"The Gold House Trilogy" Victorio Peak Book# 1

Re: "The Gold House Trilogy" Victorio Peak Book# 1

The Authors name is "NOT" John Clarence
when he called me, he introduced himself : This is Jack Staley,,, Clarence as you know me on Treasurenet.com

Like Toto, with a serene smile on my jaws, i always felt it best to pull the curtain and allow the Munchkins a peek at the REAL Wizard of Oz.

I am a Man that has grown tired of spoof operations and the cloak and dagger bullsh_t
of this sick ass country.

Having nothing to hide myself
i feel when some one hides
they need a little truth to dose their fears with.

I expose evrything i can,,, because it " KEEPS IT REAL HOMEY" as is said in the Ghetto.

Re: "The Gold House Trilogy" Victorio Peak Book# 1

gollum said:
Sorry folks, been gone for a bit.

I PROMISE to get the review up before this weekend. I am kind of PO'd because my getting away means no LDM Rendezvous this year.

Review coming, sure. The book ever coming out, double sure.

Re: "The Gold House Trilogy" Victorio Peak Book# 1

Going to this site where the books are located and seeing the videos and pics gets one very excited.
I can understand how they felt when it was first discovered and then later the govt. stealing their claim.

Re: "The Gold House Trilogy" Victorio Peak Book# 1

Ronder said:
gollum said:
Sorry folks, been gone for a bit.

I PROMISE to get the review up before this weekend. I am kind of PO'd because my getting away means no LDM Rendezvous this year.

Review coming, sure. The book ever coming out, double sure.


If you pay attention, you will see that I gave a review of the book in the first post of this thread. Maybe your entire life is on the internet, but I went toe to toe with Viral Pneumonia for a couple of weeks, plus I have a real job and life that takes up a lot of my time. Most of the in-depth review is written, but I just haven't finished it yet. When I am done, I will post it on my website and provide a link here.


Re: "The Gold House Trilogy" Victorio Peak Book# 1

gollum said:
Ronder said:
gollum said:
Sorry folks, been gone for a bit.

I PROMISE to get the review up before this weekend. I am kind of PO'd because my getting away means no LDM Rendezvous this year.

Review coming, sure. The book ever coming out, double sure.

Yup, you got me there, I definitely live on the internet, as evidenced by the number of posts I make. Anyway I wasn't alluding to the "brief review" it was the "in depth review" I have been waiting for. Seriously, I was just having a bit of fun at your expense and if I've offended you, I am truly sorry. I would like to read the books though.

If you pay attention, you will see that I gave a review of the book in the first post of this thread. Maybe your entire life is on the internet, but I went toe to toe with Viral Pneumonia for a couple of weeks, plus I have a real job and life that takes up a lot of my time. Most of the in-depth review is written, but I just haven't finished it yet. When I am done, I will post it on my website and provide a link here.


Re: "The Gold House Trilogy" Victorio Peak Book# 1


You don't have to post to live on the internet. There are a lot of lurkers out there that never post a word, but spend inordinate amounts of time trolling forums and such.

No offense taken. Just that I didn't know you, and your first about me was snide to say the least. I have a pretty thick skin for people I know where they are coming from. :-* :-* :-* :-* No worries.

If there is any delay in the book release, it is well founded. Look at what has already happened: the ebook download is turned on. ONE DAMM ebook is downloaded, and it appears the douchebag that downloaded it put it on a bit torrent (file swapping) site. Think that made the author sit up and take a closer look at everything? HAHAHA


Re: "The Gold House Trilogy" Victorio Peak Book# 1

Book one is available for $14.95 to download

Re: "The Gold House Trilogy" Victorio Peak Book# 1

Mike, I think whoever said only one copy was sold was pulling the wool over your eyes. I got a copy. I've also got respect and wouldn't post that craps online.

Also re: Forest Lawn.....Mickey Mantle, Walt Disney, and Michael Jackson are buried there. I'm just a stones throw away from there behind the Cosco/best buy.

Roger, sorry the govt did yiu dirty. It seems like you knew more then them and you didn't have a greed factor like they did. For many of us, you're the first real thing associated with this treasure and I think that's why you get bugged a lot. 99.999997% of us will never get off the couch to go find a place for ourself.

It's undoubtedly a painful subject based on how much you and your family has suffered because of the governments greed. All I can say is that it sucks and I'm sorry you've went through it. You seem very smart and self motivated.

Re: "The Gold House Trilogy" Victorio Peak Book# 1

No wories about the past jackrook

that's what happen "THEN"

Not the "NOW"

Straight up, as i always tend to be.

i will tell folks that if they seek Treasure and get it on any BASE near , around, or dead center of Whitesands/Ft. Bliss / Holloman AFB

anywhere, even up near Hart Canyon ( yes , artifacts have come out of there too)

You have evidenced buried treasure.

VP, is still very sensitive, JFK was shot down over it, along with other factors.

Not all the Goons that are nervous about any evidence are dead as yet.

