The frequency of frequencies

Good luck catching one of those particles. Best just to wave as it passes by....
It's possible a photon frequency is faster than a Uranium frequency?, but faster to where from where? It says they use them, just not specific ones..
My Xmas tree lights, when on, draw dowsable connection to a master key signal. It's either Uranium frequencies, Photon frequencies, or both.. The Uranium frequency is at the point of photon generation! Above that would be the photon frequencies.. the light itself..
It dowses like the particles that create dowsable connection between same atoms, Solid, symbolic, or Photons, is everywhere in unformed frequencies, the number exists, but not till needed.. All fields are always existing and interacting..

It's possible a photon frequency is faster than a Uranium frequency?, but faster to where from where? It says they use them, just not specific ones..
My Xmas tree lights, when on, draw dowsable connection to a master key signal. It's either Uranium frequencies, Photon frequencies, or both.. The Uranium frequency is at the point of photon generation! Above that would be the photon frequencies.. the light itself..
It dowses like the particles that create dowsable connection between same atoms, Solid, symbolic, or Photons, is everywhere in unformed frequencies, the number exists, but not till needed.. All fields are always existing and interacting..
Now that I found one, what do I do with it? I need confirmation but I am 100% sure, that I dowsed a single photon frequency number. I channeled the light out of the Styrofoam. I used white and black light in the test. I had 4 signal generators, set on a master key, set to the side. I dialed in a number that dowsed to any lights in my house, but not to Uranium.. I switched all generators to the photon frequency.. Enhanced it a little, but positive proof, no Uranium interference.. It is 400.1 Khz. Photon!


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Now that I found one, what do I do with it? I need confirmation but I am 100% sure, that I dowsed a single photon frequency number. I channeled the light out of the Styrofoam. I used white and black light in the test. I had 4 signal generators, set on a master key, set to the side. I dialed in a number that dowsed to any lights in my house, but not to Uranium.. I switched all generators to the photon frequency.. Enhanced it a little, but positive proof, no Uranium interference.. It is 400.1 Khz. Photon!
I will be dowsing a full 100 numbers, 400.1 to 400.2, to see if there is others near, but later tonite. That was dowsed in daylight. Plus the white light dowses a stronger connection, than the black light!

Ai says it's xtreamly low for a photon frequency. There could be some a bit lower..


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I found this interesting.. Daytime dowsing, white light nothing, black light to 10 ft with cone perimeter. Black light covered in tin foil, dowses to 2 ft out..


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I found this interesting.. Daytime dowsing, white light nothing, black light to 10 ft with cone perimeter. Black light covered in tin foil, dowses to 2 ft out..
That was done without any electronics.. Just rods and a light. Black light is a strong dowse close up! Check your dowsing skills with a black light..

That was done without any electronics.. Just rods and a light. Black light is a strong dowse close up! Check your dowsing skills with a black light..
Hangers don't work as well as in the past. All the microwaves have the dowsing signal weakened. It's best with 2 rods that swivel, because you need a good inch of handle to hold in each hand. Conductivity thru the hands to the rods is important.. The more points of contact the better, and dowse without your elbows against your sides.

I dowsed in the 6 million numbers for another photon frequency number. I found one at 6.31002 Mhz specific to light connections.. no Uranium connection. The Sun direction dowsed hiding in thick clouds also. I found that flashing or strobe white light doesn't dowse, but beam does.
Photon frequencies are showing up everywhere, Medium Hz and higher Hz, I still need to dowse for a lower one. Frequencies are specific, even after whole numbers, thru the decimals..

I dowsed in the 6 million numbers for another photon frequency number. I found one at 6.31002 Mhz specific to light connections.. no Uranium connection. The Sun direction dowsed hiding in thick clouds also. I found that flashing or strobe white light doesn't dowse, but beam does.
Photon frequencies are showing up everywhere, Medium Hz and higher Hz, I still need to dowse for a lower one. Frequencies are specific, even after whole numbers, thru the decimals..
It makes no sence to me, I just dowse the line and record a number, that resonates an object or signal.
If the photon frequencies are everywhere throughout. What resonates, more in Sun light, than dark.?? Separate frequencies for light, among the dark.. If a fireball shoots by, everything is lit up by photon frequencies right? That means in the dark are Photons about to be lit/resonated by Master frequencies from Sun or elsewhere, Not all Schumann frequencies, from lightning..

