The frequency of frequencies

Today i was dowsing the 5 main lines reaching all my signals, in my living room..
What I previously thought were Meteorite on a couple, was wrong.. only one line is Meteorite. This is what the Meteorite connection line Dowsed in it, and what wasn't in it!
In the Meteorite line is
Tin, Carbon, Gold, Silver, Palladium, Iridium, Chromium, Nickle, Yttrbium, Ytterbium, Cobalt, Iron, Magnesium, Taenite, Copper, Manganese..
Not in the Meteorite line
Platinum, Aluminum, Telleride, Uranium, Zinc, Lead, Garnet. Sulfer, Spinel, olivene..
I'm not sure if it would be an Iron, or Stony. No Aluminum, nor Platinum was a surprise.. It has very little Copper and Manganese, compared to the other signals.

This is what is hidden under the warning. Taenite is glued to the lid. It's the size of a small squished bug.
It is an amazing strong Meteorite signal, without using electronics.. It's a stronger signal, than a pile of pure nickel..
I thought it was funny to hide it...
My little Taenite Meteorite signal is not specific to Meteorite. It has other Elements in it, like Gold, ect, ect..
But my Taenite frequency number seems to be specific. Which is great!! Any connection line to the Taenite frequency, is either a Meteorite or a Master key frequency. Once you establish a Taenite line, dowse it for Uranium or Lead. If they are present, it's a master key, don't chase. If not present in the line, it's a meteorite..

I have a dosimeter for radiation. I have an old lantern that has the thorium-laced mantels. When I put the dosimeter up to the glas I get very little clicking but when I opened the top and put the dosimeter in there a ways the red light lit it was hot. So at least for thorium the radiation is significantly reduced by the glass. So maybe use a different container or out in the open when you place a sample near the uranium.
Okay, Yes the Uranium placed near the Silver sample does enhance it.. Shuts both down if placed on top.
The tin foil enhances both individually, but not together, without electronics.
But when I run the Hz 1 for Uranium, both elements are shut down on the foil.


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Okay, Yes the Uranium placed near the Silver sample does enhance it.. Shuts both down if placed on top.
The tin foil enhances both individually, but not together, without electronics.
But when I run the Hz 1 for Uranium, both elements are shut down on the foil.
Efnmr frequency for uranium here is 40.96 Hz if you are in Michigan it will be similar number.

I'm lacking a lot of signal Elements, mainly more Meteorite ones. It says that Meteorites can contain these, that I don't have.. Silicon, Calcium, Potassium. Chlorine, Tungsten, Titanium..
I'll order those for my Christmas present to myself..

Here is a list of what is in Meteorites, and what's not!


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I'm lacking a lot of signal Elements, mainly more Meteorite ones. It says that Meteorites can contain these, that I don't have.. Silicon, Calcium, Potassium. Chlorine, Tungsten, Titanium..
I'll order those for my Christmas present to myself..

The metallic elements you reference have higher concentrations in iron meteorites than in stony ones but are still negligible. Tungsten concentrations won’t exceed 5ppm and titanium concentrations won’t exceed ~500ppm. Chlorine concentrations vary according to typology but will be less than 300ppm in chondrites, less than 200ppm in irons, and less than 50ppm in achondrites.

It would be truly remarkable if dowsing can pick these up as signal elements in meteorites and your beliefs about meteorite composition continue to be at odds with well-established analytical results. [Edit: as evidenced by the reference table you have found].

I know next to nothing about dowsing! But the elements above I am familiar with, I love that XRF analyzer, I've always wanted one for checking meteorites for nickel content.

I know next to nothing about dowsing! But the elements above I am familiar with, I love that XRF analyzer, I've always wanted one for checking meteorites for nickel content.
So far I'm able to Dowse signals below a gram. But I can't get anything from my pure Oxygen..
I would like to have all the Elements, and dowse meteorite differences.. I Dowse trace elements, but can't dowse percentages..

These elements were in one connection line, I originally thought was a Meteorite..
But I was wrong, it's all earth ore related..
Magnesium, Nickel, Iron, Silver, Gold, Carbon, Copper, Iridium.. Not a Meteorite, but 8 Elements in it..
Another line has..
Gold, Palladium, Cobalt, Iron.. That's it! No meteorite signals.. More earth rock!!

I have these 2 Meteorite peices to Dowse.
One Iron, and one Chondrite. Pretty small but I should be able to Dowse what's in them..


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This was interesting! I set 5 Generators on the same frequency for Uranium, and yes there was a bunch of connections. It got interesting when I shut them down. My Uranium was still the main connection lines. I had about 5. I shifted my Uranium signal to dowse where they were coming from. My Uranium was signaling my wall sockets. Wherever there was a plug plugged into one.. Even with a pedestal light or fan, not turned on. I unplug them and the Uranium connections are gone, Crazy!


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You need a quantum sensor to indicate a quantum frequency.. Dowsing rods!


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We are made up of a mixture of specific atoms, that resonate when subjected to certain frequencies. Atoms are numbers, called frequencies. Atoms are like different colored jellybeans, color specific to its numbers. If we lose too many jellybeans, or gain incorrect jellybeans we get ill.. Everything is a Jelly bean!!

Right now I have 8 million frequency numbers, i can dowse. For $60, I would have 6 billion frequency numbers.. Not even close to Thz trillion frequency numbers there is.. I wonder where the Oxygen frequencies are?
I believe I figured out how to dowse photon frequencies, without a Uranium connection.. Uranium dowses on all bulb connections I'll separate Photon from Uranium using Styrofoam I think.. The problem is, where would a frequency like those be resonated? In Ghz, or Thz? I bet I could dowse it, but never dial a frequency for Photon, though possible.. To many numbers to dowse thru..

Right now I have 8 million frequency numbers, i can dowse.
If you want to test them, you better clear your calendar. At one test a minute, 24/7/365, you’ll need about fifteen years.

If you want to test them, you better clear your calendar. At one test a minute, 24/7/365, you’ll need about fifteen years.
Snow days don't help either.. It's taking 3 signal generators, to get any dowsing done.. Must be the Snow affecting signal strength..

I'm lacking a lot of signal Elements, mainly more Meteorite ones. It says that Meteorites can contain these, that I don't have.. Silicon, Calcium, Potassium. Chlorine, Tungsten, Titanium..

From the pics you've posted I know you have quite a number of sample metals and minerals, but what do you do with the ones you're not testing for when you are testing others for a specific element or frequency?

Is it possible they could interfere with or affect your test results?

From the pics you've posted I know you have quite a number of sample metals and minerals, but what do you do with the ones you're not testing for when you are testing others for a specific element or frequency?

Is it possible they could interfere with or affect your test results?
The signal line is pencil thin, if I'm not sure I pull the element aside away from others..
Here I am set up to dowse a supposed meteorite West of me.. Dopler radar microwaves makes dowsing field weaker, when it's snowing.


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This says a specific single photon frequency, would be ideal, but impossible to find... Same as other element frequencies, there is multiple Photon frequencies. If I knew where to look in all those numbers in my generators range, I believe I could dowse some of those photons!


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