The first lessons of the treasure signs

Hi researcher
This is the bowls signs and they are the different meaning .
There are various forms of the bowls:
Coasters - Coin - Tray - Assembly - Baldness - cup
The meaning of the that forms are different.
In some cases it can indicate the following:
Grave - Water - misdirection - Astronomy - Treasure Gold - religious faith - personal use
These interpretations vary according to the location and shape of the bowl
We will explain step by step soon


These are not drill holes?

What do you mean the four directions of the Lion?

That photo you will not see some I have are not meant for the public at large.

Besides, Just like you I have given many photo's of my work and I'm sure you have photo's that you can't post as well Sadegh.

Please just answer what the water symbol has to do with the Lion laying down next too it?

I have many photo's of Bowls though which represent Skulls in Freemasonry.


Solid thinking here, I enjoyed the whole thread. Keep it coming Sing. I don hunt this way, but you have showed me a few things.

This is a simple stone.

Just one hole only.

How would I measure or decode this Bowl?


View attachment 1081132

Yes Bob
Tell we that where ( that area ) is soil or rock??
I need a zoom view of that bowl.Is there a medicinal plant in the area?
What is the diameter and depth of the bowl?

In deep, we can tell that rock is a Sedimentary rocks and not a hand carving

You people want to know the truth?

1) don't give ANY information to these people claiming to be experts

2) don't take my generousity for granted, you won't be able to figure it out on your own

3) lose the tired old're not fooling anyone.

when I get an apology I will continue to enlighten you all, until then, well you can just keep on guessing.,108,801,1117&edge=0

Journal of the Royal Institution of Cornwall - Royal Institution of Cornwall - Google Books,50,908,1323&edge=0

Journal of the Royal Institution of Cornwall - Royal Institution of Cornwall - Google Books

why the old books? tell me where else you're going to find this stuff at.

F.Y.I. anyone that got hung up on the ONE WORD that was "misspelled" in the last post, you are paying too much attention to the words......but not what I'm saying :laughing7:,562,342,876&edge=0

The Ruling Races of Prehistoric Times in India, Southwestern Asia, and ... - James Francis Katherinus Hewitt - Google Books,1013,816,418&edge=0

Primitive Traditional History: The Primitive History and Chronology of India ... - James Francis Katherinus Hewitt - Google Books,841,866,723&edge=0

History and Chronology of the Myth-making Age - James Francis Katherinus Hewitt - Google Books,223,835,1128&edge=0

Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society - Google Books,36,882,1474&edge=0,36,882,1474&edge=0,48,896,1311&edge=0

The Ruling Races of Prehistoric Times in India, Southwestern Asia, and ... - James Francis Katherinus Hewitt - Google Books

the spider and the eight rayed star < good luck figuring that one out, when you get tired of looking... ask....I may or may not help you out with it.

one more for people that have been paying attention:,1047,863,407&edge=0

Proceedings of the Royal Philosophical Society of Glasgow - Royal Philosophical Society of Glasgow - Google Books

confused? let me clear it up for you.


Sheba (sabean)

language of the birds

still confused?

maybe you need to work on your reading comprehension.

Spanish? Not a chance in hell. and keep this in mind, one coin doesn't mean a damn thing except you have an ebay account:
1 Bid 5 Good Coin Pirate COB Spanish Colonial 8 Dollar OFFER | eBay

As an eBay Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.
oh,google me 1 more time 30000 googles just isnt enuf!!!!!

No problem there.......your wish is my command.

try not to think too much it's clearly not one of your strong points.

Now pay attention.

see this guy's hat:

Tolstov S.P. - Ancient Horezm - TurkicWorld

Yabgu - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

some of the burrows stuff is fake.......some of it isn't

Mounds Anomaly | Phyllis Gunderson, author


Mémoires de la Société Royale Du Canada - Google Books,82,855,747&edge=0

Journal - Royal Institution of Cornwall - Google Books

books are books, on google, or at a library. The only difference is you won't find anything at the library.

also I would prefer it if you would keep your inflammatory, unproductive and basically useless comments to yourself. :)

another "Googler"

crespi collection:
La collection du Père Crespi (+VidZZ) - OPEN YOUR EYES

echo canyon Utah:
you don't realize how clueless you are.webp

notice the thing around the neck.

I'm just curious what would compel someone to knock a fantastic search tool like google? in literally milliseconds I began to solve a mystery for you.

keep trying to act like I should kiss everyone's butt, and I'll just keep making fools of you.

So, 8 sided star...Phoenicians? And the Phoenicians were basically early Iranians from the Fertile Crescent of Mesopotamia. At Oak Island they buried the Ark of the hide it from the people of Israel? Seems like a long way to go to hide something. I'm sure they knew of very deep spots of the ocean, why not just drop it in there?

Henry I think they wanted access too it later.

Some of that stuff about Dwarf's and Trolls is rehashed from my earlier threads.

Bottom line here is it's all Templar and Freemason's no matter what type of individual did it.

Sadegh, Do you have English translated versions of your Books yet?

I would like to purchase all of them please how much American?


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Hi my friends.
Surry for my late massage and absent
MR Bob collins I should translate my books to english.
For financial transactions between 2 country i should ask of the bank.
for the Sent I cant problem I can Send my book by the e-mail.

so sign researcher, if the readers of this forum go back to page two of this thread they will see a picture similar to one i am about to post . same place would be my guess. the question is why do i have a copy of it other than the one you put up ? is it in iran or is this just a scam? thank you in advance.///bob

hang on the forum is giving me trouble loading the picture

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