Now we keep on the lessons dear researchers
Ok we say that the war happened and the Trophy hidden by the commander and part of it use for guard expenses.
In every society there is the rich and poor people .Our ancients believed that dead people gets revived and for this reason Put aside / Bread , food and pots beside the dead .It may be you arrive to a aside & pots while the digging and we know that was grade because despite the bone.
To identify the woman or man of dead we could see the bones quality .Women have wider pelvic bones.
If a sword or dagger /armor and combat gear was found in grave we know that was man but if gold bangles rings earrings and feminine items were found we know that was woman or female. If that metals or items made of gold or silver we knew that the dead people were the rich people and if the metal and items made of bronze or iron we know that they were poor people.
But we know the opinions of each culture and its interment is different and the culture & interment have a direct relationship for example in the historic culture a horse was buried with the dead or put a coin under the tongue of the dead because they were believed that the deads souls arrive to eternal rest etc.

Researchers in the old time peoples were classified into the following categories: 1. nobles and wealthy people 2. royal priests and priests 3. poor people 4. middle-class such as merchants, traders and ...
In the old times peoples live in the caves and then buy and sell their goods Venture & increased fertility ad then making the villages and then the little towns were built .
At that times peoples went from city to city or from area to another area and then bandits had emerged ,they rob the peoples property & they were threatened because merchants and traders and other people were forced to bury their own property.They put it under the stone, beside the river or water source, with beside the old trees, old road, hid in churches or temples, etc.They burial to be safe and then come back later at a convenient moment and it will take .
There is some reasons that they could not return Some died, some killed, some sick,some captive and for some reasons could not return.People who had to bury their possessions , put the sign for that possessions because when they come back they can find it.These signs were placed with logic and thinking and Often it was written prescription or map (a combination of text and image ) it can be written on the animals skin/stone /rocks/trees and etc.
To be continued