Noss family has lost their inheritance. I look forward to this trilogy and I hope to see you folks this late spring in the T or C area. Remember, loss lips sick THers.