This doesn't make full sense either.. It's only Sun that photons come from? Dark photons must exist, to be resonated to light at dark, by flashlight, fire, ect.. They must change from dark to light..


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Just like microwave frequencies escape microwaves, a Black light penetrates thru Aluminum foil, I dowse it.. I disagree with their conclusion!


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I've been dowsing my new Mhz photon frequency, and have no idea what else I would be dowsing, but Photons!
I've been dowsing the Sun as it moves across a gray snowy sky.
There is always something interesting pops up, when dowsing something new.. I have a second connection line, to my photon frequency. The Sun is one, but there is something in my crawl space, signaling.
It's a weak master key frequency! I didn't realize it was there. I won't be getting under there till spring. My access is blocked..


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Both these frequencies, 400100 hz, 6.31002 mhz, are dowsing a connection to the Sun, as it crosses to my South.., and Black light.. Must be Photon! Anyone else try it?
Dowsing the Sun would be lrl.

Just like microwave frequencies escape microwaves, a Black light penetrates thru Aluminum foil, I dowse it.. I disagree with their conclusion!
It says that a Black light is a wave. But a wave can't pass thru tinfoil. I dowsed a signal thru the foil, so it must be a particle.. Must be the wave-particle duality!


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I Dowsed the single and double slit experiment using black light. I'm trying to see how the resonated frequency fields are spread. The black light dowsed at its width perimeters, either slit.
Without the slit, the black light maintains a dowsable cone shape perimiter, diffusing and spreading wider and thinner. Thru the slits, the same happens, in smaller scale I guess..
I don't know what I was trying to learn. Only that, are the Photons moving away from the light, thru the slit, or is a quantum resonating connection happening between the Photons? Is any resonating field moving or just vibrating? No particles or waves moved thru the slit, or from the light. They quantum connected thru.. Nothing is moving, only connected then vibrating maybee!


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So, if I understand correctly, you are dowsing solar radiation?

So, if I understand correctly, you are dowsing solar radiation?
I believe I'm dowsing Photons. But the speed of light is involved. When a light is turned on, there is no speed. There is instant photon connection between our realm and the quantum side, where time doesn't exist. The field is instant, and sized, and directioned from the frequency, that resonates the connection..
I'm not sure how Photons are resonated..

I believe I'm dowsing Photons. But the speed of light is involved. When a light is turned on, there is no speed. There is instant photon connection between our realm and the quantum side, where time doesn't exist. The field is instant, and sized, and directioned from the frequency, that resonates the connection..
I'm not sure how Photons are resonated..
It says we feel the photon frequencies in our eyes, we don't see light? That's all the dowsing I want to do with supposed Photons anyhow. It was interesting while I dowsed them. But no magic powers for me there..


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I dowsed another 100 frequencies, from 3300 to 3399 hz. These are the things that resonate to the number. I have 34 signals so far..
A lot of Iron , and plastic. I did find a Lead, and Calcium, and water frequency I needed. I'm still searching for Oxygen and Silicon. It takes about a half hr to dowse 100 frequencies.
3300 Nickle
3313 Plastic
3314 Plastic
3317 Taenite
3318 Plastic
3319 Spinel
3323 Silver
3324 Spinel
3325 Olivene
3326 Uranium
3327 Uranium
3329 Iron
3330 Plastic
3332 Lead
3334 Olivene
3337 Iron
3338 Iron
3341 Plastic
3342 Plastic
3343 Iron
3346 Iron
3348 Plastic
3349 Iron
3352 Iron
3353 Iron
3358 Olivene
3359 Plastic
3360 Olivene
3365 Iron
3369 Iron
3370 Nickle
3371 Iron
3372 Olivene
3374 Taenite
3376 Iron
3377 Iron
3378 Nickle
3379 Iron
3380 Iron
3381 Iron
3383 Spinel
3384 Spinel
3387 Calcium
3390 Calcium
3391 Calcium
3392 Water
3393 Water
3396 Spinel
3397 Silver
3398 Plastic


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