One Man who did receive a portion of that Gold ( he bought it ) Just dropped dead a few days ago.

Saudi Prince, Son or Grandson of one of the Saudi's who bought a ton or two of the Gold from VP.

There is no doubt, as i said before
I am the last surviving person to have found treasure in that area ( with exception perhaps of one person who was on the dig in 1971 out in front of Filmore canyon where a shootout took place during the recovery)
i think that Kid, now in his 60's may still be alive and has not ever talked.

There is a Female Col. who headed up thye team that Kidnapped and tortured me in 1999,,

she is the exact same Wench that headed up the teams of torture squads at Quantomino.

Her name is Sheila , last name i have to look up again.

as i8 was posting on ALT, about myown kidnap and torture

debunkers ( Gov. agents were giving a hard time)

within the week, the films of torture were released to the Media of the prisoners at Al Garibe and Qunto,,

suddenly my thread had NO de-bunkers in it after that

Whyte Eagle ( Sean Davies Provo Utah ,,, want his address? ) the moderator of ALT,,
snatched all my threads off the forum.

later, a supposed hack,,, DOS attack,, wiped out a bunch of threads and almost all of mine,

I am not a conspiracy Theorist

i am more of an Exposer of Conspiracy.

My demeanor is intimadating to hoaxers, that and the truth i slam them with

I lived through the MK Ultra Trauma Based Mind Control/brainwashing
recovered , lived on,,, and went right on the net exposing every technology they had and use.

Everybody who ever saw Treasure in there in Situ
is Now DEAD, with the exception of me.

I grew up by the Gun in Redondo Beach Calif.
Have used them to preserve LIFE

I fail to fear
Therefore i percivere and LIVE.

i owe nothing to anyone

and the truth, is not something people can handle and they really do fear it extremely.

Re: "The Gold House Trilogy" Victorio Peak Book# 1

jackrook said:
Mike, I think whoever said only one copy was sold was pulling the wool over your eyes. I got a copy. I've also got respect and wouldn't post that craps online.

Also re: Forest Lawn.....Mickey Mantle, Walt Disney, and Michael Jackson are buried there. I'm just a stones throw away from there behind the Cosco/best buy.

Roger, sorry the govt did yiu dirty. It seems like you knew more then them and you didn't have a greed factor like they did. For many of us, you're the first real thing associated with this treasure and I think that's why you get bugged a lot. 99.999997% of us will never get off the couch to go find a place for ourself.

It's undoubtedly a painful subject based on how much you and your family has suffered because of the governments greed. All I can say is that it sucks and I'm sorry you've went through it. You seem very smart and self motivated.


Need to pay a little closer attention. When the ebook first went online, it accidentally sold for fifty cents. Only one was downloaded and it immediately wound up on bit torrent sites. If you read back some posts, you will see what I am talking about. The downloads were stopped and only recently brought back.


Re: "The Gold House Trilogy" Victorio Peak Book# 1


The ebook has been available for about a month. The release date for the hardcover has come and gone at least twice - with no copies available.

Perhaps the author(s) want the higher margin available on downloads. I don't know. I don't understand why the ebook would be offered but not the printed version. And I don't know why the author(s) would announce it (twice) and not make it available.

Perhaps some better communication on that side of the deal would ease things along?

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo

Re: "The Gold House Trilogy" Victorio Peak Book# 1

Old Bookaroo said:

The ebook has been available for about a month. The release date for the hardcover has come and gone at least twice - with no copies available.

Perhaps the author(s) want the higher margin available on downloads. I don't know. I don't understand why the ebook would be offered but not the printed version. And I don't know why the author(s) would announce it (twice) and not make it available.

Perhaps some better communication on that side of the deal would ease things along?

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo

Perhaps 11th hour editing? Ebooks can be changed instantaneously; hard copy is a different animal.

Re: "The Gold House Trilogy" Victorio Peak Book# 1

finally im done reading this damn book!!!!

so i finally finished reading book one. there was alot of new info in this book but for my interest, most of the new information was either minor or not directly related to the TREASURE but rather other aspects of the Noss family personal life. the amount of detail is too much. it almost makes it boring. the book literally focus' on Doc and Ovas day to day activities. not that its a bad book but hopefully book 2 will be more focused on treasure aspects. none the less, book 1 contained much info: Narvaez Waybill, WWII gold, Henderson Ranch, Seraphin Sedillo, Violet Yancey, and many other characters(that someone can read about WITHOUT buying the book but just by doing a little sleuthing on their own).

Re: "The Gold House Trilogy" Victorio Peak Book# 1

Release Dates for Hardcover
To Be Announced

Well, Jack, I was hoping for more than family gossip with these new books. It makes one wonder if the pre-publication reviews that were to be used to help hawk the books (such as the one Gollum promised a few months ago) came in more tepid than the writer/family had hoped for. Let's give these guys the benefit of the doubt and chalk the delays up to 'printing issues', although it seems as if a statement would be forthcoming to inform potential readers.

Re: "The Gold House Trilogy" Victorio Peak Book# 1

Springfield said:
Release Dates for Hardcover
To Be Announced

Well, Jack, I was hoping for more than family gossip with these new books. It makes one wonder if the pre-publication reviews that were to be used to help hawk the books (such as the one Gollum promised a few months ago) came in more tepid than the writer/family had hoped for. Let's give these guys the benefit of the doubt and chalk the delays up to 'printing issues', although it seems as if a statement would be forthcoming to inform potential readers.


its not family gossip. its all factual. but its just too in depth about stuff that doesnt need depth. i wanted to read more about the treasure, discovery, cave in, and actual geography and less of doc working with charlie ryan, doc going back and forth between Hatch and ToC. i mean, the info will be new to most people, so its not all that bad. maybe theyre just getting all the technicalities out before books 2 and 3 really start some bomb dropping!!!

Re: "The Gold House Trilogy" Victorio Peak Book# 1

jackrook said:
its not family gossip. its all factual. but its just too in depth about stuff that doesnt need depth. i wanted to read more about the treasure, discovery, cave in, and actual geography and less of doc working with charlie ryan, doc going back and forth between Hatch and ToC. i mean, the info will be new to most people, so its not all that bad. maybe theyre just getting all the technicalities out before books 2 and 3 really start some bomb dropping!!!

If you're trying to drum up excitement for this thing, it's not working for me. The 'bomb dropping' is sounding more like Black Cat firecrackers so far.

Re: "The Gold House Trilogy" Victorio Peak Book# 1

Springfield said:
jackrook said:
its not family gossip. its all factual. but its just too in depth about stuff that doesnt need depth. i wanted to read more about the treasure, discovery, cave in, and actual geography and less of doc working with charlie ryan, doc going back and forth between Hatch
and ToC. i mean, the info will be new to most people, so its not all that bad. maybe theyre just getting all the technicalities out before books 2 and 3 really start some bomb dropping!!!

If you're trying to drum up excitement for this thing, it's not working for me. The 'bomb dropping' is sounding more like Black Cat firecrackers so far.

It's not all lackluster. There is great information about the Caballos, the Herberer Louis case, Buster Ward and good Ol Willie D, and the Ryan murder trial. It's worth the price of the ebook that's for sure....just don't expect to be done reading it and be a scholar of VP. I'm looking forward to book 2 to hopefully answer some questions I have from book one.

Re: "The Gold House Trilogy" Victorio Peak Book# 1


I have found a few sites with this symbol ) that show no digging at all and all of the other monuments say there is some thing there. Some say it stands for a pick and to dig here, but I'm thinking it means some thing else like Dig down, cave, or dig around the back side, do you have an idea of what it means? This symbol is definitely chisled and carved into the rock some of them are very large one is on the side of a cliff.


Re: "The Gold House Trilogy" Victorio Peak Book# 1


I posted years ago what the symbol transmits or conveys

it does indeed direct a person to DIG

I have as well read other folks define on it, and no, they have it dead wrong.

On your site, most commonly will be "1" particular map rock or Symbol ledger
and it will give locale of various sites not only withing sight of it's situ, but as well areas beyond what you can veiw from the "KEY STONE OR LEDGER"

You may have that Symbol on a rock, and on the same rock another scratch or carving or painted
the Icon is the Landmark
and THAT, will have to be found first, it may be out a ways away, across the other side of the Mountain even.

The La Rue Map Rock on the WEST side of The Organ Mountains, was mostly sketches of the Sadows the Cracks and Crevices made when viewing the Ridge while your back was against the Map Rock.

As La Rue stated, these were BEST seen during the Sol of the Sun ( Meaning Solstice of the Sun, both Winter and Summer Solstice)

J. Frank Dobie in his Book " Coranado's Children" refered to such symbols as " SHADOW SYMBOLS"

Keep that present in your thoughts whenever you are at any site of interest

Focus on the shadows around you, it may suprise you what you see when you try that.

As you are aware, there is never any one single person, whom is correct all the time on any subject,,
and never are all sites laid out and marked in a constant common or Venue.

What i share here, is what i worked on and with in the La Rue Case,
However, La Rue was in search of, and found sites laid down way before his existance.

So, i had to as well seek further back in time for the other indicators i had found in the area.

Confused yet?
Well, heh heh, it gets worse as you delve further, and at the end of any endeavor of this type,
the payoff is equal to your Patience.
minetres said:

I have found a few sites with this symbol ) that show no digging at all and all of the other monuments say there is some thing there. Some say it stands for a pick and to dig here, but I'm thinking it means some thing else like Dig down, cave, or dig around the back side, do you have an idea of what it means? This symbol is definitely chisled and carved into the rock some of them are very large one is on the side of a cliff.


Re: "The Gold House Trilogy" Victorio Peak Book# 1


Thanks for the info, it is very helpful, I have observed the shadow symbols and found some great cache areas that have been emptied out because of these shadows. I never thought about comparing the maps with the shadows and I will be considering that from now on.


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